Thursday, March 13

Tips To Using Instagram For Business

Tips to Using Instagram For Business

The way business marketing their brand is slowly changing from billboard and TV ads to engaging reaching their audience through social media. However, there are lots of things that you should have in mind and consider when starting up your Instagram business page and that’s why, in this article, we´ll be giving you Tips To Using Instagram For Business.

However, there are lots of things that you should have in mind and consider when starting up your Instagram business page and that’s why, in this article, we´ll be giving you Tips To Using Instagram For Business.

1. Set up your business account

The number one step is creating your Instagram page. Instagram recently launched their new feature which allowed people to turn their page into a business account. Instagram´s launch of business profiles is a clear sign that it is getting more and more popular among businesses to use social media – so why shouldn’t you use it?

Tips To Using Instagram For Business







Simply begin by setting up your Instagram page to a business page. If you don’t know what it is and how you do it, no problem! Read about how to set up a business account on Instagram.

By setting up an Instagram business account, you get an extra button in your profile where your followers can email you directly from. Not only that, you also get access to Instagram insights which gives you information about the stats on your page. How to get Instagram Insights

2. Build an account that is appealing and tells people what your business is

Opened banana

To make your page attracting, you should fine-tune some things.. Firstly, you should make sure that you have a good and informative bio that gives people the information they need to see if your account is something to follow.

There are lots of things you can do to grow your page but hiring a social media consultant can be very effective. A social media consultant can help you with everything from setting up a plan of how you should work with your social media but also run your page to 100% or as much as you wish.

Email us at if you wish to know more about social media consulting.

3. Make sure you have a high engagement

A high engagement is very important on social media-especially Instagram. If you have a low engagement, it might depend on several reasons but often if you have a low engagement, people will be because you have purchased fake followers. A “like engagement” of at least 1% is considered to be an okay engagement so if you have 10K followers and 100 likes per photo, that´s okay but you should always strive to get your engagement up to a few percent.

Asking for customer feedback on images increases engagement as does all types of interaction with your audience. Ask questions to endorse people to engage with your page. Read also how to get more comment on Instagram 

4. Network with other pages

Networking might be the key to Instagram success for your business. Not only does it usually result in a better engagement on your page, but it also helps you gain more followers and grow faster. By networking, commenting and chatting with other people, you can also gain potential customers and loyal followers that comment nice things about your business every single day and the returning customers/fans are always the best ones.

5. Use hashtags

Hashtags are one of those things that you just have to use if you are an Instagram startup looking to grow your page. Read more about why your should use hashtags and how to grow your Instagram with hashtags. After you have read the articles to the left you will hopefully have learnt How to leverage Instagram for your business thanks to hashtags.

4. Arrange contests

Running contests and campaigns are effective ways to gain exposure on Instagram. Giveaways on social media are great because of many reasons. Everyone loves getting something for free, right?. The truth is that the main reason why many people follow a brand on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc is to obtain a discount or to join giveaways when they show up. This is where you come in. In this article, we´ll be teaching you how to set up a giveaway on social media and discuss what you earn from it.

The main perks of having giveaways for brands are:

  • Increase traffic
  • Create a better social engagement
  • Increase your followers
  • Get new potential customers

Before making a contest, there are some things you should be clear about:

What will you be giving away?

How long will the contest run?

What do you need to do to join the contest?

Read more about running a successful contest.

This was everything we had to teach you in the article Tips To Using Instagram For Business in this article. We hope you can adapt some of the things in this article on your own Instagram page to make it a success.

Thank you for reading Tips To Using Instagram For Business and visiting

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