Tuesday, March 4

Author: VELOCE

How To Convert Your Twitter Followers Into Repeat Customers

How To Convert Your Twitter Followers Into Repeat Customers

How-To, Twitter
How To Convert Your Twitter Followers Into Repeat Customers Twitter is a powerful marketing tool. I could spend this whole article rambling on about the statistics of Twitter, but as a marketer, you're probably well aware of all those. What's more, you're probably getting tired of seeing statistics all the time - even if they rock. The real reason that you are here is to learn how to do it. Not that you can do it. Right? That's what I thought. In this article, I'll list some clever and effective ways to impact your audience enough to eventually convert them into sales. Establish your brand When looking to generate sales through Twitter, you have to start from the ground up. You cannot start from the wrong end. The most obvious first step is to set up your page properly. Yo...
How to Take Advantage of the Power of Emojis in Social Media Marketing

How to Take Advantage of the Power of Emojis in Social Media Marketing

How-To, Social Media Marketing
How to Take Advantage of the Power of Emojis in Social Media Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Emojis is a powerful thing. It's a universal language that every single person understands. 92% of the online population is using them, and if you look at the evolution of how people are using them, and how often, their popularity has skyrocketed over the years. Factoring in that so many people are using them, it makes sense for marketers to join in on the fun. Emojis enables you to speak the exact language your target audience speaks, and they will also help make your posts a lot more noticeable. In addition to that, emojis also add a personal touch and a sense of humor and modernity to your brand. In this article, I'll help you get started with e...
How To Boost Exposure With Instagram Location Stories

How To Boost Exposure With Instagram Location Stories

How-To, Instagram
How To Boost Exposure With Instagram Location Stories (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you're looking to get more people to watch your Instagram Stories, you're in the right place. With the help of location stories, you can increase the number of eyes that see your Stories, and reach people outside of your existing follower base. In this article, I'll teach you how you can use Instagram location Stories, what they are, and how they can help boost your exposure and reach. What are Instagram stories? An Instagram story is a slideshow of photos of videos that you share to your profile. You can share as many or as few stories as possible, and here's what's good to know about it: Stories are only available to watch for 24 hours after they were s...
6 Clever Ways To Make Social Media Marketing Less Stressful

6 Clever Ways To Make Social Media Marketing Less Stressful

Social Media Marketing
6 Clever Ways To Make Social Media Marketing Less Stressful (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Working with social media is stressful. There's no denying it. You have to share posts, deal with complaints, interact with your audience, and everything in between. Being a social media manager is being several things at once, and naturally, stress will soon follow. You have a million things to think about, and you're trying to juggle a thousand things at once. Inevitably, social media will become stressful eventually. But the truth is that it doesn't have to be stressful. At least not at the degree that many social media managers are feeling. With the help of some clever tactics, and with great planning, social media can generate amazing results for you, wh...
The Ultimate Template for Crafting The Perfect Instagram Post

The Ultimate Template for Crafting The Perfect Instagram Post

The Ultimate Template for Crafting The Perfect Instagram Post (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Creating an Instagram post isn't difficult. You snap a pic, write a few lines and then post it. How hard can it be? But the tricky part is when you are going to craft a good Instagram post that leaves a long-lasting impression on your followers, gets people talking, and impacts your audience thoroughly. In order to craft perfect Instagram posts every time, you need a strategy and a plan. You can' t just snap a photo with your phone on something you find interesting and write a caption in a few seconds. You need to put great thought into it. There are two parts that go into crafting a great Instagram post. The visual content and the caption. Both ar...
Every Single Social Media Metric You Need to Keep Track of (and how to)

Every Single Social Media Metric You Need to Keep Track of (and how to)

Social Media Marketing
Every Single Social Media Metric You Need to Keep Track of (and how to) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Social media can do a lot for your brand. And if you have a strong strategy, it is probably generating a ton of results for your brand already - many of which you aren't aware of. If you have a strategy, you should have set a few main objectives that you want to achieve and a few side goals, but the fact of the matter is that even though you are putting all your efforts into achieving your goals and generating results on the metrics you focus on, you are still generating results on the other metrics as well. When you evaluate what social media does for your brand, it's easy to miss out on results that aren't within your strategy. And it makes sense. ...
How To Repost Other People’s Content on Instagram The Right and Legal Way

How To Repost Other People’s Content on Instagram The Right and Legal Way

How-To, Instagram
How To Repost Other People's Content on Instagram The Right and Legal Way (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Instagram is the platform for reposting other people's content. People are doing it all over, and coming across a reposted photo is something you do one a regular basis whether you know it or not. The only thing is that while a ton of people are resharing, or reposting, as it is usually referred to on Instagram, very few people do it the right way. Chances are that you are here because you're afraid of violating Instagram's terms of service or copyright law. Or maybe you are here because you're curious to learn about the rules and how to repost the right way on Instagram. Reposting content is great for many reasons, and just because you're...
What is StoryTelling and Why You Need to Use it in Social Media Marketing

