Tuesday, March 4

Author: VELOCE

Why Do I Need a Blog For My Business?

Why Do I Need a Blog For My Business?

Blog, Business
Why Do I Need a Blog For My Business? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); To build a successful business you need to have a deep understanding of your customers. Blogs allow you to do exactly if you know how to use them. So, Why Do I Need a Blog For My Business? Continue reading and you´ll soon find out. Let’s say you are a bakery shop owner and most of your customers love your cakes. Now with a blog, you can engage with your customers and they can constantly give you feedback on which flavors are good and which are bad. Additionally, you can ask for their opinions of which new flavor to launch and even more ask them to share your content on social media. A blog for your business can also help humanize your brand like no other. A lot of companies use their blo...
How To Advertise A Product Online

How To Advertise A Product Online

Business, Online Marketing
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How To Advertise A Product Online Considering the contemporary advertising landscape, I would suggest using a mix of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Display advertising. As for SEM, try gaining experience in Google AdWords. This tool allows you to attract consumers looking for similar products or even your products. That way, you attract an audience that is already stimulated or have a clear intent to buy products within your category. Display advertising, on the other hand, mostly targets an audience that is not actively looking for your product category. Moreover, Display advertising allows for remarketing (e.g. target people who visited your website, but didn't buy anything). An important source for Display advertisin...
How to Sky Rocket Your Blog!

How to Sky Rocket Your Blog!

Blog, How-To
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How to Sky rocket your blog! Optimizing your blog is crucial if you want to reach any success with your website. in this article, we´ll therefore teach you How to Sky rocket your blog!. Optimise your blog: It's becoming quite obvious that optimisation is where the party's at! Adding keywords (naturally) throughout your copy, in the title, creating meta descriptions that include your keywords and optimising images are all important steps. I'm sure there are more but that might go a bit deeper than my understanding so I'll leave it to someone who's more in the know to add! Add links. Add links to external sources (for example if you're quoting a statistic or relevant research). Create backlinks. Now I'm not up to ...
Is There a Way To Schedule Instagram Posts?

Is There a Way To Schedule Instagram Posts?

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Is There a Way To Schedule Instagram Posts? It can hard to keep track and schedule posts, captions and times for posts on Instagram, and that is probably why you´ve come here with the question "Is There a Way To Schedule Instagram Posts?"And the answer is- Yes there is! Creating posts on Instagram can be fun and easy if you don't have a schedule to keep and only one account to manage, but for those that are running Instagram for business, Instagram Scheduling tools are necessary. Trying to remember all of these things while running several Instagram accounts is almost an impossible task. It is at least unnecessary and stressful. That's why, we recommend that you use one of the websites below to make your life just a tiny bi...
How To Send Automated Direct Messages on Instagram

How To Send Automated Direct Messages on Instagram

How To Send Automated Direct Messages on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Article updated February 2018 You might have received a Direct Message on Instagram when you´ve started to follow someone. These are usually automated since sending DM's to every new follower can be a hassle and time-consuming.  Sending DM´s to new followers is a great way to welcome new followers and greet them in a unique way. Sending automated Direct Messages on Instagram is a topic that is frequently discussed, and it is also a topic that sparks lots of opinions. Bots on Instagram are strictly forbidden by Instagram, and Instagram Direct Message bots are a type of bot, even though they're not as "rule-breaking" as Instagram spam-bots that are used to grow your ...
How to Hide Someone on Instagram

How to Hide Someone on Instagram

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How to Hide Someone on Instagram If you didn't know, you can hold your finger over an account when searching on Instagram, and click "hide". This will cause the account to never appear on our suggested list, also you can not see their activity as you can with people you follow. However this only works for those on your suggested list. Let´s get down to the question. How to Hide Someone on Instagram? 1. Privacy Setting Setting your account to private limits your posts and full profile visibility to approved Instagram followers only. To achieve this, tap the “Instagram” app followed by its Profile tab on the lower right. Next, tap the cogwheel in the top right corner ” and scroll down until you find "private account" ...
How Do I Increase Traffic to My Site?

How Do I Increase Traffic to My Site?

