Monday, March 10

Author: VELOCE

How Broken Links Affect Your Rankings

How Broken Links Affect Your Rankings

Search engine optimization should be a part of every company’s marketing strategy. If your company is not seen on search engines, it doesn’t exist. In fact: 72% of consumers who did a local search visited a store within five miles. 93% of all online activities start with a search engine. Leads from SEO are eight times more likely to become paying customers than those generated through traditional ad campaigns. Whatever you are going to do on the internet, most of the time, it starts with a search engine. Your customers are searching for businesses and products just like yours, but if you are not ranking far up so your customers find you, you are leaving money on the table. There are paid search engine marketing, and there are organic search engine marketing. With th...
How Writing Skills Will Help You to Start Your Own Business

How Writing Skills Will Help You to Start Your Own Business

How Writing Skills Will Help You to Start Your Own Business Being a good entrepreneur requires more than identifying the right business opportunity. A good entrepreneur has a cocktail of skills from communication, the ability to inspire people, aggressiveness, budgeting, and planning skills, and a plethora of others. Writing is one of the major skills needed to start and run a business.   These skills allow you to start and promote your business. While you can hire a team to market your business, you will still be involved in the day to day activities of all your departments, which means you still need to know how to market. The fact that you need to have a basketful of skills sounds tiring, and it is. But, once you are past the first hurdle of starting your business, you will move swi...
The Benefits Of Automation In Finances: How Has It Shaped Fintech Technology

The Benefits Of Automation In Finances: How Has It Shaped Fintech Technology

Finance, Tips & tricks
Automation In Finances Automation can benefit businesses in a number of ways, particularly smaller businesses that are low on staff. But with cloud software and the implementation of super-fast computing, could this be the future of Fintech as we know it. In this article, we will be looking into the benefits of automation in finances as we head into 2020. Fluctuations In The Value Of The Pound One of the biggest issues that the UK has faced since 2016 is the value of the pound. Since the severe drop in the value of the pound following the referendum result, this has gone on to change value a number of times since then leading to many being hesitant to invest. Though there is no definitive answer for how the price of the pound will change following the 11 pm deadline on Januar...
Getting Some Feedback from Elusive Generation Z Consumers

Getting Some Feedback from Elusive Generation Z Consumers

Tips & tricks
Getting Some Feedback from Elusive Generation Z Consumers For a long time now, the impact of the generation Z consumer on the purchasing power of most households was almost inconsequential. Today, however, 93% of parents make purchases that are informed by the opinions of their kids, who currently make up the generation Z demographic. As a demographic that was previously considered a minority by marketers, this group has turned into a group that businesses cannot ignore when making market surveys. Feedback from generation Z (Source: Pixabay)  Just like all other generations behind them, generation Z consumers also have unique triggers that marketers need to understand. Businesses that manage to get feedback from this generation will have a high chance of gaining a competitive ad...
How A Tax Attorney Can Help Your Business

How A Tax Attorney Can Help Your Business

Tips & tricks
How A Tax Attorney Can Help Your Business Running a business means a lot of hard work because there are probably countless things you need to take care of. What makes things more challenging is the fact that every aspect requires attention and you cannot go slack on them. You are expected to be in full control of every last detail, including filing and paying your taxes on time. But this is something that may take the backseat because it’s hard on the mind through the year. Only approaching deadlines jolt business owners back to reality. However, you can resolve this concern by having an IRS tax lawyer on board. Beyond just looking after your taxes, there is much more these professionals can do for you. Here are some reasons why you must absolutely collaborate with one. Follow up ta...
Are You Accidentally Sabotaging Your Business’ Growth?

Are You Accidentally Sabotaging Your Business’ Growth?

Tips & tricks
In the world of business, hitting a plateau can often feel like a step backward. The absence of growth feels like a loss, no matter what. The plateau can often be incredibly frustrating because you’re not sure why you’ve hit this barrier. You seem to have all the right people and procedures in place, but you’ve stagnated nonetheless. If the situation above sounds familiar, ask yourself if any of these things could be the issue. 1. You’re Too Close to the Problem Maybe you’re too close to your own business to see the subtle cracks or flaws. Perhaps you should bring in a fresh perspective—a perspective that is trained and experienced in finding these flaws. Consider bringing in a company like 360 Leads to revamp and really drive your sales growth strategy forward. They can tak...
Business Security Concerns through the Winter

