Saturday, March 1

Author: VELOCE

7 Ways to Build Your Email Subscriber List

7 Ways to Build Your Email Subscriber List

Business, Online Marketing
7 Ways to Build Your Email Subscriber List (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); According to HubSpot, your email list degrades by about 22.5% every year. The email addresses in your list changes, people hop from one job to another or just simply abandon their email for a new one. This means that you should constantly be working to add new contacts to your email list in order to get better email marketing results. As a marketer, you should see it as your duty to constantly add new email addresses to your list. Therefore, we'll give you some tips and Ways to Build Your Email Subscriber List so you can continue to grow. 1. Prioritize top-quality content The content you put in your newsletters should be one of your main priorities. Your content should b...
Smart ways to Get Testimonials and Reviews

Smart ways to Get Testimonials and Reviews

Online Marketing
Smart ways to Get Testimonials and Reviews (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); One of the pages on your website that can have the biggest effect whether or no people buy from you is your testimonials page. If you don't have one already, it is time that you get one. Testimonials from your customers will make your business seem legit, and most importantly, potential customers will be able to see what results you company have been able to give previous customer. But, how do you get customer reviews and testimonials? There are some tips and tricks you can use to encourage your audience to write what they think about your business and products and you'll learn those tricks in this article. Here, you'll learn Smart ways to Get Testimonials and Reviews. 1. Fa...
How to Improve SEO With Videos

How to Improve SEO With Videos

Business, How-To, SEO
How to Improve SEO With Videos (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); SEO can be improved in many ways and a way to improve SEO that a lot of people don't think about is using videos. In this article, you'll learn How to Improve SEO With Videos and with the help of videos get your site ranked very high and very quickly. 1.Create a short 30 - 60 second video. It can be moving or images, doesn’t matter. Then post that video on your business Google+ page (build one if you don’t have one). 2. Post the video on your website (preferably front page), post on your business youTube channel and make sure your video title includes a search keyword string that your potential customer will search for. The point is- something that includes a widely used search keywor...
How to Target the Right Audience

How to Target the Right Audience

How to Target the Right Audience (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It can be hard to find your target audience and learn which these persons are. For example, your audience can be targeted on the basis of Age, Earning, Education, Trait & Geography. I you are just starting out, knowing what target audience you will serve is one of the first things you should think of. A big mistake you can do is trying to please everyone because this is impossible. Instead, it is important that you can define your target audience. This is essential so you are able to make a product as perfect as it can be to please your audience's needs. Here you can learn 4 simple tips on How to Target the Right Audience. 1. Surveys Surveys can be done in several differen...
How to Use Instagram Multiple Posts Feature

How to Use Instagram Multiple Posts Feature

How-To, Instagram
How to Use Instagram Multiple Posts Feature (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Instagram's new update makes it possible for you to post up to 10 photos and videos in a single post. The new multiple posts feature looks like yet another post in your feed but the difference is that you can slide to the left on the picture to see the other posts. Multiple posts are indicated by a row of dots underneath the picture that shows how many photos there are. Now, you can put up to ten photos and videos in a post but all likes and comments will be gathered in the same section. This update has so far mostly received positive response since it can help people only post one post with several picture instead of spamming people's feed with multiple posts. How to po...
Reasons Your Twitter Followers Will Leave Your Brand

Reasons Your Twitter Followers Will Leave Your Brand

Reasons Your Twitter Followers Will Leave Your Brand (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You might have seen that people are unfollowing you on Twitter, and this is common but how do make sure that people won't leave your brand on Twitter? Building your audience on Twitter is hard but retaining them is an even bigger challenge. When unfollowing an account is done with a simple button tap, there is no wonder why you are loosing followers. Whether or not it is just a few or several a day, you want to do everything you can to keep them. Therefore, we'll take on Reasons Your Twitter Followers Will Leave Your Brand. 1. You aren't active enough Being inactive sends signals that you aren't really into the platform and that you don't really care about ...
Why All Online Businesses Need a Blog

Why All Online Businesses Need a Blog

Blog, Business
Why All Online Businesses Need a Blog (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You might have heard that you should have a blog for your online business but why is that? Simple put- you want traffic to your site and blogging helps generate just that. So far, it is easy to understand but there are more to it than just increasing traffic, even though that is the main reason. Blogging is a great way to build your audience and generate more traffic that can lead to sales. Even if you don't have time to write blog posts consistently,  you should still try to do it as much as possible because blogging WILL help you in terms of website visitors. The reason why blog posts drives traffic to your website is because it improves your SEO. Blogging can also hel...
Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Elon Musk

Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Elon Musk

Tips & tricks
Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Elon Musk (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Elon Musk have grown to become one of the most leading and inspiring entrepreneurs on this earth. He is the Co-founder of Paypal, Founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX and product architect at Tesla. Elon has a net worth of $13.9 billion so he must be doing something right. But what can we learn from him? Here are Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Elon Musk. Dare to take risks Elon Musk have taken a lot of risks in his career. After making $165 million, he invested a lot of it in SpaceX and Tesla, nearly setting both companies into bankruptcy. However, it seems like it has starting to pay off because today, both SpaceX and Tesla thrive. Believe in your ideas Musk h...
Effective Ways to Build Backlinks

