Thursday, March 6

Author: VELOCE

How to Turn off Instagram Comments for Your posts (and What You Need to Know)

How to Turn off Instagram Comments for Your posts (and What You Need to Know)

Do you want to share a post without having people leave their comments on it? Wondering how you turn off Instagram comments? Maybe you want to share a post on Instagram without having people judge your post or maybe you’ve been receiving a lot of hate and complaints lately. Either way, inside of the Instagram app, there’s a feature which allows you to turn off Instagram comments for your posts so that people can't leave their comments on them. The purpose of this feature was to protect users from hate, yet still, allow them to share posts on the platform, but there are also a number of other ways in which the feature can be used. It’s no secret that there’s a lot of hate and mean comments being thrown around on social media, and Instagram is working hard to prevent that and do ...
Multiple Instagram Accounts: What you Need to Know About the Feature

Multiple Instagram Accounts: What you Need to Know About the Feature

Want to use the multiple Instgram accounts feature? In February 2016, Instagram announced a feature that made many users jump with joy. Instagram released a built-in feature which enabled users to add multiple Instagram accounts and alternate between them. Since owning multiple accounts on Instagram isn’t highly uncommon on Instagram, that the feature didn’t exist was a huge pain point for Instagram users, myself included. Chances are, you yourself have multiple Instagram accounts, and are working hard to juggle between them and find time to manage them properly. You might have one business account and one personal account for staying up-to-date with your friends and entertaining yourself.  Managing several Instagram accounts can be stressful sometimes. You have to create or...
19 Marketing Goals That you Need to Know

19 Marketing Goals That you Need to Know

Want to learn about other marketing goals than just the most obvious ones? We all have dreams of things we want to do and achieve. As a brand, you dream of building an empire or impacting as many lives as possible. But a dream is just a dream - a vague idea of what the future should look like. But when you clearly define that dream and put actions into play that will help you reach your dream, it becomes a goal. And all of a sudden, that huge dream isn’t too far away, because you know exactly what you need to do to get there, and that it is possible. You put one foot in front of the other and you start progressing. In other words, different from dreams, goals are clear and specific and include a plan of how they're going to be achieved. You’ve probably heard a million times tha...
20 Böcker om Entreprenörskap: Böcker Varje Entreprenör Borde Läsa!

20 Böcker om Entreprenörskap: Böcker Varje Entreprenör Borde Läsa!

Sociala Medier
Böcker är ett av de bästa sätten att konsumera information. De är djupgående, detaljerade, och bidrar med värdefulla och dyrbara insikter och information. Böcker kan konsumeras för att bättre förstå ett område, samla på sig information om det, och på så sätt bli bättre inom det. Detta är sant för alla slags områden, och inte minst sagt entreprenörskap. Som entreprenör måste man ha många kvalitét för att lyckas, men viktigast måste man ha mycket erfarenhet och kunskap, och ett av de bästa sätten att få kunskap är att lära sig från individer som redan gjort det man själv vill göra och uppnått det man själv vill uppnå. Det finns en hel rad böcker om entreprenörskap där ute inom i princip alla områden, från marknadsföring, till hur man övertalar kunder, till hur man leder en grupp, och m...
34 Läsvärda Böcker om Digital Medier du MÅSTE Läsa

34 Läsvärda Böcker om Digital Medier du MÅSTE Läsa

Sociala Medier
Internet har revolutionerat vårt samhälle på en stor mängd olika plan. Idag är teknologin, med internet i spetsen någonting som i princip alla svenskar kommer i kontakt med dagligen, och i hela världen mer än 50% av jordens befolkning. Internet har förändrat samhället på många plan, men inte minst hur företag opererar, och viktigaste av allt, hur de marknadsför sig själva och når ut till sin målgrupp. Aldrig tidigare har möjligheten att nå ut till tusentals individer inom loppet av ett par sekunder, och, med rätt strategier, inte behövt betala en endaste krona för att göra det. Detta är någonting som internet har gett upphov till. Sättet som konsumenter konsumerar material har också förändrats enormt genom åren i takt med att internet har etablerats i vårt samhälle. varje dag m...
11 Digital Marketing Types You Need to Know About