Business Security Concerns through the Winter

Tips & tricks
Business Security Concerns through the Winter Every season poses a variety of new challenges for security professionals, but there’s no more daunting a season when it comes to safety than winter. When the snow and ice hit, safety concerns go up in every capacity. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to prepare. Take a look at this list of security and precautions for winter so you’ll be ready.  Lack of Sunlight  Possibly, the greatest natural security system ever invented is the sun’s natural light. When there’s daylight late into the evening, visibility remains higher for longer periods of time. Not only does this allow security guards an enormous advantage over criminal activity, but it also introduces a major deterrent to crime.  The best countermeasure to a lack of light i...
Cryptocurrency for Beginners – 4 Important Things to Know

Cryptocurrency for Beginners – 4 Important Things to Know

Tips & tricks
Each day, you hear reports on multiple news platforms regarding cryptocurrencies. With all this often-conflicting information, it’s easy to get confused. Also, while there’s an array of benefits offered by this investment, most of the news stories are focused on pointing out all the issues, without offering any solutions. While the information can be helpful, trying to find your way with these investments may wind up costing you a small fortune. However, here, you can find something quite a bit different. Here you are going to find some helpful information that will provide you wit insight into investing in cryptocurrencies for an array of purposes from Retirement Investments to short-term wealth building. Keep reading to learn more. 1. Have a Specific Motive when Entering a Trade ...
5 Benefits of Studying Business in College

5 Benefits of Studying Business in College

Tips & tricks
Business is everywhere. It runs everything from the economy to your dental clinic. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, occupations related to business and financial operations are bound to grow by about 7% in the decade 2018-2028, which is faster than the average for other occupations. This equates to about 600.000 thousand new jobs in the US alone, ensuring that there is no deficit of jobs for business majors in the nearest future. If you are still wondering “Why to study business?“, check out a few more arguments provided below. Offers Great Career Flexibility  Business is a very versatile specialization that allows one to pursue careers like management or business consultancy, marketing, advertising, sales, trading, investment banking, logistics management, etc. This...
The Basics of Pay-Per-Click Advertising

The Basics of Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Tips & tricks
We know that when you are used to using traditional marketing techniques, taking the big step into the digital world can often lead to a lot of confusion. But, the art of marketing, in principle, simply relies on one thing; interaction. Whether it's a traditional advertisement or digital ad, the principle remains the same. But, setting up a digital ad can be a lot more complicated than a traditional one, such as getting a set of posters printed. This is why so many businesses choose to outsource their digital marketing efforts to agencies who also include pay-per-click management services as part of their offerings. For now, whether you read a little bit about pay-per-click advertising and want to learn more, or already know that you want to use it for your business but don't know wher...
How to Avoid Stressing About Dept

How to Avoid Stressing About Dept

Tips & tricks
Be Sensible About Student Debt – Here’s How to Avoid Stressing About it For most young people starting college, some form of student debt is just part of the process. Unless your parents have saved enough money over the years to fund your entire tuition and living expenses, you will need additional funding. Finding the Money Most people will take out a federal student loan, and all students are required to fill out the Free Application for Student Aid form at the start of every year of their studies. The answers you give are then used to calculate your student loan and also determine if you are eligible for any other financial aid. Making an Informed Decision As well as understanding the different types of loans and financial aid programs available, you also need to research the s...
A Beginner’s Guide To Installment Loans Online

A Beginner’s Guide To Installment Loans Online

Tips & tricks
Responsible borrowing is all about keeping yourself restricted to just real needs rather than taking loans without second thoughts. At the same time, it is about commitment to repayment so that you can maintain your credit score and reputation as a borrower. Timely paybacks are not easy for everyone, particularly for those who are in a tight spot financially. Still, this is something that you will absolutely have to do. There are options for such borrowers who want easy repayment plans and installment loans are one of them.  These loans are very similar to payday loans in terms of ease of approval but they differ in terms of payback arrangement. Essentially, you need to pay them back in small installments over a period of time rather than in one shot (as it is in case of payday loans). ...
Should You Open An Instagram for Your Business? Pros and Cons 

Should You Open An Instagram for Your Business? Pros and Cons 

Tips & tricks
Should You Open An Instagram for Your Business? Pros and Cons  For some years now, brands, influencers, and marketers have raised interesting questions as to whether switching from a personal Instagram account to a business account is a smart move. Like the personal account, the business account has its pros and cons. The best way to decide if making the switch is a more beneficial option for you is to consider several factors — like your number of followers and the reason you use Instagram. What's next is to weigh these factors against the pros and cons of the business account. It’s imperative to use the right social media tools to amplify your effort. As for the pros, here are four advantages that come with switching to a business account.  Free insights and analytics...
Understand How Website Design can Build or Break Your SEO

