Thursday, March 6

Author: VELOCE

Everything You Need to Know About Advertising on Instagram

Everything You Need to Know About Advertising on Instagram

Everything You Need to Know About Advertising on Instagram : Instagram ads In 2015, Instagram ads were made available to all marketers. The Facebook-owned social media platform, that was obtained for 1 billion dollars didn’t have any sources of income and was instead bleeding money. But Instagram had one thing: Attention. As a marketer, you need to realize you’re only trading on one thing: Attention. If you don’t have your audience’s attention, you won’t be able to increase sales, boost conversions, increase brand awareness, or improve any other metric you might want to focus on. When Facebook bought Instagram, they realized the immense attention that was on Instagram, and where attention is, there’s money to be made. The good news is that Instagram has no lack of attention. In f...
7 Digital Marketing Types you Need to Use today

7 Digital Marketing Types you Need to Use today

Online Marketing
7 Digital Marketing Types you Need to Use today By definition, marketing is ”the action of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising”. Today it is an advanced blend of strategy & technology while it had its humble beginnings of simply trying to sell goods & services. Researchers believe that marketing is as old as civilization itself. The art of persuasive communication is said to have its origin in ancient China & India which is where the idea of marketing started to develop. It has had many evolutions as time went by & has accelerated at a rapid pace adapting with technology. Print marketing had its beginning in 1450 when Gutenberg invented the movable type printing machines which made mass printing possible & it took...
How to Boost Sales by Selling to Existing Customers

How to Boost Sales by Selling to Existing Customers

How to Boost Sales by Selling to Existing Customers Want to increase your revenue? Who am I kidding, of course, you do! The most obvious way to go about doing this is to go out and acquire new customers. But did you know you can increase your revenue by focusing on the customers you already have? Without acquiring a single new customer? Acquiring new customers is great, but retaining customers and focusing on getting your existing customers to buy more from you is better. But in doing so, we cannot neglect the importance of acquiring new customers as well. When your customer acquisition works together with your customer retention, that’s when you have a recipe for success. If you’re only focusing on increasing your sales without acquiring new customers, eventuall...
How to Use Snapchat for Marketing: a Complete Guide

How to Use Snapchat for Marketing: a Complete Guide

How to Use Snapchat for Marketing: a Complete Guide Snapchat is a social network of over 178 million daily active users worldwide. It’s an app mainly focused on video and photos, which disappear after 24 hours, or instantly after they’ve been watched. On the platform. you can send snaps to your friends, as well as share ”stories” on your profile, which your friends can watch an unlimited amount of time for 24 hours, after which they disappear. P.S. Did you know that you can easily grow your online presence on Snapchat? You can read this post on getting more followers on Snapchat. Snapchat is a social media platform that is just a baby compared to its competitors, however, it gained traction because it offered something that that many people were crying for - being able to send content tha...
How to Make Sure Your Website is Social Media Ready

How to Make Sure Your Website is Social Media Ready

How to Make Sure Your Website is Social Media Ready If you’re doing social media marketing correctly, you’re treating your website and your social media like one, that works together in harmony, and complement each other - allowing you to generate the best possible results. Social media marketing is tremendously powerful if used in the right way, but just using social media without having a website, or having a website but not incorporating it into your social media marketing means you are reaching far from your full potential. For many brands, social media is an outlet that allows them to reach more people and build stronger relationships with their audience, then leading them to their website to get them to convert. But simply guiding people to your website isn’t enough. I...
How to Create a Unique Visual Theme on Instagram

How to Create a Unique Visual Theme on Instagram

How to Create a Unique Visual Theme on Instagram Instagram is a social media platform that is based on visual content. Have you ever tried uploading a post without using visual content? Hint: It isn't possible. To say the least, your visual content on Instagram is tremendously important. It is what helps you stand out from the crowd, and it is your value proposition to your audience. Over 95 million posts are shared on Instagram daily. This puts the greatest importance on the content you put out. But not only should your content be appealing, relevant, and high-quality, it should also follow a certain theme. There are a few things that separate the leaders on Instagram from the people who are struggling to get to the top, and one of them is that they have a visua...
How to Make Your Marketing More Transparent

How to Make Your Marketing More Transparent

How to Make Your Marketing More Transparent One of the most effective ways to gain more customers, and to make your customers more loyal is to become more transparent as a brand. This topic is a bit tabu among many marketers and leaders because they are scared to death that the public will spot any flaws they might have. So they become as private as they possibly can, not letting anyone in on their brand secrets. And it’s not strange really. For a long time, the way to success has been to put your brand on a pedestal and present yourself as a pig in disguise, dressed out like a model. And the thing is, it has worked. Back in the days, brands could be unethical and sell you products that didn’t work, or lie about things, simply because people couldn’t get ahold of the real tr...
6 Secret Tactics to Growing Your Business With Snapchat