11 Digital Marketing Types You Need to Know About

Online Marketing
Curious about the different digital marketing types? Digital marketing is a large word which houses a large number of marketing types and activities. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade, chances are, you’ve heard about the importance of digital marketing and all the benefits that come with it. But with a large number of marketing approaches falling under the digital marketing category, how will you know which you should use? In fact, if you don’t know what digital marketing types exist, how can you know possibly know which digital marketing type is best suited for your brand and objectives? (The answer is, you can't.) Digital marketing has time and time over proven itself to be far superior over traditional marketing, but that doesn’t mean all digital mar...
How to Block People on Twitter

How to Block People on Twitter

How-To, Twitter
Looking to block people on Twitter? Need to learn how to block people on Twitter first? Struggling with Bots on Twitter who are leaving their unappreciated comments, or maybe stalker bothering you on Twitter? No matter what, there are times, when you need to know how to block people on Twitter and then block them. The good news is that blocking an account on Twitter is super easy and can be done in just a few steps. The Twitter block feature gives you control and power to decide who should be able to access your account and see your posts. By blocking someone, you can restrict their access to your account, prevent them from contacting you, seeing your tweets, as well as following you. In terms of bots, Twitter is a social media platform which has had major issues with spammers ...
How To See A Friend’s Instagram Activity

How To See A Friend’s Instagram Activity

How-To, Instagram
UPDATE: Huge Instagram Update 2019 that completely changes the way you can see your friend's Instagram activity More info in point number 4. Want to see a friend's Instagram activity? Want to know what they are up to on Instagram? Whether you are really stalking your friend on Instagram, or are just interested in what posts they like, you'll be happy to hear that there are ways with which you can see your friend's Instagram activity. Today, we share more information about ourselves than ever before. We share what we eat, what we do, how we feel, and much more. Something we also don't think about is that social media also share our way of living, our awake times, when we go to bed, and how we use social media. When we use social media, we leave traces of our social media usage ...
How to Repost on Instagram: the Complete Guide

How to Repost on Instagram: the Complete Guide

Want to know how to repost on Instagram? Want to learn how to effectively incorporate Instagram reposting into your Instagram strategy? Instagram truly is the social media platform of this era which has exploded dramatically over the years. Instagram enables you to share the most amazing moments with your followers and enables a great storytelling to captivate and engage your audience, but what if you don’t want to upload your own picture but instead want to repost another account’s Instagram post? There are many reasons why you might want to repost on Instagram. Maybe you just don’t have anything to share with your audience, maybe you’ve seen an inspiring post which you now want to share with your audience to pass on the value that you yourself got from it. With millions of milli...
How To Temporarily Disable Your Instagram Account

How To Temporarily Disable Your Instagram Account

How-To, Instagram
Looking to temporarily disable your Instagram account? And want to know how to deactivate Instagram account twice a week or just deactivating it once? This artcile will sum everything up for you! Instagram is truly one of the most powerful social media platforms of this era, and it can be viewed as the most significant platform that has evolved this decade. Instagram is an amazing social media platform in so many ways, and clearly, people seem to find that it brings value to their lives considering the fact that more than 800 million people are actively using it. But social media just isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Therefore, you’ve maybe made the decision to deactivate Instagram. Maybe have found that Instagram has been taking up too much of your time, maybe you have no inte...
How To Delete Your Instagram Account

How To Delete Your Instagram Account

How-To, Instagram
Looking to delete your Instagram account but not sure how to do it? Instagram is one of the most popular social networks With a staggering 800 million users globally. It’s safe to say that Instagram and social media as a whole has completely revolutionized the society we live in, the way we communicate and share information with each other. Instagram is with its large number of users one of the most popular social media platforms of this era, so clearly, people seem to find value in the platform. But the truth is that not everyone does. Or, there might be other reasons that you want to delete your Instagram account. Maybe you’ve given Instagram a shot but found that it just wasn’t your cup of tea to share photos of your life or looking at what other people are up to, and now, want...
The Complete and Only Guide to Video Marketing You’ll Ever Need

The Complete and Only Guide to Video Marketing You’ll Ever Need

Online Marketing
Want to become a video marketing expert? In an earlier post of mine, I spoke about the famous quote "a picture says more than a thousand words". I then threw out there the idea that if a picture says more than a thousand words, what does a video that is filmed in 30 or 60 fps say? In theory, it’d say quite a lot, right? This would mean that video is tremendously powerful, and it seems like my theory isn’t far from the truth, because the statistics about video marketing speaks quite clearly. An equation could look like this: 1 picture = 1,000 words Video shoots at 30 frames per second 1 second of video = 30,000 words 30,000 words x 60 seconds = 1.8 million. And all of that makes sense, with the fact that humans are visual creatures, in mind. Just look ...
How Do You Get Instagram Insights?

