Saturday, March 29

How to Exchange BTC to ETN

The user can choose the most convenient and profitable way to exchange cryptocurrency data.  Among the most popular options are the following:

  • conversion through a cryptocurrency exchange;
  • using the services of online exchangers;
  • exchange within a cryptocurrency wallet.

Investors around the world are closely following the ups and downs of the Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies.  Bitcoin is the most famous cryptocurrency in the world, its official launch took place in January 2009. The second most popular is Ethereum, which is both a cryptocurrency and a platform for creating decentralized online services based on smart contracts (an IT algorithm for controlling and providing information about ownership of something). talks about the history and predictions of two of the most famous cryptocurrencies in the world.

However, despite all the advantages of Ethereum, Bitcoin continues to be the most demanded currency for accumulating assets (according to forecasts, its price may grow tenfold). This herald of the “cryptocurrency revolution” has proven itself well, and has not lost its leading position in terms of value.  Actually, at present, Bitcoin is more credible than its counterparts.

Therefore, it is wise to invest in altcoins or to find btc to etn exchange in order convert some of your bitcoins to:

  •  Ethereum;
  •  Litecoin, or others.

A simple and convenient converter of the Crypterum exchange allows you to instantly exchange two of the most popular cryptocurrencies today.  Bitcoin and Ethereum are leaders in terms of capitalization, consistently occupying the first lines of the global coin rating.

Main features

Bitcoin’s birthday is considered to be October 31, 2008, when its creator Satoshi Nakamoto generated the first coin in the huge chain today. 

The main difference is that if the entire Bitcoin system is only a mechanism for making transactions with their recording on the blockchain platform with the ability to generate new coins, then Ether allows you to perform any operations of any kind.  In this case, the exchange and all other actions are also carried out without certification by any central authority or any other third party.  In terms of transparency and anonymity, currency exchange and transfers are also almost identical.

If you want to invest in the world’s most popular cryptocurrency, you should choose Bitcoin, as it continues to be attractive as an asset.  However, it is important to remember that fluctuations in the rate of this crypt can both return the investment a hundredfold and “eat” them.

 Shapeshift and Changelly

You can also download the Shapeshift Mobile App and exchange your cryptocurrencies on the go.

Since these exchanges are very fast and reliable, we use them quite often.

The only difference between Changelly and Shapeshift is that Changelly provides you with a panel to view old transactions.  But Shapeshift doesn’t require you to create an account, so it’s private and a little faster.

Both of these exchangers have pros and cons, so you need to make the final choice according to your requirements.

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