Thursday, March 6

Author: VELOCE

29 Vanliga Misstag i Sociala Medier Du Måste Undvika

29 Vanliga Misstag i Sociala Medier Du Måste Undvika

Sociala Medier
Sociala medier är som en djungel där du måste titta på varje steg du tar noggrant. Vi vet alla att sociala medier kan skapa otroliga resultat för ditt företag, öka försäljning, och vara ett extremt effektivt marknadsföringsredskap, men det kräver en bra planering och genomförande. På sociala medier finns det många fällor och faror som du kan fastna i, men om du vet vad de är och var de är kan du undvika dem, rädda dig själv från katastrof och nå dina mål snabbare. Risken är att du gör misstag på sociala medier som håller dig från framgång, men det är svårt att sluta begå dem om du inte vet vad de är, eller hur? Att göra misstag på sociala medier kan vara dyrt. Det kan kosta dig efterföljare, engagemang, räckvidd, dålig publicitet eller till och med kunder. För att hjälpa dig at...
Can You Delete Direct Messages on Instagram?

Can You Delete Direct Messages on Instagram?

*Updated 2020* Sometimes, you might send something by accident that you weren’t supposed to send. This can happen in text on Instagram and any other place where you can communicate with people. Of course, sending something to someone that you weren’t supposed to can be stressful if you shortly thereafter regret sending it. You may have said the wrong things, you might find yourself in trouble, or perhaps in an awkward situation. And sometimes, you might find that some people send you messages that you have no interest in receiving on Instagram. This can be Direct Messages from spammers and other accounts that you don’t want to hear from. Also, it might be the case that some of your peers have sent you something, but now, you want to delete Direct Messages on Instagram for some re...
29 Killer Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

29 Killer Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

Online Marketing
Wondering how you can repurpose blog content? Back in the days, blogging used to be much easier than it is today. Of course, if you just recently started out blogging, you’re quite fortunate, because you’ve never experienced the huge competitive contrast. Now, I am generally no person who romanticise the past, but it is safe to say that it was a lot easier gaining traction and succeeding with blogging a few years ago. But that doesn’t really come as a surprise, does it? More people than ever are using the internet, and more websites and blogs exist on the web than ever. In fact, in 2015, more than 2 million blog posts were shared every single day on the web. You can expect that number to be much higher today, and that it won’t be slowing down anytime soon, either. As a...
4 Effective Tips for Getting More Visibility for Your Blog

4 Effective Tips for Getting More Visibility for Your Blog

Online Marketing
4 Effective Tips for Getting More Visibility for Your Blog It takes time and hard work to build a successful blog. Most bloggers have dreams of grandeur when they pen their first post. They imagine a flood of traffic to their site, with thousands of visitors reading and agreeing with the topic at hand.  When the post fails to drive the intended traffic to your site, feelings of disappointment curb the bloggers' enthusiasm, resulting in the writer abandoning their idea. What does it take to create, manage, and maintain a successful blog? Follow these 4 effective tips for boosting the visibility and readership of your work. 1.    Create Captivating Content with Viral Potential  “On the internet, content is king.” Bill Gates shared this wisdom with internet marketers many years ago...
How To Share an Instagram Post Via Email

How To Share an Instagram Post Via Email

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How To Share an Instagram Post Via Email Want to learn how to share an Instagram post via email? I’ve got great news for you. it’s possible and in this article, I’ll tell you exactly how to do it. Sharing other people’s photos (or your own) from Instagram through email can be a bit of a challenge if you don’t know how to do it, and frankly, there aren’t a lot of people doing it. You don’t see a lot of people who share Instagram posts via email, right? Part of that has to do with the fact that most people don’t know that they can’t. The good news is that once you know how to do it, you’ll be able to do it in a heartbeat because the process is incredibly simple. How To Share an Instagram Post Via Email Open Instag...
How To Activate Age-Gating on Instagram

How To Activate Age-Gating on Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How To Activate Age-Gating on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); UPDATE DECEMBER 2019: Big news about the Instagram age-gating has been announced by Instagram. At the bottom of the article, you can find the updated news. *Article updated 2020* Age-gating is a feature on Instagram that restricts under-age individuals, in other words, minors', ability to access pages that belong to brands and other people who share content and are operating within industries that are not suitable for minors. The most common example of industries whee age-gating on Instagram is used is in the alcohol industry. With this feature alcohol brands can restrict under-age people from accessing their content and thus prevent them from being influenced by their promot...
Why You Shouldn’t Buy Fake Instagram Followers As An Investment

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Fake Instagram Followers As An Investment

Why You Shouldn't Buy Fake Instagram Followers As An Investment Thinking about buying Instagram followers to help make your page look better and more popular? Before you do, read this article. The thought of buying fake Instagram followers can feel awfully tempting. Everyone is striving to get more Instagram followers, but growing them demands a lot of time and effort.  If only there would be an easier way to acquire followers and look more popular on Instagram… This is the thoughts that many people using Instagram have had, and many of them have landed on the decision to buy fake Instagram followers. But unfortunately, the instant gratification mentality and the temptation of seeming more popular has been so convincing that they haven’t considered the reasons why you ...

