Which is Best? Email Marketing or Social Media Marketing? (Infographic)
This is a question that is asked time and time over by marketers so today, I thought I’d share this infographic with you that presents the answer to that question in a fun and informative way.
Now, while many marketers are expecting email marketing to slowly die out, email marketing is able to generate some pretty good marketing results and ROI.
While email marketing is generating great results, there is no doubt that there will be a day when it isn’t as effective and social media marketing will dominate between the two. However, as of today, that day isn’t here just yet, opposite of what some marketers believe.
There is a trend going on in the marketing world which is that brands are putting more effort into social media marketing and less effort into email marketing.
This is a trend that has been going on over the last couple of years but it’s a slow transition and that is exactly the reason email marketing still have at least a few more years of domination over social media marketing left.
Do have in mind that just because one marketing source is stronger than the other, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use both of them.
Both marketing sources are unique in their own way and can both be effective.
Fore example: to build an email list, social media is a great tool and that means one can help the other.
In some ways, they complement each other.
Without any newsletter subscribers, it’s hard to run an effective marketing campaign and with social media, you can grow just that.
In the infographic, you can read more detailed about the differences of email marketing versus social media marketing and create your own opinion if it’s worth proceeding with both of them or if only one of them is good enough for you.
Which of them you choose is left for you to decide.
Which is Best? Email Marketing or Social Media Marketing? (Infographic)
Read the full Infographic provided by: EmailDelivered.com