Monday, March 31

What Types of Design Can You Order on the Graphic Design Services Platform?

A beautiful Graphic Design been presented.

Graphic design is a way of conveying messages and ideas through the use of fonts, graphics, images, or videos.

The term is believed to have been first used in 1922 by William Dwiggins, a typographer, and calligrapher with an undeniable creative vision for design. In his essay, he pointed out that with the emergence of mass printing, the design must change. But of course, there was graphic design before that, for example in prints and the first printed newspapers.

In many ways, modern designers still do tasks like Dwiggins: they create posters, illustrations, logos, and work with fonts. But only now do they work on computers and use special tools, and the goals and objectives of graphic design in our time have changed a bit.

What is graphic design for today?

Modern graphic design is needed to sell products, establish relationships with customers and create a comfortable environment. We see it everywhere – at stops, road signs, signs, books, presentations, instructions, and social networks.

Graphic design solves business problems. If the business is not represented on the Internet and is not advertised, it will simply disappear. To present yourself and attract a client, you will at some point have to turn to a designer who can create high-quality designs. Focusing on the essentials, here’s what graphic design is for:

·          Presentation of goods and services. The client should receive the most complete information about the company’s offer and not miss anything. This also requires a good designer who can provide the best graphic design services to his client and correctly typeset marketing materials.

·          Increasing sales. A convenient and beautiful commercial offer with a catalog will help the client accept the offer when choosing from a dozen similar ones. A professional designer will make sure that the business proposal is liked.

·          Increasing awareness. A recognizable brand, well-read corporate colors, and illustration characters help to remember the client. And if the brand is remembered, then it is more trusted. A recognizable and memorable design is the key to success.

·          Development of a more user-friendly product. This primarily applies to UX designers. They can analyze an application or other interface and tell you how to make it simpler, more convenient, and friendlier. A convenient application is always a competitive advantage.

Graphic design on graphic design service platforms

As we have already found out, graphic design solves a wide range of tasks. Currently, with the development of the Internet, platforms for the provision of design services are quite popular. There are indeed many of them, but only a few of them can be considered platforms that provide the best graphic design services.

Platforms of custom design services may differ in profile, format, and methods for sourcing and acquiring designs. They can act as an intermediary between the customer and the performers, guaranteeing the execution of the work for the customer, and the performer – receiving money for it. Or they can simply provide a platform for customers and performers to find each other, and at the same time, they do not control their communication and cooperation.

One way or another, let’s talk about what services these same platforms can offer you.


Advertising materials that have a stylish design, professional layout, contain infographics, or are made in the style of lettering are much more likely to attract the attention of a potential client. Qualitatively created advertising material will form a positive image of the company and will talk about its skills, and professional and systematic approach. With the correct presentation of information, taking into account the peculiarities of human perception, advertising materials will quickly and accurately convey all the necessary information to the target audience.

Graphic design is used both in advertising on the Internet and in advertising on physical media, for example:

·          In advertising banners in the media

·          Postcards and flyers

·          Posters and banners

·          infographics and brochures

·          Social media ads

Advertising should attract the client with its originality. In addition, it must be up to date. Advertising design is a marker of the times, as it reflects the trends and tendencies of visual communication. If we look at the advertising posters of the 2000s, they will seem to us too bright and overloaded. Although then it was precisely such that held the attention of the audience. Now the trend is optical illusions, eco-design, emoji, 3D graphics, and an emphasis on typography.

UI design

User interface design is the work on the graphical part of the interfaces of applications, sites, and services. It requires a detailed study of all elements – buttons, icons, and forms. To provide truly the best graphic design services in the field, a designer must not only have a creative vision but also be extremely technically savvy.

The activity of a graphic user interface designer is related to UI design, so a professional should understand screen adaptability and have basic knowledge of web development.

Package design

Packaging is needed not only for storage but also for the identification of the goods by the buyer. Convenient, bright, or unusual packaging helps to make the final purchase decision. Therefore, boxes, packages, containers, or boxes in which products are stored are part of marketing communication.

The work of a graphic designer in this case begins with the development of a concept and ends with sending layouts for printing. Typography, photographs, illustrations, and brand identity elements are used to create packaging. Basic packaging examples:

·          boxes

·          Bottles, jars, and other containers with the product

·          wrappers

·          Packages

In addition to the basics of graphic design, a person who specializes in packaging design must know the basics of industrial design and understand how the consumer interacts with the product. The packaging design is also handled by the product designer.

Illustrations in graphic design

Initially, graphics and illustration are two different areas. But some specialists possess both those and other skills. They create unique works that help the business stand out from the competition.

The main examples where illustrations are used are:

·          Covers books, albums, catalogs

·          Infographics and presentations

·          Web design and applications

Internet promotion

To engage and inform their consumers, brands hire graphic designers to create colorful post images, landing pages, or ad layouts.

On the one hand, this simplified the work of designers. Now you do not need to deal with prepress and know all the technical details of printing, manufacturing, and production. On the other hand, the user is attracted not just by a picture with fonts, but by a beautiful concept that requires knowledge, such as motion design.

Motion design

This is the name of the fusion of design and video editing. Elements move smoothly, explain thoughts from the text and look beautiful. Motion designers learn to work in both graphic editors and video – in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere. They are expected in marketing agencies and freelancing.

Brand building

Under the influx of trends, and the strong influence of the fashion industry, people often forget about the essence of the brand, confusing it with a fashion item. In the correct understanding, a brand is a unique system of signs, symbols, and words that form a special combination that distinguishes a product/company from competitors and serves as an identifier. A brand is a visual and emotional representation that is fixed in the minds of consumers and associated with a product or company.

Designers create the image of the brand – its logo, corporate colors, and elements. They make it so that people can accurately find a store or establishment, recognize it among thousands of others, and read the character of the brand at a glance.

The graphic designer communicates brand values through these elements. Thus, it helps to form the identity of the company and a special connection with the audience.

To maintain the brand theme in the future, the graphic designer also develops a brand book – a guide to using the corporate identity. With its help, the unity of graphics is maintained, and the main concept is supported.

If you need custom design services, but don’t know where to go because you don’t want to waste your time and money? Then we suggest you use one of the best graphic design services – Epiic. Our vetted designers have a creative vision and years of experience creating a wide range of high-quality designs ranging from logo, branding, websites, digital ads, social media content, and illustrations to prints, flyers, and merchandise packaging. Our team of vetted designers will help you create a stylish and memorable design for any of your needs.

Epiic professionals will help turn any of your ideas into art. With years of experience, Epiic remains one of the best graphic design services providing high-quality design services.

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