Being a project manager seems pretty straightforward – you just set deadlines and budgets, and people get everything done. However, in reality, there are so many other things that go into successful project management.
Setting expectations and milestones, embracing software tools and apps that will help you with communication, as well as risk assessment are just some of the requirements for success. If you want to ace your next big project, take a look at these seven awesome tips. They will ensure your project management skills are at the top of the game and help you lead the team without a hitch or major delays during the process.
Make Sure You Have All Project Details Down to a T Before Starting
First things first, if you really want to ace your project, you have to get to know every little detail about it. This will include all the big and small details you can think of, from interim milestones and delivery dates to budget and team details. In other words, make sure you have everything down to a T before starting on your project.
The more details you include in the initial write-up of the project, the better you and your client will interact through the process of production.
Embrace Software Tools and Mobile Apps for Communication
One of the crucial aspects of being a successful project manager is communicating with the rest of your team. To do so, you will more likely than not use modern-day technology. Of course, there are many organization apps you can use, and you’ll have to choose ones that fit your project best.
Better yet, consider employing a team for mobile app development in California to custom make you one to fit all of your needs. You can have a custom design app for iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, and other Apple devices. This can help you raise your team’s efficiency and make the whole project go so much smoother. Plus, it’ll also make it easier for you to keep in touch with your team.
Pick the Right Project Management Team
You will only be productive as your team members, so pick them carefully before starting the project. Make sure you employ people whose skills, knowledge, and experience will benefit the projects and ensure success.
Moreover, before forming your team, make sure you limit the number of members involved. Ideally, there will be between six and ten members in your team. Having more members than that can make it more difficult for managers to grasp the details, ideas, and work done. Therefore, if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your team, definitely limit its size.
Avoid Micromanaging

Once you form the team and you’re ready to dive into the project, do your best to avoid micromanaging. Not only can micromanaging make you lose track of the bigger picture, but you may also come across as overly-controlling and annoying.
That said, make sure that you are communicating with everybody. Have regular meetings with the team, but remember to allow them some breathing room. Ideally, your team members should be able to do their project tasks without feeling like you are watching their every move. It’s all about creating balance.
Always Set Expectations, Milestones, and Deadlines in Advance
Another tip for achieving project management success is setting expectations, milestones, and deadlines beforehand. Having milestones is important because it will allow you to track the progress of your project. Moreover, the team will also understand what is expected of them if you make it clear from the get-go. Not only that, but you will also be able to eliminate the ambiguity that can often slow down the project.
To set everything straight, organize a kickoff meeting and take the time to explain the project in detail. Create a workable roadmap and assign roles and responsibilities to get everyone involved. Once you do that, talk about deadlines and double-check if everyone understands their tasks, and you’ll be off to a great start.
Keep Your Team Motivated Throughout the Entire Project
One of the main characteristics of great management is leadership. If you want to ace the project, you’ll need high-quality leadership. A leader should be able not only to lead but to motivate subordinates as well. This can be a tricky thing to achieve since not everyone is motivated by the same thing. Instead of trying find a one-size-fits-all approach (hint: it doesn’t work), it’s better to create your own management style based on each person in your team.
In addition, try showing appreciation for your team with verbal praises, gift cards, and office celebrations. You can also offer them the opportunity to grow and advance in the company. Most importantly, make sure that you encourage independence and give your team the option of self-managing.
Be One Step Ahead of Problems and Manage Potential Project Risks
Even the best-planned projects can fail. To avoid reaching your deadline without a finished project, you need to consider all the things that can go wrong. That’s where risk management is comes into play. Knowing which risks can potentially jeopardize the project will enable you to think of strategies to resolve or avoid them. When you identify the potential trouble beforehand, you can easily think of the way to remove it without endangering the efficiency of your team or delaying the set timetable.
Finally, when your project is done, make sure that you evaluate the whole process. Examine every phase of it and conduct introspection of your project managing ability.
Doing so can help you assess the performance and prepare you for the next project because you will know what to expect and what to improve.
Meta: Setting expectations, milestones, and deadlines and embracing software tools and apps are just some of the tips for project management success.