Tuesday, March 4

Author: VELOCE

How To Increase Website Traffic With $0 Budget?

How To Increase Website Traffic With $0 Budget?

Blog, Business, How-To, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How To Increase Website Traffic With $0 Budget? With zero marketing budget you need "extraordinary content strategy" which should operate at different numbers/different platforms of user base as you grow. Okay, so How To Increase Website Traffic With $0 Budget? In this article, we´ll be showing you some of the ways to increase website traffic for free. Either get a person with great content strategy onboard, excite him/her with your vision, your obsession to succeed and give him/her equity. Alternatively identify a person/team who wants to work on exciting ideas, sell you idea, gauge their level of passion for your idea, ask them to work with you on deferred payments terms till you get revenue or funding. If you be...
What Are Good Startup Ideas For 2017?

What Are Good Startup Ideas For 2017?

Business, Entrepreneur & Lifestyle
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What Are Good Startup Ideas For 2017? This is actually a great question. The world is getting more and more digitalized so if you have some knowledge regarding IT and computers, 2017 might be the perfect time for you. However, let´s get started on listing some answers to the headline What Are Good Startup Ideas For 2017? 1. Serverless Computing Think of this as the natural progression of Amazon Web Services etc. Instead of renting compute resources per month, you rent per CPU cycle. The economics are stunning - 10x-100x reduction in costs. Practically speaking this makes bootstrapped freemium a practical model (not just for VC backed). I expect this to drive a mushrooming in new SaaS startups, especially where compute cos...
Most Engaging Questions to Ask On Instagram

Most Engaging Questions to Ask On Instagram

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Most Engaging Questions to Ask On Instagram You can always see people writing "What do you think?" or "comment if I should do it" captions on Instagram. They do this in order to engage their followers and get more loyal such. But are the questions above really the ultimate ways to engage your Instagram audience? Continue reading this article where we write about the Most Engaging Questions to Ask On Instagram and you´ll soon find out. Okay, so How can you effectively communicate on Instagram without annoying? The answer is ASK QUESTIONS!  Something that can be good to know is that there are different types of questions. First, there are questions  that can be answered in many ways. These are more effective to open up for conve...
Tips To Using Instagram For Business

Tips To Using Instagram For Business

Instagram, Social Media Marketing
Tips to Using Instagram For Business (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The way business marketing their brand is slowly changing from billboard and TV ads to engaging reaching their audience through social media. However, there are lots of things that you should have in mind and consider when starting up your Instagram business page and that's why, in this article, we´ll be giving you Tips To Using Instagram For Business. However, there are lots of things that you should have in mind and consider when starting up your Instagram business page and that's why, in this article, we´ll be giving you Tips To Using Instagram For Business. 1. Set up your business account The number one step is creating your Instagram page. Instagram recently launched their new ...
How To Brand Your Business On A Budget

How To Brand Your Business On A Budget

Business, How-To, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing
How To Brand Your Business On A Budget (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Before we begin, think about what you want people to associate your business with.Once you know that, it will be much more easy to know what you are going to work towards. How To Brand Your Business On A Budget? Get started reading and you´ll find out. Once you know that, it will be much more easy to know what you are going to work towards.How To Brand Your Business On A Budget? Get started reading and you´ll find out. How To Brand Your Business On A Budget? Get started reading and you´ll find out. 1. Create a unique logo Having a good logo can make a huge impact. If your logo is unique, then there is a bigger chance of people remembering it and associating it with your brand i...
How To Use Facebook for Business Marketing

How To Use Facebook for Business Marketing

Business, Facebook, How-To, Social Media Marketing
How To use Facebook For Business Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook is ranked the #1 social media platform used by businesses and according to a study made by eMarketer, 41% of US small businesses use Facebook as part of their online marketing strategy. However, there is a small issue, or more a potential for businesses to get better results from Facebook marketing. Why? Because in a survey with over 3,700 marketers, Social Media Examiner found that only 45% felt their efforts on Facebook were working. This is where this article comes in to help you (even just a little bit) get better results from your social media marketing on Facebook. How can you actually achieve it? Making sure your Facebook business profile is looking good and...
Frequently Asked Questions On Twitter

Frequently Asked Questions On Twitter

Frequently Asked Questions On Twitter (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As with any large app, it might create a few questions that you need answers to. Since the answers are quick and short, we thought we´d gather the most Frequently Asked Questions On Twitter and give you answers to them.  1. What is Twitter? Twitter is an online social networking service available as an app and online. Users can post messages which may contain photos, videos, links restricted to 140-characters, which are called "tweets". 2. How do I get followers? There are many things you can do to get more followers on Twitter. The most common ones are listed below: 1. Follow more people. 2. Optimize your Twitter bio 3. Use links in your tweets 4. Use hashtags in yo...
Ways To Build A Brand For Your Small Business

Ways To Build A Brand For Your Small Business

Business, How-To, Influencer Marketing, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Ways To Build A Brand For Your Small Business (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Before we begin, think about what you want people to associate your business with. Once you know that, it will be much more easy to know what you are going to work towards. So what are the Ways To Build A Brand For Your Small Business? Get started reading and you´ll find out. 1. Create a unique logo Having a good logo can make a huge impact. If your logo is unique, then there is a bigger chance of people remembering it and associating it with your brand if they see it. There are several ways to create a logo which looks professional. If you don´t have the experience or knowledge how to do it, then there are loads of logo creator that you can hire.Otherwise, there are a lot of programs a...
Should You Use Hashtags on Twitter?

