Tuesday, March 4

Author: VELOCE

3 Potential Social Media Marketing Threats To Identify Before They Appear

3 Potential Social Media Marketing Threats To Identify Before They Appear

Social Media Marketing
3 Potential Social Media Marketing Threats To Identify Before They Appear Social media is a powerful marketing tool for marketers. If used correctly, it means great exposure for your brand, a highway to connecting and engaging with your target audience which leads to long-lasting relationships that establishes trust. It also means traffic, newsletter signups, and potential customers coming further down your conversion funnel. And social media can do this at a fraction of the cost that traditional display ads or most other marketing methods can. In fact, it can even do it better, if used correctly, that is. Marketers have started to realize the many benefits of social media marketing, and as a result, more brands than ever have made social media a part of their marketing strategy. ...
The Ultimate Guide To Finding People On Instagram

The Ultimate Guide To Finding People On Instagram

How-To, Instagram
The Ultimate Guide To Finding People On Instagram Want to find people from your target audience? Want to find your friends? Want to find people who share the same interests as you? Look no further, because, in this article, I'll present The Ultimate Guide To Finding People On Instagram and the different methods you can use. Note that not all methods won't work for all groups of people. With these methods, you can find all types of people:  friends, your target audience, people with similar interests, and so on. But note that all methods won't work for all types of people. Some will work for all, some will work for only two, and some only for one particular group, but don't worry though! I'll tell you exactly which methods are best for what. Hashtags Hashtags are great tools t...
Top 20 Powerful Snapchat Marketing Statistics You Need To See

Top 20 Powerful Snapchat Marketing Statistics You Need To See

Top 20 Powerful Snapchat Marketing Statistics You Need To See It's no secret that Snapchat's core audience is teens and millennials. In other words, people from the older generation. This means that as a brand with a target audience of teens, you have an exceptional chance to reach, impact, and convert your audience that is spending time on Snapchat. But before you start using Snapchat for marketing and to reach your audience, you need to know if it can generate any results, right? Therefore, I've compiled a list of Snapchat statistics which are interesting to know about. It contains statistics on everything from demographics to usage, to what it can do for your brand. Snapchat has over 166 million average daily users. No, Snapchat isn't as large as the biggest social ...
How to Tell if Your Social Media Strategy Is Working

How to Tell if Your Social Media Strategy Is Working

How-To, Social Media Marketing
How to Tell if Your Social Media Strategy Is Working You've created your social media strategy, you've put your strategies into action. Now what? Do you just wait for the results to start rolling in? Or even more correctly, how to do you know when and if you generate any results from your social media efforts? Social media has gone from being a fad to become something that almost every brand is using. In fact, according to a study by eMarketer, 88% of Companies are Using Social Media for Marketing. But there's still one big challenge that is scaring people away from social media, and that is the fact that it’s extremely difficult to accurately measure the results of social media, and therefore also your return on investment, or ROI. There's no doubt that social media is, ...
How To Effortlessly And Quickly Get More Likes on Instagram

How To Effortlessly And Quickly Get More Likes on Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How To Effortlessly And Quickly Get More Likes on Instagram Want to increase the number of likes on your Instagram posts? Don't feel like you're getting enough credit for your posts? There are several reasons that getting more likes on Instagram is good. First, it shows that you have an engaged audience and it makes your page look better. This is especially true if you've previously struggled with a low engagement on your Instagram page. The second reason why getting more likes on Instagram is important is that it can help increase the chances of you getting your post featured on the Search & Explore page, but also top posts on hashtags and locations. Getting lots of likes is, in that sense, like a slippery slope where lots of likes lead to even more likes and exposure. ...
How to Add a Link to Your Instagram Stories (And How to Use It)

How to Add a Link to Your Instagram Stories (And How to Use It)

How-To, Instagram
How to Add a Link to Your Instagram Stories (And How to Use It) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Are you using Instagram Stories and want to know how to add a link to them? Some time after Instagram's launch of Stories, they introduced swipeable links to the feature. This update was well received since Instagram is known to be very conservative when it comes to allowing people to share links, and it gave marketers one more way to use Instagram to drive traffic back to their website and ultimately increase the chances of a conversion. Previously, the only place to share links on Instagram was in your bio. Due to this, marketers found it very hard to use Instagram for driving traffic, which is a highly popular objective for many marketers. With a simpl...
How to Add Multiple Accounts on Instagram (And manage them)

How to Add Multiple Accounts on Instagram (And manage them)

How-To, Instagram
How to Add Multiple Accounts on Instagram (And manage them) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you don't know what the feature "Multiple accounts" is, on Instagram, this title may be a little misleading. However, don't worry. In this article, I'll both talk about how you can add multiple accounts on Instagram, but also how your job with managing several Instagram can be made more effective. When Instagram's "Multiple accounts" feature was released, I jumped of happiness, because the problem it was now solving had been a huge pain point for me for many years. At the time, I was managing around 5 accounts, and it was a huge pain point having to log in and out of each and every account, I managed when I wanted to check notifications, check messages,...
Social Media Strategies Top Brands Are Using And What You Can Learn From Them

