Monday, March 31

The top 3 Misconceptions of Outsourcing Your IT Department

The top 3 misconceptions of outsourcing your IT department

What springs to mind when you think of outsourcing? The loss of jobs? A skeleton crew of office workers in a large, empty office space? Money issues? The truth is that more businesses are turning towards the benefits of outsourcing because it simply makes sense. You can save money, watch your business grow, and have more freedom to pursue other projects while your remote teams work hard in the background – click here to find out more about Probrand IT support. 

Sadly, misconceptions about outsourcing are rife, leaving many business owners wondering if outsourcing is more of a hindrance than a help to their company. So, with this in mind, I’ve gathered the top 3 misconceptions about outsourcing your IT department.

You’ll lose control of your IT department 

It’s simply not true. At the end of the day, it’s in your IT partner’s best interest to work closely with your requirements and provide you with the service that you need to succeed and progress. With constant progress updates, and all major changes or implementations signed off by you before they’re executed, there’s nothing to suggest that you have any less control of your IT department than you would if they remained inhouse.

Your IT partner won’t have any authority over your business and will only complete tasks that have been assigned to them.

You’re simply cutting corners to save a buck

All businesses need to keep costs low so they have the potential to earn more profits. However, when outsourcing your IT department, that doesn’t mean cutting corners or reducing the quality of the department. In fact, it’s arguable that you get more for your money than you would if your team remained inhouse. Outsourced IT companies offer:

  • Up the minute training
  • Experience
  • A dedicated team whose sole duty is to complete the tasks that keep your business running and growing!

In short, it’s not a cost-cutting exercise, it’s an investment.

Only big businesses can outsource

This may have been the case a few years ago. However as more small businesses look to gain a foothold in their competitive industries, and save money where possible, outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular. It’s incredibly difficult for a small/medium-sized business to provide the salary requirements of an IT manager with 10 years’ experience. Whereas outsourcing their IT needs means that they get the best of both worlds: a highly experienced team and a price that won’t hinder their progress as a business.

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