Thursday, March 6

Author: VELOCE

Så Vet Du Om Någon Blockerat Dig På Snapchat

Så Vet Du Om Någon Blockerat Dig På Snapchat

Sociala Medier
Vill du veta hur man ser om någon har blockerat dig på Snapchat? Då är du på rätt ställe! Välkommen. "Om någon skulle blockera mig på Snapchat, skulle jag fortfarande kunna se deras Stories? "Hur vet jag om någon har blockerat mig på Snapchat?" Det här är bara två av många frågor som är relaterade till samma fråga. Eftersom att du är här är det också antagligen frågor du försöker hitta svar på. Leta inte mer, för att i denna korta artikeln kommer du lära dig allt om hur man vet om någon blockerat dig på Snapchat. Svaret på den frågan är ganska simpel, men det finns flera sätt att upptäcka om någon har blockerat dig på Snapchat Snapchat skickar inga notiser om någon blockerat dig på Snapchat (av goda skäl) men som tur är finns det ett par sätt att se om du har blocke...
The Complete List Of The Most Common Social media marketing questions

The Complete List Of The Most Common Social media marketing questions

Social Media Marketing
Do you have some social media marketing questions? It’s safe to say that social media has completely revolutionized our society. Or at the very least, the way we communicate. In 2018, the number of social media users of social media users is projected to reach 2.62 billion. And that’s quite a lot of people, considering the fact that there are 7,6 billion people in this world. And as a marketer, you need to realize that you’re only trading on one thing: attention. Where your audience’s attention is, that’s where you should be. There’s no real point of running television ads if no-one is watching the television, nor is there any point to run a television ad, even if there are people watching, if none of those people are within your target audience, right? As people’s att...
How to Leverage Emotions in Marketing: a Complete Guide

How to Leverage Emotions in Marketing: a Complete Guide

Every day, we go through tons of different emotions, but the fact of the matter is that humans are only capable of feeling four basic four “basic” emotions, which are, afraid/surprised, happy, sad, and angry/disgusted. But from those four basic emotions, there is a whole spectrum of emotions that we can feel, similar to how there are only three basic colors, which in turn can be mixed to create secondary colors. While we like to believe we are rational creatures who make clever, logical, and well-thought decisions based on deep thought and consideration, but in reality, humans make emotional decisions. The neuroscientist Antonio Damasio made a study on individuals who had damaged the part of the brain where emotions are generated, and the findings were groundbreaking. The individuals...
How to Optimize Your Content for Better Conversions

How to Optimize Your Content for Better Conversions

Want to learn How to Optimize Your Content for Better Conversions? You’re always looking to increase your conversion rate as a brand. And the reason you’re working with content marketing in the first place is that you are hoping to be able to reach more people, and ultimately increase your conversions, right? Content marketing has skyrocketed in popularity over the years, and we have Google Trends that prove it. But its increased popularity is not strange considering the immense results it is showing that it's able to generate. The market is changing, and you need to adapt your business to those changes. And in today's marketing landscape, content marketing is certainly part of that. People are tired of brands who are stealing their time with their boring advertisements,...
How to Leverage Segmentation in Marketing to Boost Conversions

How to Leverage Segmentation in Marketing to Boost Conversions

No-one is the other like, and everyone is unique, are things we hear and have been fed with since being children. But in marketing, those ideas often seem to have gone lost. Because most brands market to the large crowd, without thinking about the individuals in that crowd. But after all, it is to the individuals we sell, not to the large crowd, and marketers need to understand that. Luckily, a lot of them do, plus, you’re here, so that means you’re ready to take the next step. Every customer has different needs, different perspectives, and ideas. And the way you market to the individuals in a more personal and tailored manner is by leveraging segmentation in your marketing. In this article, we’re looking at how you can leverage segmentation in your marketing, so you can craft better ...
Think Email Marketing is Dead? 7 Statistics That Prove It’s Not

Think Email Marketing is Dead? 7 Statistics That Prove It’s Not

Online Marketing
Email marketing isn't dead. But if you check the internet, it may sure seem like it. "Email marketing is dead", "Why email marketing is dead", "why email marketing (finally) is dead" are just some of many headlines that have popped up in the course of the last couple years. But is email marketing actually dead? Experts part of the marketing industry still believe that marketing via email is still the most effective and convincing method to maximize the potential of reaching the most number of customers. As per Gigaom Research, the marketers continuously ranked email marketing as one of the most effective methods for conversion, retention, acquisition, and awareness. This medium is powerful enough to convey messages to the target market, hence building awareness and higher ch...
How to Leverage Social Media Messaging Chat Apps for Marketing

