Friday, March 7

Author: VELOCE

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Followers on Instagram

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Followers on Instagram

We all aspire to grow our Instagram followers. Imagine what it would be like to be welcomed by millions of followers in your profile every time you open the app. But it’s not the number of followers that matter, but what those followers translate to. Fame, popularity, influence, authority, sales, brand awareness, and more. Whatever you may want to translate those followers into to benefit you when you have a lot of followers on Instagram, you have options, if you don’t, the possibilities aren’t as many. Instagram is a tremendous tool for reaching people from all over the world, but it all starts with growing followers on Instagram. Gaining followers and building your page on Instagram is an art. But sometimes, it can feel like growing followers on Instagram is put on a pedestal...
How to Improve and Build Strong Customer Relationships

How to Improve and Build Strong Customer Relationships

Looking to build and strengthen customer relationships? Your customers are everything as a brand. Without customers, you wouldn’t be able to continue running your business. Most brands put great effort into acquiring new customers, but there’s another strategy that has proven to be far more effective…. That is working to improve customer relationships. A study found that it is 6-7 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a current one. That might come as a surprise to some, but when you think about it, it’s very obvious. Working to acquire new customers is a tough job, with marketing investments needed. And even then, it’s not sure that you’ll acquire any new customers. With customer relationships, however, it’s a completely different ball game. ...
How to Humanize Your Brand: 19 Powerful Ways

How to Humanize Your Brand: 19 Powerful Ways

Looking to humanize your brand? Look no further! In marketing and business, people talk about acquiring customers, they talk about driving sales and many talks about building relationships with their customers. The latter is a huge deal for brands, and come with its own sets of incredible benefits. You yourself probably have a strategy in place for how you’re going to build your customer relationships. Unfortunately, though. there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to building relationships with customers as a brand. The good news is that brands and marketers understand the importance of doing so, as it increases customer loyalty, customer retention, and ultimately lead to a greater spend. Here’s something that is huge news for you, though: The foundation for buildin...
Instagram Drafts: Everything You Need to Know

Instagram Drafts: Everything You Need to Know

Want to learn about Instagram drafts? In late 2016, Instagram introduced a feature which made a ton of Instagram users super happy. This feature was called Instagram drafts. For years, Instagram users had requested a draft feature on Instagram, and the Instagram draft feature was, before its launch, one of the most requested features from its users. The introduction of Instagram drafts meant that users could save posts in ”drafts” before posting them, and thereby prepare posts that would go up in advance. The Instagram drafts mean that you can save an unfinished post as a draft, then come back to and publish later, or save a prepared post and come back to it to share it later. Before the feature was released, Instagram started testing the feature with a selected number of us...
13 Dangerous Social Media Problems You Need to Know and Avoid

13 Dangerous Social Media Problems You Need to Know and Avoid

Social Media Marketing
Want to learn more about social media marketing problems? In just a few years, social media marketing has gone from being something that brands didn’t or shouldn’t pay attention to, to now playing a central part of most brand’s digital marketing strategy. Social media was by some people described as a fad that would soon die out, but just like with internet, time proved them wrong. As marketers, we trade on one thing: people’s attention. The person and brand who has the most amount of attention win and this means that marketers need to ask themselves where people’s attention is. If you do, quite quickly you’ll say the internet, and social media, which is, by entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk referred to as the current state of the internet. If you look at the social media mark...
15 Powerful Tips on How to Increase Your Followers on Instagram

15 Powerful Tips on How to Increase Your Followers on Instagram

Instagram is the most popular photo sharing app that is extensively used by people and businesses all over the world. And there is no sign, that this trend will stop anytime soon.  Let’s take the example of the 2 months old rumor spread through Instagram that features a diamond ring on Hailey Baldwin’s finger while she is on vacation in the Bahamas. According to her Instagram fans, this is proof of her secret engagement to Bieber. That’s the power of social media; it is far-reaching and can spread information like wildfire. For businesses, this influence can be optimized for greater profit margins. Isn’t that what most businesses are after? If you want to take advantage of this too, you can optimize your Instagram followers to ensure ample profitability. But how would you go about gr...
How To Avoid Getting Permanently or Temporarily Blocked Or Banned on Instagram