Social Media Strategies Top Brands Are Using And What You Can Learn From Them

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Strategies Top Brands Are Using And What You Can Learn From Them When looking to do something, you should always look at the experts who have already achieved what you want to achieve and are in the position that you want to be in. For marketers, social media has gone from being something considered just a fad, to an essential part of their marketing strategy. Today, more and more brands are realizing the true marketing potential of social media, and very few deny its powers. In fact, many of the world's largest corporates have started using social media - and are doing it extremely well. If you aren't yet using social media, now is the time. In this article, we'll be listing usage stats, while also highlighting different ways that businesses are using social media...
Why You Shouldn’t use Social Media Automation and Bots

Why You Shouldn’t use Social Media Automation and Bots

Tips & tricks
Why You Shouldn't use Social Media Automation and Bots Social media automation and the use of bots is a subject that is discussed a lot- but also very little. What the hell do I mean? Well, there are many different types of social media automation, but in this article, we're going to focus on bot automation on social media, used to grow your presence and followers. Now the reason why the term automation and bot are used to describe the same thing is that when you automate something on social media, you're putting bots to do the job your automating. It's important that social media bots, in this context is not confused with automation like messaging bots, because these are actually quite good and helpful, and they're being used by tons of brands every day. Don't get me wrong....
How To use Instagram Polls in Stories To Your Advantage

How To use Instagram Polls in Stories To Your Advantage

How-To, Instagram
How To use Instagram Polls in Stories To Your Advantage (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Instagram polls have opened up for lots of new ways to use Instagram Stories. It's a small feature yet tremendously powerful if used correctly. If you want to engage with your audience and encourage them to interact with you, polls on Stories is for you. In this article, you'll learn How To use Instagram Polls in Stories To Your Advantage. What are Instagram polls? The Instagram poll is a so-called sticker that you can choose to add to your Instagram Story. There are several stickers you can add to your story, but only some of them are interactive. Interactive meaning that the viewers of your story can tap on them and something happens when they do. They're n...
9 Instagram Features You Didn’t know Exist That You Should be Using

9 Instagram Features You Didn’t know Exist That You Should be Using

Tips & tricks
9 Instagram Features You Didn't know Exist That You Should be Using Almost everything you use has "hidden" features. Most of the time, it's not that it's hidden by purpose, but the features have to be placed somewhere, and as a result, people might never get aware of their existence because they're not actively searching for them. When you know the ins and outs of a social media platform, you can do so much more, and reach your full potential on that platform. Most importantly, you can surprise your audience and show them that you're an industry-leading expert. If you aren't fully educated on the social platforms you are doing, you are undoubtedly missing out on great opportunities. What if you're going to run a race but have no idea that you can tie your shoes? When you know the ...
How To Effortlessly Get Featured On Instagram Top Posts

How To Effortlessly Get Featured On Instagram Top Posts

How-To, Instagram
How To Effortlessly Get Featured On Instagram Top Posts Instagram top posts have existed for quite some time now, but still, it's a feature that holds a lot of mystery, because there are few people who know what it is, how it works, its benefits, and how to get featured there. What are top posts on Instagram? Every hashtag and location has its own section of top posts. This is a section of 9 posts at the top of the respective hashtag or location that has received the most engagement. When you scroll through a location or hashtag, you will see two sections. At the very top, you will see three by three images at the with the text "Top Posts". If you're using hashtags or locations on Instagram to boost your exposure, Top Posts are like regular hashtags and locations on steroids be...
21 mind-blowing Instagram Marketing Statistics You Need To See

21 mind-blowing Instagram Marketing Statistics You Need To See

21 mind-blowing Instagram Marketing Statistics You Need To See (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It's widely known that Instagram has a tremendous marketing power. If used correctly, you can achieve results that you can only dream of on other platforms. Instagram has gone from an app that was considered to be "something for the kids" to now play a central role in some of the largest corporates' in the world's social media strategy. On Instagram, you can find brands like Volkswagen, Nike, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Apple, and many more. One thing we can say with almost 100 percent certainty is that they wouldn't be using Instagram if they didn't believe in it and if it didn't generate any results. In this article, we'll study Instagram statistics related...
How To See Someone’s Instagram Activity (Without Anyone Knowing)

How To See Someone’s Instagram Activity (Without Anyone Knowing)

How-To, Instagram
How To See Someone's Instagram Activity (Without Anyone Knowing) Want to spy on your friends to see what they are up to on social media? Not sure how to do it? There is a bunch of information about people's Instagram activity that you can see. There are tons of apps and services that claim you can see all of your friend's messages, log into their account, and so forth, but most of the time, it is just bogus. The only exception is if you would hack that account, but we only do honest spying here. In this article, we're looking at the different ways you can see people's Instagram activity. How to see someone's posts Depending on if the account is set to private, there are different measures you need to take to see an account's post. If the account is private, it means that only...