Understand How Website Design can Build or Break Your SEO

Tips & tricks
Understand how website design can build or break your SEO The successful journey of your business's online marketing presence can be done through your website's design. Before starting to design a better website for your business, you must understand the significance of web design and how it can build or break your SEO. Web design can have a great impact on your SEO. Both are proportional to each other. A Website always performs as a mediator between you and your audience. If your website is not user-friendly then the audience might feel trouble using your website. If they got a bad opinion on your website then sure it will reflect on your business also. Automatically this makes your website not noticeable one with a bad end product on web page ranking. Thus, the proper well-designed w...
Business Digital Transformation Process

Business Digital Transformation Process

Tips & tricks
The digital transformation of business is using digital technologies for the optimization of all possible business processes. Any business can partially or completely become digitized and thus increase its efficiency. It gives numerous advantages to entrepreneurs, big companies and even self-employed workers, opening new frontiers for their development. Business digitization is a broad concept, so it does not offer an ideal recipe for each company. Its power is in its flexibility. Now digitization of business seems to be unstoppable. In particular, thanks to enterprise app development which has a great influence on this process. Now you can use your smartphone not just for communication or transferring data, but also for payments – with the help of specialized software. But wise ...
The Importance of Growing Brand Loyalty With Your Clients

The Importance of Growing Brand Loyalty With Your Clients

You probably know people in your life that are loyal brand followers. Some people are Nike fans, others are Adidas fans. People like choosing what’s familiar and what they trust. If you’re a small business owner trying to establish and grow your brand loyalty among your clients, there are a few tips and tricks of the trade you should know. Below, we’ve written a guide to brand loyalty and how to build it so you can create a strong and happy customer base that comes back time and time again.  Why should I care about brand loyalty? Let’s start with some statistics to show you the true value of customer loyalty. To start, it costs 5-10 times more to gain a new customer than it does to retain an old one. Plus, your existing customer base tends to spend 67% more than a new customer who is unf...
9 SEO Mistakes to Avoid During an E-commerce Website Redesign

9 SEO Mistakes to Avoid During an E-commerce Website Redesign

Tips & tricks
9 SEO Mistakes to avoid during an E-commerce website redesign Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the buzzword and for all the right reasons.  The world runs on the internet.  The internet thrives on websites. The websites can increase their visibility by using SEO. As much as it is essential to have a search engine optimized website, it is equally necessary to revamp, renovate and upgrade the site, so it doesn't go out of trend as far as SEO is concerned. All websites these days try to stay as relevant and attractive as possible for their users; hence, SEO upgrades are common. To stay in the competition and have higher visibility on the search pages, a revamp every 2-3 years is something that goes without saying. But a simple redesign is not guaranteed to help in SEO rankings. It ...
5 Reasons to get Into a Locksmith Business

5 Reasons to get Into a Locksmith Business

Tips & tricks
Security is a premise that you never run out of opportunities. People are more concerned about the security level of their locks, be it digital or key-opened, than their diet. So you can easily get an idea as to why it’s an industry worth considering. It’s true that gone are the days of traditional lock and key, but with the advent of the digital era, locks too are getting digital and thereby demanding more and more expert persons in this sector. It’s practically not easy to get into this business if it has never been your family background. But it’s not hard, either! All you need to have is, an entrepreneurial mindset and an iron will to succeed and flourish in this business. To add to your enthusiasm and to encourage you even further, here are the 5 reasons why you should get in...
5 Best Ways To Build an Unforgettable Social Media For A Locksmith Brand

5 Best Ways To Build an Unforgettable Social Media For A Locksmith Brand

Tips & tricks
With the growing urbanization and advancement of technology, traditional security systems and age-old lock and key mechanisms are becoming vulnerable. As a result, there is a tremendous uprising demand for Locksmith and Locksmith brands in day to day life. Till now, our interactions with Locksmith remained confined to the offline world only, but with the lock mechanism being digitalized itself, it would be hypocrisy for the locksmiths not to establish itself as an online brand. And as a first step to becoming an online brand, it’s vital to build up an unforgettable social media presence as a personal brand. A trusted audience is the foremost thing for a Locksmith brand to create a difference. So, let’s dive deeper into how a Locksmith brand can build up an impactful social m...