6 Secret Tactics to Growing Your Business With Snapchat

6 Secret Tactics to Growing Your Business With Snapchat When I say social media, what do you think about? Facebook? Instagram? Maybe even Twitter? Most of you won’t think about Snapchat. This is something that is quite interesting because although Snapchat having 178 million daily active users worldwide, more than Twitter’s 330 million monthly active users, it’s often a social platform that is ignored and neglected by marketers. A lot of it because it is new, at least compared to the other leading platforms on social media. Everyone is afraid of the unknown, especially when you don’t know what results Snapchat can generate to you. But the good news is that where people’s attention is, there are marketing results to be generated. But what really affects how effective...
How to Leverage Emotions In Marketing to Skyrocket Sales

How to Leverage Emotions In Marketing to Skyrocket Sales

How to Leverage Emotions In Marketing to Skyrocket Sales Humans are emotional creatures. We cry, we laugh, we scream, and we shout. Inevitably, this has gotten lots of marketers to study humans and if it is possible to leverage emotions in marketing to leave a bigger impact and to ultimately get people to convert. Hint: it is possible - and it’s happening all around you. And you can probably recognize yourself in this. The majority of the choices you make are made based on how you feel, not what you think. In that sense, we’re irrational creatures, which makes that the main thing marketers have to appeal to is your emotions. While we often want to think and believe that we’re in control of our choices, it’s seldom we actually are. Instead of using your logical th...
The Complete Guide on How to Build Successful Sales Funnels

The Complete Guide on How to Build Successful Sales Funnels

The Complete Guide on How to Build Successful Sales Funnels Are you feeling like you’re doing everything in your power to boost sales, but still, people aren’t converting? Are you following every single principle of optimising your content, website and landing page to boost your conversions, but still, it just doesn’t seem to help? Don’t worry. The answer might lie in your sales funnel. In fact, have you put great emphasis on developing and following your sales funnel when trying to increase your sales? The problem with most businesses today is that they have a lot of eyes on them, but the vast majority of those people just aren’t buying. Imagine if all, or at least the majority of people who come to your site and online shop converts. I am going to let you in on a ...
How to Repurpose Content and Generate Better Results

How to Repurpose Content and Generate Better Results

How to Repurpose Content and Generate Better Results Creating content is hard. It’s both time-consuming and expensive. And with the saturated and competitive landscape online, you need to invest even more resources into producing high-quality content for it to even benefit you. Creating just average content isn't enough for cutting through the noise. But what happens after you press publish, share, and post? What happens with the piece of content you’ve invested so much time and resources into creating? Well, hopefully, it drives some results and has some marketing benefits, but quite soon, it will start disappearing in the noise of the internet. And before you know it, your content stops generating any marketing results and stops benefiting you, and you have to create...
Why the Holistic Industry Needs to Embrace the Power of the Blog (Infographic)

Why the Holistic Industry Needs to Embrace the Power of the Blog (Infographic)

Why the Holistic Industry Needs to Embrace the Power of the Blog (Infographic) It is a known fact that the conventional medical establishment has tried everything in their power to crush the holistic industry. Unlike the medicine-driven, high profits of the conventional sector, holistic practitioners use less conventional ways of therapy that studies have shown can be just as effective as -if not more than - their mainstream cousins. The truth is big pharmaceuticals have made billions on selling drugs and treatments that have made it very hard for a holistic practitioner to compete. The market budgets of these huge companies made it nearly impossible to market to their global demographic, until now. The internet has definitely changed the world and made it so that r...
15 Powerful Ways to Skyrocket Your Sales With Social Media Marketing

15 Powerful Ways to Skyrocket Your Sales With Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing
15 Powerful Ways to Skyrocket Your Sales With Social Media Marketing Social media has a great marketing power, and if used in the right way, it can drive you tons of sales. But that’s also the catch. Many marketers aren’t using social media in the right way, and are, therefore, not driving sales, or at least as many sales as they would like to. In fact, that’s probably the reason you are here. You might have built yourself a decent following, and tried everything to convince your audience, yet, few or none have bought from you. When you invest time into social media with the goal of selling more, you obviously want to reach your goal as well, and that’s exactly what I’ll teach you in this article. Let's dig right in. 1. Use the platforms your audience is using the mos...