Should You Use Hashtags on Twitter?

Should You Use Hashtags on Twitter? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As you probably expect, there is no yes or no answer to this question, and the real answer is that it depends! And what does it depend on, you may ask? In short, it mostly depend on whether you can use hashtags in the right way or not, but we will talk more about later in this article. So what does a Twitter hashtag do and what is it? A Twitter hashtag ties the conversations of different users into one stream, which you can find by searching the hashtag in Twitter Search or by using a third-party monitoring tool. Hashtags have long been an important tool on Twitter for helping users organize and sort their tweets. Using hashtags is a great way to make people who are truly interested...
How To Permanently Delete Your Twitter Account

How To Permanently Delete Your Twitter Account

How-To, Twitter
How To Permanently Delete Your Twitter Account (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Tired of Twitter's constant stress to keep yourself updated? Or maybe you have been harassed on there and want to delete your account? No worries. Deactivating and deleting your Twitter account is fairly simple and in this article, we'll be teaching you How To Permanently Delete Your Twitter Account. Before we begin, we just want to tell you that it is not possible to deactivate your account on a mobile device. To do this, you have to visit Twitter.com and deactivate your account from the web. How to delete your account  1: Go to https://www.twitter.com and Log In to your account with username and password.  2: Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner...
How Do I Use Instagram Direct?

How Do I Use Instagram Direct?

How-To, Instagram
How do I use Instagram Direct? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Things you need to know about Instagram Direct Although this feature has been around a while (since 2013), there are still lots of people who are missing out on this great feature and there are still those who are completely unaware of this feature.No matter what, we´ll give you the answer to your question "How do I use Instagram Direct?" in this article. No matter whichever, we'll give you the answer to your question "How do I use Instagram Direct?" in this article. An Instagram Direct message can be sent as either a photo, a video or as a regular text message to single or multiple users. After sending a message on DM as it usually is called, you’ll be able to find out who’s seen your ph...
Instagram Tips and Tricks You Didn’t Know About

Instagram Tips and Tricks You Didn’t Know About

Instagram Tips and Tricks You Didn't Know About (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Instagram is constantly changing and it's hard to always keep up-to-date with all the new features. Recently, new features such as Instagram Stories, algorithm, and Insights has completely changed Instagram. That´s why, in this article, we´ll be teaching you about Instagram Tips and Tricks You Didn't Know About. 1. Filter comments with keywords Hate on social media has become a bigger problem and Instagram is full of "haters" and people trying to bring you down. However, Instagram now allows you to hide inappropriate comments by filtering out keywords of comments that you don´t wish to see. How to activate this feature: Go to your profile Tap settings (the cogwhee...
Things You Need To Know About Instagram Direct

Things You Need To Know About Instagram Direct

Things You Need To Know About Instagram Direct (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Although this feature has been around a while (since 2013), there are still lots of people who are missing out on this great feature and there are still those who are completely unaware of this feature. No matter which of those you are (if you are one of them), we´ll give you Things You Need To Know About Instagram Direct. An Instagram Direct message can be sent as either a photo, a video or as a regular text message to single or multiple users. After sending a message on DM as it is most often referred to, you’ll be able to find out who’s seen your photo or video, see who’s liked it and watch your recipients commenting in real-time as the conversation unfolds. Photos and...
How To Increase Your Engagement on Instagram

How To Increase Your Engagement on Instagram

How-To, Instagram
How to increase your engagement on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Have you also noticed a decrease in the engagement on Instagram? Don´t worry, it´s not just you.   A study made by Quintly found that Instagram post interactions have decreased by 33% in just one year. "The number of likes and comments on Instagram photo posts are down an average of 27%, and videos an average of 39%. So what does this mean for you? These are serious numbers and this means that you have to work harder in order to try to hold your engagement high. That's why, in this article,  we'll be teaching you How to increase your engagement on Instagram. 1. Use Instagram hashtags Strategically Hashtags are shown to increase the amount of comments and likes on your pos...
What Is Instagram Direct Message?

What Is Instagram Direct Message?

What Is Instagram Direct Message? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Instagram Direct Messages - also known as DM,  is a feature that was released by Instagram in December 2013. The direct message feature allows you to send a photo to 1-15 people privately instead of all of your followers seeing it. Before it was released people was forced to communicate through the comment sections and there was very little privacy since anyone could see a conversation between people. This resulted in many people taking their conversations to other platforms such as Whatsapp or KIK. Why Direct Message? Instagram prefer its users to stay on Instagram and not use other apps to complement what was missing on Instagram and therefore the introducing of Instagram Direct ...