Monday, March 3

Author: VELOCE

Most Expensive Cities To Purchase Real Estate In!

Most Expensive Cities To Purchase Real Estate In!

Entrepreneur & Lifestyle
Most Expensive Cities To Purchase Real Estate In! I´m sure everybody has heard of rising housing prices but not much compares the prices of real estate in the most expensive parts of the world. Rising real estate prices opens up for a whole new market of investors trying to make money buying it. The massive income that is formed by the banks in the form of loans adds to its cost and many other factors as well. Today, we´re going to list the Most Expensive Cities To Purchase Real Estate In! (and how many square meters $1M gets you). 5. Geneva The real estate in Geneva is in high demand and those who are interested are prepared to pay for it. If you are looking to purchase a house here you are going to have to pay a lot since the supply isn´t that great. For $1M you will get roug...
Top 5 Countries With Zero Income Tax!

Top 5 Countries With Zero Income Tax!

Entrepreneur & Lifestyle
Top 5 Countries With Zero Income Tax! Although they are very few, countries with zero income tax still exist. Today, we are going to list the Top 5 Countries With Zero Income Tax! and what you have to do to take part of it. Just remember that only because a country has zero income tax doesn't mean that they have other forms of taxes like VAT. Top 5 Countries With Zero Income Tax!: 1. The United Arab Emirates The UAE:s government's main income is oil. The country's need for income tax is therefore very small. The only issue that is being discussed world-over is what will happen when the oil runs out or when people don't want it anymore. That's why they are working on developing other income sources. So how can you take part of this tax system? The UAE enjoys a stable polit...
The World’s Richest Countries By Gdp Per Capita-Top 10!

The World’s Richest Countries By Gdp Per Capita-Top 10!

Entrepreneur & Lifestyle
The World's Richest Countries By Gdp Per Capita-Top 10! Facts from 2016. Have you ever thought about which countries are the world´s richest per capita? Well, whether you have or not, you will learn today! in this article, we'll be presenting The World's Richest Countries By Gdp Per Capita-Top 10! GDP per capita is a measure of average income per person in a country. GDP stands for Gross domestic product. This measure National income / National Output and National expenditure. GDP per capita divides the GDP by the population. Real GDP per capita takes into account inflation. With that said, it´s easy to understand why countries that are smaller than capitals in major countries with a good tax system attracts lots of wealthy people to a small area. Since these are numbers tha...
How To Become Your Own Boss And Work For Yourself

How To Become Your Own Boss And Work For Yourself

Entrepreneur & Lifestyle, How-To
How To Become Your Own Boss And Work For Yourself Are you aspiring to start working for yourself and become your own boss? Want to live life on your own terms and don't have anyone telling you what to do? Becoming your own boss can be risky if you are an employee. It probably seems frightening to give up the security of being an employee, but daring to take the step to work for yourself is tremendously rewarding. Today, there are more self-employed individuals than ever before, with a whopping 4.5 million in the UK now working for themselves. Although becoming self-employed sounds appealing – ditching the commute and having the freedom to be your own boss, you should not neglect the fact that doing so means facing a lot of challenges that come with starting a business.In ...
Habits To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur

Habits To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur

Business, Entrepreneur & Lifestyle
Habits To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur Apart from what some people tend to believe - and others want you to believe, there are no secrets or shortcuts to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Those who want you to believe that there is a secret and a "quick way to become successful" are those who gain something from it - often times, they are selling programs on how to become successful. The only secret to becoming a successful entrepreneur is hard work and consistency, but of course, knowing a few things will help you be more efficient with time and achieve more. In this article, I'll present 8 Habits To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur. 1. Prioritize When working with your own business, there are a million things to keep track of. Therefore, it's importa...
How to Save Instagram Photos

How to Save Instagram Photos

Have you seen an Instagram photo that you want to save but not sure how to save Instagram photos? Saving photos on Instagram can be a tricky thing to do, but there are, however, a few ways you can go about to save Instagram photos, whether it be to your photo library, account, or desktop. People save Instagram photos for different reasons. Maybe you just saw an amazing photo that inspired you that you want to save and look back at, or maybe you want to save a photo in order to upload it to your very own Instagram. Instagram offers a built-in bookmarking feature that enables you to effortlessly bookmark photos so you can go back to them later on, but if you want to save photos from Instagram and download them, it’s a little trickier as Instagram offers no clear solution for this. ...
What Is a Shoutout In Instagram and How Can You Get one?

What Is a Shoutout In Instagram and How Can You Get one?

If you’ve been using Instagram for a while, chances are, you’ve heard the term ”Instagram shoutout” or just ”shoutout” a number of times. And as with all unfamiliar terms, you get confused. This is the reason why we have the social media glossary in the first place. Instagram has exploded in popularity over the years, and now, it has turned into a marketing tool that a huge number of brands leverage, including industry giants like Coca-Cola and BMW. If you’re using Instagram, chances are, you want to grow your Instagram followers. You probably already know that there are a whole array of methods you can use to grow your followers, but have you also thought about using an Instagram shoutout? Instagram shoutouts can be tremendously powerful for growing followers on Instagram if u...
The Complete Guide on How to Download Instagram Videos

The Complete Guide on How to Download Instagram Videos

Want to learn how to download Instagram videos? If you’ve found a video that you want to download on Instagram, you’ll soon discover that there is no feature allowing you to download Instagram videos within the app. Since more and more content that is being shared on Instagram is video content, the question of how you download Instagram videos is getting more and more asked. Despite Instagram initially being a ”photo sharing platform”, released a new video-sharing feature within the app 3 years after the app itself was launched due to the high demand of such a feature. In fact, Instagram videos get 2 times the engagement of photos than any other social media platform. This proves that the demand for video content is huge. More video content is being shared on Instagram, and theref...