How Do You Get Instagram Insights?

How-To, Instagram
Want to access Instagram’s built-in analytics tool known by the name of Instagram Insights? Over the years, Instagram has become more and more orientated towards businesses, and there are two reasons for that. First off, as more and more brands hop on to Instagram, all of a sudden, a new group of users have emerged on Instagram. Because Instagram wants as many users as possible, this lead to them having cater to a new user base, and making sure their needs are met. And the people who are using Instagram and other social media platforms and running them for businesses are marketers. Marketers love measuring results and evaluating the ROI, and they also have pressure from other people to prove the results the marketing efforts they are using are generating. But measuring marketing resu...
How To Get Your Instagram Verified

How To Get Your Instagram Verified

How-To, Instagram
Looking to get your Instagram verified? Getting Instagram verified symbol is one of the most discussed questions about the platform. The question is almost as discussed and asked as much as the question of how you grow Instagram followers. That’s because having an Instagram verified symbol comes with the same prestige as having a lot of followers. Apart from what many tend to believe, the Instagram verified symbol has nothing to do with follower count. Sure, there might be a correlation between the number of Instagram verified symbols that there are in total and the number of those belong to accounts with huge followings. However, while the relation might be correlated, it isn’t due to causality. I’ll get more into detail of this further on. That you don’t need a lot of followers ...
How to See Who Visits Your Instagram Profile

How to See Who Visits Your Instagram Profile

Wondering how you can see who visits your Instagram profile? A common question that people ask is how they can see who visits their Instagram profile, and despite it being a commonly asked question, there are only a few answers to it. This is why I have taken on the challenge to write the most in-depth and thorough answer to how you can see who visits your Instagram profile and if it is even possible. How to see who visits your Instagram profile As you’ve might have guessed, there are ways that you can see who visits your Instagram profile. Some of the methods to do so include using third-party apps, and others using a different approach. In asking the question of whether or not it is possible to see who visits your Instagram profile, many people hope that there would be some...
How to Spot a Fake Instagram Account

How to Spot a Fake Instagram Account

Want to learn how to spot a fake Instagram account? You’re probably already aware of the fact that on Instagram, there are fake Instagram accounts. And Instagram is cracking down on it hard. As Instagram has exploded in popularity over the years, so has the importance and significance of having a lot of followers on Instagram become. Today, having followers mean prestige and respect and looking more popular in front of other people. But not everyone knows how to, or wants to put in the effort of working strategically to authentically grow their followers, but instead, they decide to take the shortcut. And there aren’t just a selected few people who buy fake followers on Instagram.  Today, large corporates, influencers, and all sorts of people purchase followers on Instagram, ev...
Top 19 Online Marketing Benefits You Shouldn’t Ignore

Top 19 Online Marketing Benefits You Shouldn’t Ignore

Online Marketing
Curious about the online marketing benefits? The number of internet users has skyrocketed since it first came around. In 2017, it was estimated that 3.58 billion people were using the internet. This means that people are moving from the more traditional ways of consuming content and accessing information such as the likes of newspaper and television, and, instead, spend an increased amount of time on the internet. For marketers, one might say that the internet has completely turned upside down on the marketing industry. When the internet was just a baby, many people laughed at the internet, calling it a fad, and the fact that you would use internet marketing was unthinkable. Until you realize that marketers only trade on one thing: attention. Everything you do in marke...
How to Clean and Remove Inactive Instagram Followers

How to Clean and Remove Inactive Instagram Followers

How-To, Instagram
If you’ve been using Instagram, or any social media platform for that matter, you know that there are inactive Instagram followers and a ton of inactive accounts that belong to people who have either created a new account, forgot the log-ins, or have just stopped using Instagram. Inactive Instagram followers, also known as Instagram followers, are accounts that bring no real value to you, other than that they increase the number of followers you have. If you use Instagram for promoting your products, they’ll never buy from you, and if you want your followers to take action, they never will. In short, ghost followers or inactive Instagram followers are accounts that are following you on Instagram but never engage with you or your posts. Since Instagram is called social media, a...