What is StoryTelling and Why You Need to Use it in Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing
What is StoryTelling and Why You Need to Use it in Social Media Marketing Storytelling is an important part of every successful brand's marketing strategy. All major corporates are using it, and they are seeing great results from it. As the marketing world evolves, there's nothing that says that you shouldn't bring storytelling with you when exploring new ways to market your brand. Social media being one of them. Storytelling is difficult without a proper plan or knowledge of how you do it, but once you've mastered it, it's as easy as 123 to tell captivating and engaging stories to your audience that gets them to talk about your brand and gets them impacted by the messages you convey. In this article, we're digging deep into storytelling, finding out what it is, why you need it, a...
Out of Ideas on What to Tweet? Here are 19 Ideas for your next Tweet

Out of Ideas on What to Tweet? Here are 19 Ideas for your next Tweet

Out of Ideas on What to Tweet? Here are 19 Ideas for your next Tweet You've created an account, and you've been tweeting for some time. But now, you've come to a roadblock. It feels like you have already covered everything, and everything you share with your audience is old. And the last thing you want to do is make your audience bored. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot come up with any new ideas, and you are struggling to keep your Twitter presence alive. And the fact that the recommended number of tweets you should share a day is 1-5 doesn't exactly help either. It only puts more stress on your shoulders. Sounds familiar? The good news is that after this article, you'll never have a tweet drought ever again. In this article, I'll list 19 Ideas for your next Twe...
How to Temporarily Deactivate Your Instagram Account (And Reactivate it)

How to Temporarily Deactivate Your Instagram Account (And Reactivate it)

How-To, Instagram
How to Temporarily Deactivate Your Instagram Account (And Reactivate it) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Deactivating your Instagram account means preventing others from seeing your posts and seeing your profile, without having to delete your account. Deactivating your Instagram account is helpful in many scenarios, and the best part is that it's easy to do. When you deactivate your account, you prevent other people from taking your username, and there won't be any need for backing up all of your posts either because they are safely stored in your profile until you choose to reactivate your account again. Before we begin, note that you cannot temporarily disable your Instagram account from within the Instagram app. You have to do it from your deskto...
3 Important Things Your Instagram Analytics Will Tell You

3 Important Things Your Instagram Analytics Will Tell You

3 Important Things Your Instagram Analytics Will Tell You (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); To reach success in business, whether it be on social media or in store, one thing is crucial. You have to know your audience. If you know your audience, you will know what language to use, what content to share, what resonates with them, and a lot more that will help you market your business more effectively. Ultimately, by knowing those things, you'll have an easier time marketing to them and converting them into customers. Moreover, you'll be able to attract more relevant people to your business. Getting to know your audience isn't the world's easiest task. When I first started out on Instagram, I didn't put a lot of effort into defining those who I was look...
5 Ways to Find Potential Customers Using Twitter

5 Ways to Find Potential Customers Using Twitter

5 Ways to Find Potential Customers Using Twitter (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Looking for ways to lead people into your sales funnel? Do you want new ways of targeting customers apart from costly ads? Twitter might be your answer. At the end of 2017, Twitter is expected to have over 255 million active users. This means that Twitter is a platform where you'll (most likely) be able to find people who can be interested in your brand. Implement Twitter successfully in your marketing strategy and you'll be able to identify and target people who can mean business for your brand. In this article, we're looking at 5 Ways to Find Potential Customers Using Twitter Now, before we begin, it's important to point out that Twitter isn't a platfor...
Words and Phrases You Need To Stop Using in Your Social Media Marketing

Words and Phrases You Need To Stop Using in Your Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing
Words and Phrases You Need To Stop Using in Your Social Media Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Social media is a quickly evolving landscape. New words and terms are creeping into people's language, and as an effort to resonate better with their audience, brands are also implementing them into their own marketing vocabulary. The outcome, however, isn't always successful. The implementation of words, abbreviations, and terms have lead to, in the eyes of the customers: silly, embarrassing, and awkward attempts to fit in. In this post, we're looking at some of the most common social media phrases brands use, and why you shouldn't use them. Expert This is a word that is used everywhere and by everyone. And as you can imagine, when everyone ...
4 Ways to Promote your business on social media for Explosive Growth

4 Ways to Promote your business on social media for Explosive Growth

Social Media Marketing
4 Ways to Promote your business on social media for Explosive Growth (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Want to market your business? Not sure what actions to take for optimal growth and results? Everyone is talking about the results social media can generate. And it's partly bad and partly good. The thing is that the results brand are seeing from their efforts are results of hard work, great planning, and resources invested. Am I saying you can't achieve those results? Absolutely not! You can reach those results above and beyond, but the issue is that many brands that I come across believe that they can reach those results by sharing a few posts, leave a few comments, and then wait. But as you probably know, that is not the case. ...