How to Leverage Social Media Messaging Chat Apps for Marketing

How-To, Social Media Marketing
Over the time, as social media has grown, and its total user count has reached more than, a lot of messaging apps have popped up. Some created by famous corporates like Facebook, others that were initially completely unknown, such as KIK. But the social landscape is quickly evolving. The messaging apps that are being used today may not be used tomorrow. One thing’s for sure, though. Mobile messaging is on the rise, and never in the history of this earth has mobile messaging been more popular today, allowing people to communicate with people from all around the world in a heartbeat. In fact, more than 1.4 billion people used mobile messaging apps in 2016, which is an increase of almost 16 percent over 2015(!). That’s not all. A study by Nielsen found that 59 percent ...
How to Leverage the Power of User-Generated Content in Marketing

How to Leverage the Power of User-Generated Content in Marketing

Online Marketing
Curious about user-generated content? As a marketer, you are constantly looking for new ways to promote your brand and skyrocket results. But not only do you want to get your brand in front of more eyeballs, but you also want to market your brand in ways that build trust and allows you to resonate with your audience. Simply creating a banner and saying ”buy our stuff, we’re on a banner” just doesn’t work, and the trust and attention on traditional marketing sources like TV and radio are at an all-time low. With more and more people turning to social media, your brand has a tremendous opportunity to not only get in front of, and impact more people, but also get in front of your audience in the right context, with the right message, and reach the people who truly matter for your...
How To Get To Instagram Explore Page Hack

How To Get To Instagram Explore Page Hack

How-To, Instagram
If you have used Instagram, even for just a day, I’d be surprised if you haven’t come across the Instagram Explore page. If you’ve been looking at opportunities to increase exposure for your brand on Instagram, It’s not completely unlikely that you’ve been dreaming about getting your post featured on the Instagram explore page, either. Instagram continues to be an effective tool for brands to increase their exposure, and build strong relationships with their audience, and the statistics of Instagram marketing proves this. But as more and more people hop onto Instagram, including brands, it means that more and more content is being put out. In fact, over 95 million photos are shared on Instagram daily. This means that the competition of getting your post seen is tougher than ...
The Ultimate Guide to Creating Visually Appealing Content For Marketing

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Visually Appealing Content For Marketing

Online Marketing
All You Need To Know To Create Visually Appealing Content For Marketing You’ve probably heard the quote content is king a million times by now. But that’s because it’s true. There’s a reason why brands and marketers are devoting more money than ever into content marketing. But which type of content should you focus on? Studies say visual content. And it’s not so strange, really! The human brain resonates a lot better with visual content than it does with text. Think about it: Would you rather read a 2000 word blog post than watch a 10-minute video that teaches you about the same subject? Most would say video. And studies prove that you’ll also be able to learn more by watching the video. And yes, I know, it’s a bit counter-intuitive that I am rambling on...
Why Direct Mail Marketing is Far From Dead – Infographic

Why Direct Mail Marketing is Far From Dead – Infographic

Online Marketing
Direct Mail marketing is far from dead. In fact, it can still form an important part of any marketing strategy. Digital marketing is, of course, a powerful tool but this infographic from Colourfast looks at how direct mail marketing is still very effective. Some of the stats point strongly to this with 41% of Americans looking forward to checking what is in the mailbox each day. Think of it this way, even if we see a flyer in our mailbox, we often give it a cursory glance out of habit more than anything else. On the other hand, if we get unsolicited offers in our email inbox we generally ignore and delete these messages. Amazingly 40% of consumers are willing to give new businesses a chance after they receive direct mail from them. Interestingly, there is far less competition in y...
How to Choose a Proper Web Design and SEO Service Provider?

How to Choose a Proper Web Design and SEO Service Provider?

Are you going to get your website developed for the first time? Are you new to the field, and have just finished doing the basic research about web design and SEO? In that case, you need more brush up to decide the best web designing and developing a team for your site. A lot of small and big factors need consideration while getting your site made. And the sooner you learn about them; the better would be your choice of the website designer. Website design and development does not state all that you need to know What would be your first steps as you try to search for a good website designing team? Maybe you would ask for recommendations from associated businesses, friends, and acquaintances. Or perhaps you will straightaway search the internet to get some of the names of web developers...
The Complete Guide to a Killer Social Media Branding Strategy

The Complete Guide to a Killer Social Media Branding Strategy

Social Media Marketing
Want to learn how you can develop a social media branding strategy? More and more, we hear the term "branding" in the marketing landscape. Not least, we hear the term personal brand, as a result of social media, which has enabled everyone to get a voice and build an audience. Chances are, you're here because you realize the importance of branding, and having a branding strategy which allows you to work with branding. But what does it really mean? And how do you do it? The marketing landscape is competitive. Everyone is fighting for their audience's attention, not to mention the tough competition on social media. Working with branding in your marketing, and creating a branding strategy allows you to stand out from the noise and ultimately get your audience to listen ...