Wednesday, March 5

Author: VELOCE

11 Powerful Tools To Help You Write The Perfect Marketing Email

11 Powerful Tools To Help You Write The Perfect Marketing Email

Business, Online Marketing
11 Powerful Tools To Help You Write The Perfect Marketing Email Writing marketing emails sounds like a tough prospect for any marketer, but when you approach them in the right way, you can increase those email open rates and really start to connect with your customers. You need to master being personable in your emails while convincing the recipient that they want to buy your product. If you're looking to improve your email writing skills, then you're in the right place. Here are the tools you can use to improve your emails and get those customers buying. 1. Daily Page If you're serious about getting better at marketing emails, then you'll need some outside help. This is where this tool comes in. It puts you in touch with a multitude of writing courses, that will help you with s...
Why Your Brand Needs to Consider Instagram Influencer Marketing [Infographic]

Why Your Brand Needs to Consider Instagram Influencer Marketing [Infographic]

Influencer Marketing, Instagram
Why Your Brand Needs to Consider Instagram Influencer Marketing [Infographic] Instagram is one of the fastest growing social platforms available today. Marketers everywhere are working hard to harness the power of all its features, including Instagram Stories. With 800 million monthly active users, your audience is likely there. Instagram has high engagement rates. 17% of U.S. users check the network multiple times a day. While it's important to get your brand's Instagram profile off the ground, include influencers in your marketing strategy. Gone are the Days Where You Need a Celebrity Endorsement Before the internet, many companies used celebrity endorsements to win consumer trust. Some major brands, such as Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem, still rely on these endorsements to ma...
Improve Your Organic Search Rates With Optimized SEO

Improve Your Organic Search Rates With Optimized SEO

How-To, SEO
Improve Your Organic Search Rates With Optimized SEO It's the question that every website owner asks: "How do I get more traffic to my site?". There's a lot of ways you can bring that traffic in, but the best and most reputable way of doing so is to improve your SEO, so you can bring organic links in from search engines. Here's just why it's so important to do it this way, and tips to help you improve your SEO. These will all help increase your traffic, all while improving the quality of your site. Why Organic SEO? As mentioned, there's a lot of ways you can bring in readers. A few years ago, it was common for sites to use 'black hat' SEO techniques. These were tactics that were ethically vague and relied on some kind of trickery, either to bring traffic in or keep search engines i...
Why You Don’t Need to Pay a Dollar For Social Media Marketing

Why You Don’t Need to Pay a Dollar For Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing
Why You Don't Need to Pay a Dollar For Social Media Marketing With social media, or any other type of marketing for that matter, the more money you invest, the better results you'll generate? Right? Well, the most logical answer would be yes, but on second thought, you know that isn't always the case. You can, for example, generate more clicks and conversions with a Google Adwords ad that is optimized and has a high score and that pays less per click, rather than an ad that pays a lot for each click but doesn't have an optimized and appealing ad. Look at this visual from Search Engine Land explaining the principle: The idea with social media is that you need to pay lots of dollars to generate any results worthwhile. Yes, investing in social media can help boost your resu...
The Complete Guide to Instagram Hashtags (What You Need To Know About Instagram Hashtags)

The Complete Guide to Instagram Hashtags (What You Need To Know About Instagram Hashtags)

The Complete Guide to Instagram Hashtags (What You Need To Know About Instagram Hashtags) Hashtags are a huge thing on Instagram. In fact, it is considered to be the single most effective way of reaching new audiences, growing more followers, and getting more exposure. Whether it actually is the most effective, I leave up to you, but one thing that is sure is that hashtags are something everyone should use. Despite their efficiency in helping you grow your business or personal page, people have split opinions on them. Some people hate them, while others know how effective they are, and try to cram out every single drop of marketing power they have. To prove the power of hashtags, did you know that posts that include at least one hashtags receive 12.6% more engagement than po...
The Complete Guide To Instagram Archives: What You Should Know About Instagram Archives

The Complete Guide To Instagram Archives: What You Should Know About Instagram Archives

The Complete Guide To Instagram Archives: What You Should Know About Instagram Archives There's a chance that you don't know about the Instagram Archive feature. But since you're here, chances are that you know what it is, but not quite how to use it, and get the most out of it. Am I right? The truth is that Instagram's Archive feature holds a lot of untapped potentials and the sad part is that only a handful of Instagram use it. Have you ever deleted a post but then regretted it afterward? With the Archive feature, that won't be an issue anymore. If you want to hide a post that didn't perform well, improve the overall look of your feed, or hide posts for any other reason delete a post from the feed, you can now do just that. As a marketer, you want to use every single tool ...
How to Leverage Instagram Geotag Feature To Get Your Local Followers To Your Store

How to Leverage Instagram Geotag Feature To Get Your Local Followers To Your Store

How-To, Instagram
How to Leverage Instagram Geotag Feature To Get Your Local Followers To Your Store Geolocations are something that is greatly underused on Instagram in comparison with its potential. As a local business, geolocations on Instagram is an opportunity you simply can't afford to ignore. The good news about them, for you, is that very few local businesses are using them, or any of the methods I'll present in this article, and this means that you have very little competition but a ton of opportunities. In this article, we're looking at how you can leverage the geotag on Instagram to get more people aware of your physical location and to get more customers. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What is a geotag? A geotag, also known as geolocation is a locatio...
14 Mind-Blowing Instagram Marketing Statistics You Need to See For 2018

14 Mind-Blowing Instagram Marketing Statistics You Need to See For 2018

14 Mind-Blowing Instagram Marketing Statistics You Need to See For 2018 When searching for statistics that prove the power and sheer size of Instagram in marketing, very few results show up. You get to see articles that include statistics like "Selena Gomez is the second most followed account on Instagram". But what does this have to do with Instagram marketing? Nothing. That's right. Therefore, I have created an article that only includes the most relevant statistics about Instagram marketing. In other words, statistics that marketers like you and I actually care about. Not statistics about the "most liked post on Instagram" or other things that have nothing to do with social media marketing. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Let's not waste any...
Top 10 Accounts With The Most Followers on Instagram

Top 10 Accounts With The Most Followers on Instagram

Tips & tricks
Top 10 Accounts With The Most Followers on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The top accounts on Instagram have quite the follower count. While some are struggling to reach 100K followers, others are growing that number each day. 1. Instagram - @Instagram Not quite the surprise, right? Instagram strategically places suggestions of recommended accounts that you should follow, and of course, Instagram always places themselves there. Their massive follower count isn't necessarily because they are sharing the most content, but because they are getting the most exposure. They built the platform and they have full power over it. If they wanted, they could make everyone follow them by default and give them no option to unfollow them. However,...