How To Avoid Getting Permanently or Temporarily Blocked Or Banned on Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How To Avoid Getting Permanently or Temporarily Blocked Or Banned on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   Instagram has become tougher and tougher towards spam and spam-like behavior on the platform throughout the years. And they won’t hesitate to take actions against t if necessary. When Instagram was still in its early stages, there was no limit to how many accounts you could follow, no limit to how many posts you could like, or how many comments you could leave. If you’re using Instagram regularly, you know that today’s modern Instagram version looks completely different. Today, Instagram has become so anti-spam and overprotective that even regular users are affected by Instagram’s tough rules and restrictions on anything that m...
How Chatbots are Changing the Customer Service Industry

How Chatbots are Changing the Customer Service Industry

Are chatbots changing the customer service industry? Will chatbots revolutionize it in the future? When it comes to chatbots and new technology such as AI and VR, there are a lot of unanswered questions. That's because to most people, it's something very new. Customer service has always been an integral part of running a business venture. And throughout its long history, the discipline has remained largely unchanged. At its core, customer service was always concerned with a single goal – ensuring that the products and services which customers have purchased work as intended. In this sense, it may seem that there is little room for innovation in the field. After all, you will always have a customer or client submitting an issue on one side, and a customer service representative on ...
How To Change Your Name on Facebook

How To Change Your Name on Facebook

Facebook, How-To
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   Want to learn how To Change Your Name on Facebook? There are many reasons to why you may want to change your name on Facebook. Maybe you’ve gotten married, maybe you created a Facebook account under a fake name but now want to change it to your real name again, or maybe, you’ve got yourself a new nickname. Some people have the misconception that if you’ve created an account with a particular name, you’ll have to either satisfy with that name for all eternity or, create a new account. In other words, people believe that there is no way to change your name on Facebook. The good news is that is here to tell you that it is, in fact possible, and the process of changing your name on Facebook is quite straightforw...
5 Ways To Boost Productivity At Work

5 Ways To Boost Productivity At Work

If productivity is lagging among your employees, it’s often a sign of a bigger problem: an unhealthy company culture. Disengaged employees drag the company down, while engaged employees are more productive and show up to work more often too. Yet, according to a Gallup poll, only about one-third of employees in the U.S. workforce feel engaged. You can help change that by implementing all sorts of employee engagement activities. It’s likely to make workers feel more valued and ultimately, more productive. Stop Micromanaging If you’re a micromanager, or if you have a micromanager working for you, you should know that one of the most effective ways to increase productivity is to halt that habit. Instead, encourage employees to take ownership of how they manage their own time. The best ...
How to Create a Social Media Marketing plan: a no-Bullshit Guide

How to Create a Social Media Marketing plan: a no-Bullshit Guide

Social Media Marketing
When starting out with something new, it feels scary and intimidating. You’re eager to get to your goal, and you know that other people have done it before you. But quite quickly, questions start popping up in your head, that you, as a beginner, have no answers to. The exact same goes for social media. Where do I start? How do I succeed? How should I begin? These are only some of many questions that you, including everyone else, ask when you’re going take on a new area which you are completely unfamiliar with. But don’t freight. This is where your social media marketing plan comes in. When you know what you’re going to do, and how you’re going to do it, all of a sudden, succeeding with social media doesn’t seem so distant after all. Your social media marketing pl...
How To Go Private on Instagram

How To Go Private on Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How to go private on Instagram. Looking to go private on Instagram? The stalkers are everywhere on social media, and whether you know it or not, you may have creeps stalking your photos without saying a word. But there are many more reasons to why you may want to go private on Instagram… Your parents, your boss, your enemies, or maybe your ex. Many people tend to share a big part of their lives on social media, and this was something that we didn’t do in the same way before social media's existence. And just like we wouldn’t call a stranger and let them know about what we had for lunch or what we think about politics, you might not want to share photos and insights into your life with people you don’t know or have no idea who they are. The good news is that in order to preve...