Så Lyckas du Med Instagram Stories

Vill du få fler visningar på dina Instagram Stories? Vill du lyckas med Instagram Stories? Om du använder Stories korrekt kan det vara mycket kraftfullt verktyg och ge dig massor av exponering utanför och ovanpå dina vanliga Instagram-inlägg. Men Instagram Stories är enbart ett redskap, och för att lyckas med Instagram Stories måste du ha en strategi för hur du ska använda Stories till din fördel. Efter att Instagram introducerade Stories, lade de till historier i förslag till profiler på sidan Sök och utforska. Överst på sidan Utforska kan du se några rekommenderade berättelser från personer som du inte följer, men personer som Instagram tror att du kanske gillar. Som du kan föreställa dig, kan din Story framför människor som "kan vara intresserade", resultera i ett sto...
21 Obvious tells you have a low-quality web host [Infographic]

21 Obvious tells you have a low-quality web host [Infographic]

Online Marketing
Web hosting is one of the basic foundations of a successful website. Without the backing of a reliable web host, you would not be able to make it big in the online world. As such, one needs to research and put in a little effort before selecting a hosting service provider for their website. A good web host will ensure that your site is functioning smoothly at all times with no or minimal downtime. It will ensure that your site enjoys faster speed, which will help you rank better in the search result. It will provide you with the latest technologies that are needed to keep your site up-to-date. Moreover, it will protect your website from security threats such as spam, virus, malware, and others. A low-quality web host, on the other hand, can cause a lot of issues that could hurt your ...
The Complete Guide to the Instagram Shadow Ban

The Complete Guide to the Instagram Shadow Ban

What is an Instagram Shadow Ban? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Instagram shadow ban is one of the most discussed topics related to Instagram in most recent times. The problem is that there are so few answers out there to properly understand what the Instagram shadow ban is, how it works, and how you can avoid it. And Instagram isn’t saying a lot about it either. You’re probably here because you’ve found your engagement dropping on Instagram in the recent times. Did you also know that this could be a sign of you being a victim of the Instagram shadow ban without you even knowing it? But even if you haven’t noticed any strange signs of an Instagram shadow ban, you’ve maybe found yourself here as preemptive measures. If that’s the case, smart!...
Can I Set Up a Second Instagram Account?

Can I Set Up a Second Instagram Account?

So you want to set up a second Instagram account in addition to your existing one? There are many reasons why you may want a second Instagram account. And the fact of the matter is that many people do. In that sense, I’ve already answered your question to if you can set up a second Instagram account. But how do you do it? In this article, I’ll teach you how to set up a second Instagram account step-by-step, what it means, and how you manage your accounts. Why manage several Instagram accounts Many people have a second Instagram account. In fact, many users have a third, fourth, and even a fifth Instagram account. Most often, people have a second Instagram account because the accounts are used for different purposes. Often times, people have one public account where they share po...
How Can I Get an URL For My Instagram Page?

How Can I Get an URL For My Instagram Page?

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Getting the URL for your Instagram page can be great for many reasons. Maybe you want to link to a particular Instagram post from your page on your website but don’t know how to do this, or maybe you'd like more people to know about your new social media logo design, thus, you'd like to share your page? No matter what you want to use your Instagram URL for, you can effortlessly get the URL for specific posts as well as for your whole profile on Instagram. How to get Instagram URL for Your Page? Irrespective of whether you have a personal or a public Instagram page, finding your Instagram URL is an easy way to share your page with the audience. It could be for a family member, a friend, or even a potential brand you plan to collaborate wi...
What Happens When you Remove Someone on Snapchat?

What Happens When you Remove Someone on Snapchat?

