Sunday, March 2

Author: VELOCE

How To Add Someone On Snapchat By Scanning Their Snapcode

How To Add Someone On Snapchat By Scanning Their Snapcode

How-To, Snapchat
How To Add Someone On Snapchat By Scanning Their Snapcode (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A Snapcode is an individual code that every Snapchatter gets. You can find your own Snapcode by going to the main camera screen and then swipe down on the screen. With the Snapcode, people can add you by simply scanning it with their phone or with their camera. In this article, we'll be breaking down step-by-step how to add someone on Snapchat by scanning their Snapcode. It might all sound very odd and strange but you'll soon understand all of it! As mentioned, there are two ways to add a friend with a Snapcode. First method: Scanning scanning their Snapcode with your camera Ask the person to open their Snapchat app and Snapcode (by sliding down on the...
How To Use The New Magic Eraser On Snapchat To Retouch Images

How To Use The New Magic Eraser On Snapchat To Retouch Images

How-To, Snapchat
How To Use The New Magic Eraser On Snapchat To Retouch Images Snapchat's latest update allows its users to "Photoshop" and erase things out of the picture. The new update blurs it surrounding in order to cover the empty spot that it has created. To access the new feature and try it yourself: Update to the latest version of Snapchat Open Snapchat app Take a photo  Tap on the scissors emoji in the top right corner 5. Then tap the stars that appear. 6. You paint just like normal (by sliding or tapping your finger on the screen). By doing so, you retouch and edit the spot where you choose to paint. You will then see this when the app is doing its thing, editing the area where you painted. All done! Now you can see the results and if you are sat...
Can I be Logged In to my Instagram Account on Several Devices?

Can I be Logged In to my Instagram Account on Several Devices?

Can I be Logged In to my Instagram Account on Several Devices? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This will be a short article but one that answers a very relevant question. The question asked above is a very commonly asked on but unfortunately, there are very few answers to it out there so I thought I'd write a quick yet helpful article on this subject. To answer the question if you can be logged in to your Instagram on several devices at the same time: The number of devices that are used in order to log into Instagram has no limit at the moment. There have not been any reports that Instagram blocks you from logging in to the same account on different devices either If you choose to log in to Instagram from multiple locations, Instagram will conti...
Free Ways to Increase Traffic To Your Website

Free Ways to Increase Traffic To Your Website

Online Marketing, SEO
Free Ways to Increase Traffic To Your Website (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Before I go more into detail about some of the free ways to increase traffic to your website I thought I'd share a disclaimer first: There's no such thing as really FREE. Everything cost something. Yes, this is free when it comes to cash but you have to invest something and in this case, it is time and time is money. Invest your Time and get money as an outcome.   1. Participate in Forums You should participate and be active in online forums but not just any forums. Relevant forums to your niche where people are spending their time. Give answers to their problems or give them some tips. The most important part is that you actually engage with people in your niche.  You...
How to Edit/Delete Caption of an Instagram Post

How to Edit/Delete Caption of an Instagram Post

How-To, Instagram
How to Edit/Delete Caption of an Instagram Post (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Every now and then, there comes a moment when you have realised you have misspelled your Instagram caption or want to completely change it. If you have messed up a caption of a post you've just made - no worries! Fixing it is super easy. Back in the days, the only solution to this was either to let the post be and flaunt your mistake to the world that in some cases made you look like a fool. The second option was to delete the image you've posted. Of course, none of these options sound attractive and thankfully, those days are over where you had to choose between deleting your post or letting it be. Now, you can edit and change your captions on Instagram as much as y...
How to Reach Your Target Audience on Instagram

How to Reach Your Target Audience on Instagram

How-To, Instagram, Social Media Marketing
How to Reach Your Target Audience on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Finding and reaching your target audience is a difficult challenge, no matter where on social media you are and what platforms you are using. With these simple and smart tricks, you can find your target audience and then engage with them to get the best possible results. A misconception on social media is that the more people you reach, the better. This usually not the case. By targeting your target audience, you’ll get better marketing results because those you’re reaching are interested in what you have to offer. That means a higher ROI of your efforts on Instagram. The challenge is just knowing where and how to find your target audience and that's what we'll be teachi...
How To Turn Video Sound On And Off When Watching A Video On Instagram

How To Turn Video Sound On And Off When Watching A Video On Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How To Turn Video Sound On And Off When Watching A Video On Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Want to know how to turn sounds on or off when watching an Instagram video? How to turn sound on and off when watching a video on Instagram: Tap anywhere on the video screen when watching a video to turn the volume on or off. If you press the sounds buttons on your phone, you'll turn on the sound from the video. Once you've turned it one, you can adjust the volume by using the buttons. A symbol will be displayed in the bottom-right corner indicating if the audio is on or not. Found this article helpful? Subscribe to our newsletter for more valuable information!
What To Do If You Aren’t Receiving Instagram Notifications When Activated

What To Do If You Aren’t Receiving Instagram Notifications When Activated

What To Do If You Aren't Receiving Instagram Notifications When Activated (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you have activated push-notifactions on your Instagram account but still don't receive them, you can fix this issue in just a few steps. How you do it depends on if you're using Android or IOS. To fix push-notifications for IOS Go to your iPhone's app settings. Tap "Notifications" Tap "Instagram" Select " Allow Notifications". Your Instagram notifications should now be activated. To fix push-notifications for Android Go to your phone's settings Open Settings Tap "Apps" Tap "Instagram" Select show notifications. Found this article helpful? Subscribe to our newsletter for more valuable information! ...
What Is The Instagram Sensitive Content Warning?

