Thursday, March 6

Author: VELOCE

Can you Change Filter on Instagram After Posting?

Can you Change Filter on Instagram After Posting?

Can You Change an Instagram Filter on a Photo That has Been Posted Already? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   Okay so you’ve shared a kick-ass image on Instagram, but then some time pass, and more and more, you start thinking about whether or not you should have picked a different Instagram filter on your post. The thought starts nagging on you more anymore, and after some time, the brief thought that you wanted to change an Instagram filter on a photo that has been posted already has turned into an irritating fact. Or, you might have realized once you’ve shared the post that you’ve used the wrong filter by accident, but now, since you’ve accumulated likes and comments, you don't want to delete the post and upload it again. Some people are bore...
Instagram filters 2018 – All You Need To Know About Filters On Instagram

Instagram filters 2018 – All You Need To Know About Filters On Instagram

Instagram filters 2017 - All You Need To Know About Filters On Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Filters on Instagram are kind of a big deal. People on Instagram use filters for many different reasons. And different filters Eave different purposes. From helping you highlight special features in your image -  to making your picture look vintage. Or, simply giving your photo a completely unique and appealing look. The filter Clarendon is the single most popular filter in the world. Followed closely behind are Juno, Valencia, and Gingham. When choosing a filter to use, you want to consider the purpose of the filter and what you're going to use it for. Different filters have different personalities, and will grant you more or less likes depen...
14 Ways to Skyrocket your Comments on Instagram

14 Ways to Skyrocket your Comments on Instagram

Aspiring to get more comments on Instagram? I don’t have to tell you how powerful Instagram is. It’s the second largest social media platform in the world, with hundreds of millions of monthly active users. Instagram has gone from being a social media platform that was been considered something for kids and teens, to now being an important part of some of the largest billion dollar companies’ online marketing strategies, as well as an important marketing tool for startups and small business. What’s more, Instagram has enabled anyone to establish themselves as industry leaders, also known as influencers, and build a large following of engaged fans. This has contributed to the birth of some of the biggest social media celebrities and influencers. On Instagram, the numbers, ...
How To Add a Clickable Link Instagram Bio

How To Add a Clickable Link Instagram Bio

How-To, Instagram
Want to learn how to add clickable Instagram links in the bio on Instagram? You're in the right place. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Looking to add a clickable Instagram link to drive more people to your website? As you may or may not know, it’s not possible to add clickable links in captions and comments on Instagram. On most social media platforms, you can share clickable links to your website in most places. In your captions, in comments, in your profile, and so on. On Instagram, the number of places you can share clickable links is highly limited to one or two places. Instagram’s decision of limiting the places where you can put clickable links has been a debated one, but there’s obviously a thought behind the decision. The decision to limit the places w...
How to Get Massive Traffic From Instagram

How to Get Massive Traffic From Instagram

Crowdfunding on Kickstarter, Tips & tricks
Wondering how you can drive traffic from Instagram? Instagram is truly the social media platform of this decade. It has taken the world by storm since its birth in 2010, and in the last couple of years, the number of Instagram users has skyrocketed. At the early stages of Instagram’s life, it was considered to be a platform for teenagers and kids, but that is something that has changed in the pace that more and more marketers and brands have understood the immense potential that lies in Instagram, and that they, as marketers, trade on one thing: attention, and that Instagram has no lack of it. In fact, today, 93 percent of prestige brands are on Instagram, 90% of Interbrand companies have Instagram accounts, and 70.7 percent of businesses were expected to use Instagram in 2017....
How to Report a Fake Instagram Account (Step by-step guide)

How to Report a Fake Instagram Account (Step by-step guide)

How-To, Instagram
Want to report a fake Instagram account but not sure how to do it? As with all social media platforms, Instagram has its own share of fake Instagram accounts. If you know how to spot fake accounts and are using Instagram regularly, you’ll constantly come across fake accounts. They are all over, and they are all using Instagram for different purposes. The problem, though, is that no-one likes them, and the battle against fake Instagram accounts is never-ending. Instagram is working hard every day to win the battle against the fake accounts, and you might want to contribute by doing what you can. Or maybe, even worse, you've had someone impersonate you and want to take the account down. In this article, you’ll learn how to report a fake Instagram account, but you’ll also get s...
5 Tips on Writing an SEO-Friendly Youtube Video Description

5 Tips on Writing an SEO-Friendly Youtube Video Description

Online Marketing, SEO
The landscape of content marketing is drastically changing and vlogging is quickly becoming the in-thing for millions of marketers across the world. There is so much you can achieve by combining your content with quality videos and the best thing is that this does not cost much when compared to other modes of marketing. However, as you embrace this effective marketing method, it is important to understand how things work in order to reap big and reach out to the ever increasing number of YouTube subscribers across the world.  One of the key features you will need to understand is how to write effective SEO-friendly YouTube video descriptions, title, and relevant tags. As a marketer, your customer acquisition largely depends on Search Engine Optimization but this must be done profess...
How To Find Hidden Direct Messages on Instagram