Are you curious about what happens when you remove someone on Snapchat? When you remove someone on Snapchat, a lot of things happen. If you thought that all that happened was that they were removed from your friends list, think again. By the way, check out this post on how to grow your followers on Snapchat. In this article, I’ll go through the step-by-step process of removing someone on Snapchat, but most importantly, talk about what happens when you remove someone. We will also answer many of the most common questions regarding blocking and removing someone on Snapchat. What happens when you remove someone on Snapchat? When you remove someone from your Snapchat, they no longer appear on your friends list, and they will not be able to see you on the Snap Map. They will als...
How to Activate Two-Factor Authentication on Instagram

How to Activate Two-Factor Authentication on Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How to Activate Two-Factor Authentication on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Is your Instagram account safe? Is it protected from hackers? Unfortunately, the majority of users on Instagram haven’t taken safety measures in order to keep their account safe, and at the same time, every day, thousands and thousands of accounts on Instagram are hacked and stolen. But what can you do to keep your Instagram account safe from hackers? Having a long and difficult password is obviously a great start, but there’s something that’s far more effective than that. That is to activate two-factor authentication on Instagram. In efforts to make the platform safer for its users, Instagram introduced a feature which allows its users to activate two-factor a...
Instagram Radera Konto: Så Tar du Bort ditt Instagram Konto

Instagram Radera Konto: Så Tar du Bort ditt Instagram Konto

Vill du radera ditt Instagram konto men inte säker på hur du gör det? Instagram är ett av de mest populära sociala nätverk som inte länge sedan nådde 1 miljard användare. Det är säkert att säga att säga att Instagram och sociala medier som helhet har revolutionerat det samhälle vi lever i, hur vi kommunicerar och delar information med varandra. Instagram är med sitt stora antal användare en av de mest populära sociala medieplattformarna under denna era. Detta beror uppenbarligen på att folk får något slags värde ur Instagram, för annars skulle inte å många individer använda det. Detta ”värde” kan vara allting från att Instagram fungerar som ett kommunikationsredskap som ett alternativ till sms eller telefon. Men sanningen är att alla inte finner värde ur Instagram, eller de kanske in...
How To Set Up Instagram Business Account (and Everything you Need to Know)

How To Set Up Instagram Business Account (and Everything you Need to Know)

How-To, Instagram
How to set up Instagram business account (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Do you use Instagram for business? If so, you are missing out immensely if you haven’t set up your Instagram business account. The number of people who use Instagram for business purposes has increased dramatically over the years, from just being a social platform for teenagers to now being an important marketing tool for some of the largest brands in the world. In fact, today, there are more than 25 million brands on Instagram. Converting your account to an Instagram business account has many benefits and will save you a ton of time. Ultimately, help you drive better marketing results. There are many reasons you should set up your Instagram business account, and fortuna...
How to Network on Instagram and Crush Your Competitors

How to Network on Instagram and Crush Your Competitors

Want to learn how to network on Instagram? Social media is not a promotional tool. It’s not a place for you to post promotion after promotion, shoving ads and promotions down your followers’ throats’ Social media is a relationship tool, not a promotional tool. The social media landscape has completely revolutionized the way we humans communicate, and it has opened up opportunities that we would never have thought would be possible. Today, you can, with the help of social media platforms and the internet, reach people from every corner of the world in a matter of a second. This opportunity of communicating with virtually anyone anywhere is absolutely crazy if you think about it, and if you don’t recognize the immense business potential that lies in communication on soc...
The Complete Guide to the Instagram Algorithm

The Complete Guide to the Instagram Algorithm

Looking for a Complete Guide to the Instagram Algorithm? You're in the right place. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Are you frustrated that your organic reach on Instagram has decreased? Are you upset that your engagement has dropped? You probably know that it is because of the Instagram algorithm. No matter if you’re a regular Instagram user or someone who uses the platform every now and then, the algorithm is something that has affected you – whether you know it or not. In fact, Instagram’s algorithm feed – also known as “Instagram algorithm” is Instagram's biggest update since the platform launched in 2010. Inevitably, a lot of confusion will be created, and questions will be asked, considering the fact that the update is affecting such a larg...
26 Läsvärda Böcker om Marknadsföring du Bör Läsa

26 Läsvärda Böcker om Marknadsföring du Bör Läsa

Sociala Medier
Sätten som företag marknadsför sig själva har förändrats genom åren. Som företag och marknadsförare är det viktigt att ständigt vara på tårna och uppdaterad med de senaste trenderna och taktikerna för att lyckas i det ständigt förändrande marknadsföringslandskapet. Vad som fungerade förut kanske inte fungerar om ett år eller nästa decennium, och viktigast av allt är att förstå vad som fungerar i dagens konkurrenskraftiga marknad. Dock finns det taktiker och strategier som förblir relevanta år efter år, och principer som ständigt tycks vara effektiva inom marknadsföring. För en nybörjare inom marknadsföring kan det verka överrumplande och någonting som kan ta en livstid att lära sig, men med hjälp av rätt material och informationskällor kan man se till att man får tag på rätt in...