Effective Ways to Build Backlinks

Business, SEO
Effective Ways to Build Backlinks (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Building backlinks is a great way to increase your website's authority and ultimately rank higher in Google. By having lots of high-quality backlinks, you can improve your search engine rank and get more website visitors. In this article, you can learn about Effective Ways to Build Backlinks 1. Guest posting When guest posting, you are writing articles for other websites. As a return, you can place your website link in the bottom of the article. If you post your articles on a high-authority blog, the results will be better. However, the link that you drop will both gain you direct clicks and improve your SEO. 2. Internal linking to your website Internal Linking is a key practice ...
How You Should Use Instagram Direct Messages

How You Should Use Instagram Direct Messages

How You Should Use Instagram Direct Messages (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Instagram Direct messages are a great to build connections, trust and friends but how should you use it in order to get the most out of it? I use Instagram DMs everyday to connect with like-minded people and accounts with similar niches as me. It has gained me a lot of knowledge and contacts and most importantly-trust. In this article, you can read about How You Should Use Instagram Direct Messages. If you don't know what Instagram Direct is, I recommend that you read What is Instagram Direct message? first. 1. Create trust through deep connections Instagram DM is a great way to become a little more personal with your audience separately. By taking the chat from th...
Why Storytelling is Important in Marketing

Why Storytelling is Important in Marketing

Business, How-To, Online Marketing
Why Storytelling is Important in Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It is often that we hear the word storytelling in marketing but what is it and why is it so important? Storytelling is a way of marketing that has shown to be very effective. As humans, we respond to stories. Storytelling as a strategy in marketing goes way back to the beginning of the 20th century and has in fact been getting stronger in online marketing of today. In order to sell a product, you need to tell people why they need it. But that's too difficult to address, because you can't show every individual why they need the product. Different people have different motivations. Seth Godin said: "Marketing is storytelling. The story of your product, built into y...
The Complete Guide to Gaining Followers on Instagram

The Complete Guide to Gaining Followers on Instagram

The Complete Guide to Gaining Followers on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Gaining followers and building your page on Instagram is an art. To do it successfully, you have to be aware of the things that are necessary to do so and then perform them correctly. There are very few guides on how you can grow Instagram followers from start to finish with everything you need so I thought I'd write a complete guide to gaining followers on Instagram. From setting up your account to posting content. In this article, I'll cover it all. Let's get started. 1. Setting up your account To begin with, you have to set up your Instagram account if you haven't got one already. You want to pick a name that is easy to spell and search for and doesn'...
Ways to Convert Website Visitors to Newsletter Subscribers

Ways to Convert Website Visitors to Newsletter Subscribers

Blog, Business
Ways to Convert Website Visitors to Newsletter Subscribers (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to generate sales and returning customers but are you converting your website visitors to newsletter subscribers? Your objective should be to gather everybody's email address when they are visiting your website since this will increase the chance of them returning to your website drastically. In this article, we have written about Ways to Convert Website Visitors to Newsletter Subscribers. 1. Giveaways Everybody loves free stuff and using that in order to increase your newsletter subscribers is super effective! Give away anything that might be of value for your website visitors. The more attracting p...
How To Turn An Idea Into a Startup

How To Turn An Idea Into a Startup

Business, How-To
How To Turn An Idea Into a Startup There is no path that is valid for every industry, sector or product you have in mind but there are some commonalities. You already described the most common steps so I will add what is not there. If you are dealing with an enterprise or end-user product/technology this secret sauce(s) are valid: Find alpha user(s) "first" Industrial technology choices are very much relies on large enterprises to accept your technology, product or solution. Hence it makes sense to work with an industrial partner and basically solve their specific problem first. Then take a step back and generalize it to use with others. This accelerates adoption rates much faster than trying to develop the idea outside and somehow inject into large enterprises. This off course ...
How To Increase Organic Growth On A Facebook Business Page

How To Increase Organic Growth On A Facebook Business Page

Facebook, How-To
How To Increase Organic Growth On A Facebook Business Page (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); To begin with, produce content that is informative, interesting, and educational for your audience. Choose topics that you are an expert on which provide value to your viewers. Join Facebook groups which are specific to your industry. Post up the links to your content in these groups. Don't spam the groups with your content, post up the links on posts where the content you have created solves a problem. Always follow the rules of the group. This is one of the most important tricks on How To Increase Organic Growth On A Facebook Business Page. A tip is also to ask clients to give you reviews on your Facebook page, ask family members to do the same. This raises your...
How To Change Your Instagram Email Address

How To Change Your Instagram Email Address

Tips & tricks
How To Change Your Instagram Email Address (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You will be happy to hear that changing your Instagram email address is super easy. Simply go to your profile, which can be found by clicking the bottom right button at the bottom of your screen while in the Instagram app. Then, click on the “edit profile” function. Scroll to the bottom, and you should see an option for your email address. Tap on that, and change the address to what you would like. Log in to your email address and verify it. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
What Is The Most Important Part Of SEO?

What Is The Most Important Part Of SEO?

Business, SEO
What Is The Most Important Part Of SEO? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The most important part of SEO is determining who your audience is and giving them what they want. How you do that depends on the type of site, but no matter what, you need to build sites for users- never for search engines. Think about the digital customer decision journey. We break it down into introduction, interest, intent, and conversion. Like so: Introduction Let’s use an example. Let’s say you’re a contractor specializing in roofing. You make the most money replacing roofs rather than patching them. The purpose of your site is lead gen. You need qualified leads who are looking for this particular service. Well, you know that your audience is homeowners. More important...