How To Find Hidden Direct Messages on Instagram

Tips & tricks
How To Find Hidden Direct Messages on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); *Updated 2020* Are you struggling to find hidden Direct Messages on Instagram and just can’t find them no matter where you search Or maybe, you didn’t even know that there are hidden Direct Messages on Instagram that you may or may not have. When Instagram released Direct Messages, the built-in chatting tool where you can send messages, videos, and photos to other users (and in a group of a maximum of 15 users), people were ecstatic. Finally, they had a place where they could chat and interact with other users on the platform in peace and undisturbed. The chances are, you have been using Direct Messages because frankly, most Instagram users have. As amazing as the ...
67 Staggering YouTube Statistics you Need to See

67 Staggering YouTube Statistics you Need to See

Online Marketing
YouTube is undeniably the video sharing platform of this era. It is the second largest search engine in the world, and in recent years, its growth has exploded, much because of the increased demand for video content from consumers. Today, you probably find yourself watching more video tutorials instead of reading, more videos from influencers within your space, and everything in between. And most likely, you probably find yourself on YouTube most of the time when watching. With its huge database of video content, there’s essentially video content about anything and everything, as long as it complies with YouTube’s rules. Humans are visual creatures, and so it’s not very strange that we now consume video content more than ever. The fact is that humans have always been visual cre...
How to Analyze your Instagram Account and Boost Your Results

How to Analyze your Instagram Account and Boost Your Results

How-To, Instagram
Looking for ways to Analyze your Instagram account? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   On Instagram, there are many ways you can go about to Analyse your Instagram account, and there are many different things to analyze. As a business, it is especially crucial to analyze your Instagram account because it can give you great insights into how you are performing on Instagram, what results you are generating, and what you can do to improve. Many people choose not to analyze their Instagram account because of the simple fact that they don’t know how to do it. But with so many tools and ways to go about analyzing your Instagram account, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t do it. In this article, I’ll go through all the ways in which you can analyze...
How To Know If Someone Blocked You on Instagram

How To Know If Someone Blocked You on Instagram

How-To, Instagram
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   Curious to know if someone blocked you on Instagram? Every now and then, you might find yourself, what you think is having been blocked by someone on Instagram. At the same time, you’ve probably found that Instagram doesn’t explicitly tells you when someone has blocked you, or even that someone has. As such, if you don’t know the indications of having been blocked by someone on Instagram, you can only assume that they have, but not be sure. Whether you know it or not, you’ve probably been blocked by someone at some point. Of course, the reasons may vary, but the catch is that it can be hard to know if someone actually has blocked you. Fortunately, this is why I am here. In this article, I’ll share all the...
How Do You Download Videos on Instagram Direct Message?

How Do You Download Videos on Instagram Direct Message?

How Do You Download Videos on Instagram Direct Message? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); *Updated 2020* When I first wrote this article, there was no way to save videos that had been sent to you through Instagram Direct Message, inside the Instagram app, and Inside Direct Messages. The only way for you to save videos and photos that had been sent to you was by using third-party apps. But luckily a lot has happened since then. Instagram realized that a pain point with the app was that there was no way to save Instagram Direct Message videos that had been sent to you through Instagram Direct Message, and the only way to save a photo on Instagram Direct Message was to screenshot the photo from inside the conversation, resulting in low-resolution photos. Now, though,...
208+ Staggering Video Marketing Statistics You Need to See

208+ Staggering Video Marketing Statistics You Need to See

Online Marketing
You try to do something but not sure how to do it. What do you do? More and more, you’ve probably found yourself turning to YouTube for an informational video in order to learn how you do it. In fact, chances are, in recent times you’ve found yourself consuming more video content than you’ve done before. You’re not alone. In fact, video marketing statistics tell us that people will spend an average of 47.4 minutes a day viewing online videos this year, up considerably from 39.6 minutes in 2016, on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, and other platforms where video content can be consumed. Moreover, 85% of people say they’d like to see more video from brands in 2018. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, it has been difficult to miss t...
Sökoptimering: Vad är Det och Hur Optimerar du För Google?

Sökoptimering: Vad är Det och Hur Optimerar du För Google?

Tips & tricks
Undrar du vad sökoptimering är? Vill du lära dig hur det fungerar? Då har du kommit rätt. Vi börjar med att besvara den viktiga frågan: Vad är Sökoptimering? När du skriver ett nyckelord i sökmotorn (t.ex. Google, Yahoo och Bing) och sedan på Enter-knappen får du lång lista med sökresultat som innehåller ditt nyckelord. Vanligtvis är det mer sannolikt att människor besöker webbplatser eller webbsidor som ligger högst upp i listan. Du kanske känner igen dig själv i detta att du snabbt väljer de första sökresultaten snarare än att titta länge ner på listan. Med detta i åtanke betyder det att de hemsidor som finns högst upp på listan får mer beskare och därav mer potentiella kunder och affärsmöjligheter. Antagligen så undrar du varför dessa webbplatser kan rankas högre på we...
Instagram Marknadsföring: 30 Tips for att Lyckas med Marknadsföring på Instagram