What Is The Instagram Sensitive Content Warning?

What Is The Instagram Sensitive Content Warning? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The warning sign that is shown before you watch certain Instagram is there in order to help you avoid seeing videos you don't want to see, for example, sexual or violent content. Instagram puts this warning in front of videos that have been flagged and reported by the community. The warning also exists on photos. This means that photos and videos that contain graphic content might get a warning on them to warn viewers that the content may be understood as disturbing. If a post has this warning, you will see it when viewing the post either in your feed or when seeing it on the feed of the person who've posted it. According to Instagram, their guidelines on what is okay to post ...
How To Update Your Profile Info On Instagram

How To Update Your Profile Info On Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How To Update Your Profile Info On Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you want to update things like username, email address or name, you can do so by editing and updating your profile. In this article, you'll learn how. Go to your Instagram profile by tapping the account symbol () located in the bottom left corner of your screen. Tap "Edit Profile" 3.Now you can make the changes you wanted to do, for example change your name, username, website, bio or other private information. You also have the ability to edit your account through the Instagram website. Simply tap this link and make the changes you'd like to make. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
What Does The Blue Dot Next To a Search Result On Instagram Mean?

What Does The Blue Dot Next To a Search Result On Instagram Mean?

What Does The Blue Dot Next To a Search Result On Instagram Mean? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When a blue dot is shown next to a search result on Instagram, it indicates that the account has posted posts that you haven't seen. By going to the account and taking a look at the content "you haven't seen" the blue dot will disappear. If you want to learn more about search & explore, click the link. Found this article helpful? Subscribe to our newsletter for more valuable information! A benefit of the blue dot in your profile is that it makes your account look more professional and credible. This usually help you grow followers much faster since people see you as an authority. If your goal is in fact to grow followers, there are many social media mar...
How To Mention Someone In Your Instagram Story

How To Mention Someone In Your Instagram Story

How-To, Instagram
How To Mention Someone In Your Instagram Story (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When you share an Instagram story, you can mention up to 10 people in each story. Mentioning someone in your story will send them a push-notification letting them know they've been mentioned in your story. The mentioned person(s) will also get a Direct Message from your account with a snipped of your Instagram Story so they can see what they're mentioned in. This direct message will disappear after 24 hours (when the story has disappeared.). How To Mention Someone In Your Instagram Story To mention someone in your Story, you first have to create one. Tap the"  " symbol, in the top left corner of your screen when inside the Instagram app or slide from left to right from you...
How To Remove Followers On Instagram

How To Remove Followers On Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How To Remove Followers On Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A new Instagram update now lets you remove followers if you have your Instagram account set to private. Note, this can only be done if your account is private. Not set to public. How To Remove Followers On Instagram Go to your Instagram profile Tap the sections that says "Followers", located at the top of your profile screen. Here you'll be presented with a list of all your followers. You can either scroll to the person you don't want to follow you or you can search for them in the top of the page. When you've found the page you were looking for, tap the three dots right next to their name, then select '"Remove". Now, they won't be following you anymore. When you've made the...
How To Remove Suggested Profiles On Instagram

How To Remove Suggested Profiles On Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How To Remove Suggested Profiles On Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You might have noticed that when you follow an Instagram profile, you'll get suggestions of similar profiles that you might want to follow. These can be mutual friends or other relevant profiles. The same goes for if someone begins following you. If you don't want to receive these profile suggestions, you can turn them off. Have in mind however that when you turn the profile suggestions off, you won't be visible for others when they get a profile suggestion. How To Remove Suggested Profiles On Instagram Go to from your computer or with your phone/tablet. Choose the "" symbol that is located in the top right corner. Select "Edit Profile". Choose "Sim...
How To Make Your Instagram Account Private

How To Make Your Instagram Account Private

How-To, Instagram
How To Make Your Instagram Account Private (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How To Make Your Instagram Account Private Tired of strangers commenting your photos or don´t want people you don´t know to see your pictures? Maybe you don´t want your parents to scroll through your feed? Don´t worry, making your profile private is quite simple. In this article, you´ll learn How to go private on Instagram through the app. 1. Open up Instagram Since we will be making the Instagram profile private through the app, you should begin by opening the app. If you don´t have the app yet, you can download it by searching "Instagram" on the App Store or on the Android store. 2. Go to Your Profile Once you have launched the app, go to your profile by pressing the button in...
How To Share A Post With Multiple Photos or Videos on Instagram

How To Share A Post With Multiple Photos or Videos on Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How To Share A Post With Multiple Photos or Videos on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With Instagram's new update, you can share up to 10 photos and videos as one post on your page. In this article, we'll be showing you do it. How To Share Multiple Posts On Instagram Tap the plus button at the bottom of your screen to post a photo or video. Tap "Library" at the bottom of the screen. After that, tap the stacked papers symbol () Here, you can select up to 10 photos/and or videos from your photo library. If you wish to adjust an image or video, tap on it and then adjust it within the frame. When you post multiple photos, you can only share them in square format. Tap "Next" in the top right corner. If you wish to add a fil...
If I Block Someone On Instagram Does Their Comments and Likes Disappear From My Page

If I Block Someone On Instagram Does Their Comments and Likes Disappear From My Page

If I Block Someone On Instagram Does Their Comments and Likes Disappear From My Page? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When you block someone, their comments and likes will still remain on your account. However, you can delete their comments from your posts by going to them and sliding right to left then choosing delete. Found this information helpful? Subscribe to our newsletter for more valuable information!