Blog, Business, How-To, Online Marketing
How Do I Increase Traffic to My Site? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How Do I Increase Traffic to My Site? There are lots of ways to increase traffic to your website and by adapting at least some of the tips in this article, you can increase your website traffic. In this article, we are bringing up a whole lot of tips, so our recommendation is that you bring your notebook, get a coffee and get ready to focus. So, How Do I Increase Traffic to My Site? Let´s begin and you'll soon find out! If you want to learn more about how you can use social media in order to get more website visitors, read How to get free website traffic from social media. Think about 1: You need to ensure your blog's value proposition is clear, focused and appeals to your targe...
What Image Sizes Can You Use On Instagram?

What Image Sizes Can You Use On Instagram?

What Image Sizes Can You Use On Instagram? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Back in the days, images that were posted onto the platform used to be limited to the image size 612px by 612px, meaning that all photos that were uploaded on Instagram were square. Although, on July 2015, Instagram switched to 640px by 640px and switched to 1080px by 1080px in order to keep up with Retina and other high-resolution displays available on smartphones, tablets and laptops. Later that exact year Instagram introduced a "revolutionary" new update. This update allowed vertical and horizontal images to be posted onto the platform and not only square photos. This update came as happy news for many users that had to crop images that they had taken into a square (and...
How To Get Started With Instagram

How To Get Started With Instagram

How To Get Started With Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Finally decided to get started with Instagram but not sure how and where to begin? No worries. Setting up an account and getting started with Instagram is quite easy and in this article, we´ll teach you How To Get Started With Instagram. 1. First off, you will need to create an account. Here´s how you create an Instagram account: Download the Instagram app for iOS from the App Store, Android from Google Play Store or Windows Phone Store. from the Windows Phone Store if you haven't done this yet. Once the app is installed, open it by pressing the ”” among your appsPress “Join”, then enter your email address and tap “Next” or press Login with Facebook if you want to sign up with your ...
Are Instagram Followers Real On Paid Sites?

Are Instagram Followers Real On Paid Sites?

Are Instagram Followers Real On Paid Sites? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   There's a golden rule on social media. Never buy followers. There are countless websites, services and apps providing you with followers and you shouldn't use any of them if you are serious about your social media game.Before we begin, we recommend that you read Before we begin, we recommend that you read why you shouldn´t buy fake followers to get a better understanding of the subject (unless you already do). Let's get started. When you first set up a social media account, it can feel a little lonely there.But you have to understand what is more important, 10,000 followers, or 100 followers who will actually engage with you? But you have to understand what is mo...
How To Change Snapchat Profile Picture 2018

How To Change Snapchat Profile Picture 2018

How do I Change my Profile Photo on Snapchat? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Looking to change profile picture on Snapchat? Changing your profile picture on Snapchat is easy and can be done in just a few steps. However, there are different types of profile pictures on Snapchat you can use which I’ll go more into detail about further on. The way you change your Snapchat profile photo, however, remains the same. Snapchat has evolved like a star on the sky and gained immense traction in just a few years, amassing hundreds of millions of users. Snapchat has been able to compete with the industry giants like Instagram and Facebook, even though it is the new kid on the block and faces adversity and challenges. On most social media platforms, you snap a p...
How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat

How-To, Snapchat
Want to know how to know if someone blocked you on Snapchat? You're in the right spot! Welcome. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "If someone were to block me on Snapchat, would I still be able to view their stories? "How do I know if someone has blocked me on Snapchat?" These are just two of many questions that are all asking the same thing. In fact, they might be questions you are trying to find answers to. Well, look no further! In this short article, I'll share with you How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat. The answer to that question is quite simple, however, there are several ways to spot you've been blocked by someone on Snapchat. Snapchat does not give the option to get a notification when someone blocks you (for good ...
How To Get Instagram Followers Without Buying Them

How To Get Instagram Followers Without Buying Them

How-To, Instagram
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How To Get Instagram Followers Without Buying Them Firstly, why do you want to grow your followers? That’s an important question you should know the answer to. There so many ways to do so. It helps if you're a celebrity or popular. The more followers you have the more likes you'll get hence followers is proportional to likes, and the more likes you get, the more exposure. (If your profile is public) hence concentrate on gaining followers first. Start of by following people who you're sure will follow you back and remember to follow back as well, as reciprocity (give back) is an important rule of Social networking. Make sure to have a display and at least 10 photos, as surveys have revealed that users are less likely t...