Instagram Marknadsföring: 30 Tips for att Lyckas med Marknadsföring på Instagram

Sociala Medier
Vill du öka dina Instagram-marknadsresultat, växa dina följare, öka engagemang och stärka din närvaro på plattformen? Bra. Då är du på rätt ställe. Instagram är en oerhört kraftfull marknadsföringskälla, men dess sanna krafter kan bara ses när du har en stark strategi och gör alla de rätta åtgärderna för att uppnå goda marknadsföringsresultat. I den här artikeln kommer jag därför att presentera dig med 30 effektiva och testade Instagram tips som kommer hjälpa dig bli bättre på Instagram marknadsföring, och sälja mer på Instagram. Alla dessa metoder är beprövade av mig, och har hjälpt mig att växa över 1 miljon följare på plattformen. Låt oss komma igång! 1. Använd alltid hashtags Det känns som om denna punkt upprepas om och om igen, men det beror på att det är så viktigt för ...
How to Reach an International Audience with Your Blog

How to Reach an International Audience with Your Blog

Nowadays, blogging is very popular as a way to spend free time and earn money. One may start running his/her blog easily and quickly. A blog is a special place where you can express all your thoughts and feelings, so that unite a particular audience for commercial purposes or just for fun. It is clear that a blog also needs promotion, as well as a site or a YouTube channel.    Different Tips to Attract Foreigners with Your Blog Blogging is a complex phenomenon with its own history. Nowadays, everybody may start blogging just for fun or with the aim to earn money. In addition, it is possible to create a blog devoted to some topics or issues interesting for you. It is better to dedicate one blog to one subject. Sooner or later some serious bloggers may find that their blogs are good fie...
Så Ökar du Försäljning Med Sociala Medier: Sälj Mer med Sociala Medier

Så Ökar du Försäljning Med Sociala Medier: Sälj Mer med Sociala Medier

Sociala Medier
Vill du lära dig hur du ökar försäljning med sociala medier? Vill du lära dig hur du använder sociala medier som ett markndsföringsredskap för bättre resultat? Sociala medier har en bra marknadsföringskraft, och om de används på rätt sätt kan det leda till massor av försäljning. Men det finns en hake. Många marknadsförare använder inte sociala medier på rätt sätt, och driver därför inte försäljning eller åtminstone lika mycket försäljning som de skulle vilja med hjälp av sociala medier. Faktum är det förmodligen anledningen till att du är här. Du kanske har byggt dig en följarbas och försökt allt för att övertyga din publik, men få eller ingen har köpt från dig. När du investerar tid i sociala medier med målet att sälja mer, vill du självklart nå ditt mål också, och det ä...
How Long Can An Instagram Video Be?

How Long Can An Instagram Video Be?

How Long Can An Instagram Video Be? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Instagram was initially purely a photo -sharing app and service, but in June 2013 Instagram incorporated 15-second video sharing. In March 2016,  three years later, Instagram increased the 15-second video limit to 60 seconds because they realized that the limit of 15 seconds limited people’s creativity and prevented users from sharing the type of videos that people wanted to share on the platform. What’s most interesting when it comes to videos on Instagram is that initially, it was a photo-sharing app only, but today, apart from just allowing you to share videos as regular posts, there are now several video-sharing features that allow you to share different types of videos, and thus o...
Is There a Way to Unlink Your Phone Number From Your Instagram Account?

Is There a Way to Unlink Your Phone Number From Your Instagram Account?

Is There a Way to Unlink Your Phone Number From Your Instagram Account? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You will be very happy to hear that the answer is yes. There is a way to unlink your Phone number from your Instagram account. This means that you can unlink your phone number from your Instagram account so people who have you as a contact in their contact book on their phone can’t find you on Instagram by simply synchronizing their contact book. Remember, you cannot remove your number from Instagram if you have no email linked to Instagram, and far from everyone type in their phone number in their Instagram profile, so if you haven’t done so, there’s no need for you to unlink your phone number from your Instagram account because it isn’t even connec...
If I Temporarily Disable My Instagram Account, Can People Unfollow Me?

If I Temporarily Disable My Instagram Account, Can People Unfollow Me?

If I Temporarily Disable My Instagram Account, Can People Unfollow Me (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   If I Temporarily Disable My Instagram Account, Can People Unfollow Me? If you didn’t know that you can disable/deactivate your Instagram account, we recommend that you read How to temporarily deactivate your Instagram account to learn more on how to do it and what happens with your account when you do. On Instagram, you can temporarily deactivate your account. But what does this mean? And most importantly, can people unfollow you if you disable your Instagram account? Let’s dig right in. If I Temporarily Disable My Instagram Account, Can People Unfollow Me? If you temporary disable your Instagram account, your account data is stored a...