Sunday, March 9

Author: VELOCE

Convincing Benefits of Working With Micro-Influencers

Convincing Benefits of Working With Micro-Influencers

Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has skyrocketed in popularity over the years. At the same time, what many marketers don't think about is that influencer marketing has existed for many decades. The only difference today is that social media has made influencer marketing into a commodity. In recent times, new forms of influencer marketing has also emerged as a result of the preconditions that social media gives. I am of course talking about micro-influencer marketing. Since you are here, you already know what influencer marketing is - marketing with the help of influential individuals on social media. We all know that influencer marketing can generate incredible results, but a general misconception that marketers have is that the more followers a social media influencer has, the better resul...
How to Connect With Social Media Influencers

How to Connect With Social Media Influencers

Influencer Marketing
The Best Ways to Connect With Social Media Influencers (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   How you approach someone has a huge impact on the impression you make. After all, it only takes seven seconds to make a first impression on another human being, according to a Harvard study of communication. When we meet people for the first time, we make quick decisions about them. And this is also partially true for when approaching someone online. When contacting influencers for partnerships, it’s important that you are professional and do it in the right manner. Otherwise, you will find yourself struggling to get any success with establishing influencer partnerships, as you will get few replies, and the replies you do get will in most cases not be posit...
How To Tell If an Influencer is Fake: Most Obvious Tells!

How To Tell If an Influencer is Fake: Most Obvious Tells!

Influencer Marketing
Do you know how you can tell if an influencer is fake? When choosing influencers to partner with, it's important that you examine their accounts very carefully. A problem in today's influencer marketing landscape is that many marketers are only looking at the follower count the influencers have, and then think that equals to influence. The issue is however that it's not that simple. If you want to run a successful social media influencer marketing campaign, you have to go far more in-depth to see how influential the influencer really is and what impact they have on their following. The follower count does not necessarily equal influence, and this is why it is important to know exactly what to look for. This is ultimately what will decide how well your campaign will perform. ...
Logo Evolution of Famous Brands (Infographic)

Logo Evolution of Famous Brands (Infographic)

Tips & tricks
In his book on the history of Nike, Phil Knight mentions that the first company's logo was created overnight and cost only $35. Despite many thought it to be too simplistic, the logo became wildly successful with Nike's audience. For many businesses creating a memorable logo is a struggle, for others – a happy accident. There's an opinion that the popularity of a logo directly depends on the associations people assign to it. In other words, the more people find a mental shortcut for a logo, the more successful it is. But what if you suddenly change it? Throughout history, every brand you can think of has been changing its logo. Some did it for the rebranding purposes, the others – to keep pace with changing trends. From Apple to McDonald's, it's a never-ending logo evolution. We've coll...
Top Ways to Boost Engagement on Twitter

Top Ways to Boost Engagement on Twitter

Tips & tricks
Twitter is an incredibly powerful marketing and community building tool for entrepreneurs, influencers, nonprofit organizations, and business owners both large and small. Many Twitter users are able to build up a reasonably large following, but have trouble getting their followers to engage with the content they post. Large numbers of followers can only get you so far, and if your online community isn’t replying to your posts and retweeting them, you’re missing out on a big opportunity for increased social media exposure. When people like, retweet, and reply to your tweets they are not only thinking more about your brand, their followers are more likely to see your content too. This allows you to reach an entirely new audience! It’s clear that boosting Twitter engagement is helpful f...
Top Influencer Marketing Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Top Influencer Marketing Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Influencer Marketing
Influencers are trusted individuals whose followers look up to them and turn to them for advice. They have the ability to create content that is relevant and engaging to their audience, and can implement products in their social media posts that spark interest, and inspire them in a way that actually generates sales. Influencers have huge convincing power because they are considered to be industry experts and authorities within their industries. As a result, their followers are expecting advice from them and trust their recommendations. Therefore, brands who partner with influencers and doe it well can generate incredible marketing results which few marketing methods can compete with. In fact, for every $1 invested in influencer marketing, brands see, on average, a $6.5 in return....
How To Audit Your Influencers (For The Best Marketing Results)

How To Audit Your Influencers (For The Best Marketing Results)

Influencer Marketing
How To Audit Your Influencers (For The Best Marketing Results) Are you looking to begin your influencer marketing journey but not quite sure what to look for when choosing influencer? Making sure you partner with suitable and relevant influencers is the single most important part for a successful influencer marketing campaign. It is the difference between a successful campaign and a complete fiasco that does not yield any results. Thanks to influencer databases, services, and tools like Veloce, the influencer audit has been simplified a lot. But that is not to say that you should neglect looking with your own eyes also. Because marketers still say that identifying suitable influencers is the single biggest challenge of influencer marketing. But if you don't know what to look for, ...
Social Media Influencers – How Influential Are They Really?

Social Media Influencers – How Influential Are They Really?

Influencer Marketing
Social Media Influencers - How Influential Are They Really? We hear the word influencer being thrown more now than ever because the popularity of influencer marketing has grown rapidly but how influential are social media influencers really? Do they have as much influence and impact on their followers as everybody says? When you've just found an influencer that is suitable for your page, you should investigate the soon-to-be partner's page to see how influential they really are so you know what you can expect. But how can you actually measure influence? How do you know if an influencer has an impact on their followers and how do you know if they only have a lot of followers and nothing more? Social Media Influencers - How Influential Are They Really? Audit the influencer The to...
Influencer Marketing Mistakes: 15 Things to Avoid

Influencer Marketing Mistakes: 15 Things to Avoid

Influencer Marketing
Are you committing any of these common 15 influencer marketing mistakes? Or are you even aware that they exist? I am sure you've quite familiar with influencer marketing by now, so I'll skip the introduction of telling you just how powerful influencer marketing and cut straight to the point. As you know, influencer marketing can generate great results and has shown for a tremendous ROI, but as Gary Vaynerchuk says: "What's the ROI of a basketball? For me, it's zero. For Lebron, it's billions". The same goes for influencer marketing. Almost all marketing methods can generate great results, but they can also generate terrible results. It's all about how you use it. If you don't know how to use and execute influencer marketing properly, you won't generate very good result...
How Uber Works? Insights into Their Latest Business Model

How Uber Works? Insights into Their Latest Business Model

Tips & tricks
Uber is a popular on-demand transportation service that brought a revolution in the taxi industry across the globe. How did they do it? And what we can learn from the Uber business model? As it turns out there is a large amount of data being collected, produced and visualized behind the scenes- powering the efficient company and impacting transportation revolution as a whole. Let's take a closer look into how Uber work does and what made it reach there.  What is Uber and how does it work? Source Uber is a taxi booking application that offers on-demand services to the users who are in need of it. Uber doesn’t own cabs, but it simply connects taxi drivers and customers through their mobile application, allowing users to book a cab with a tap.  Currently Uber operates in over ...
Impact of AI on SEO: Go Ahead or Fall Behind

Impact of AI on SEO: Go Ahead or Fall Behind

Artificial Intelligence is playing a significant role in SEO, which ultimately gets the effects of AI on digital marketing as well. And since, it has become quite challenging to rank a website or blog on the first page of Google. Search Engine Optimization is a results-based business. The development of AI and its influence on a variety of industries has created a buzz. The SEO AI is yet in its beginning stages, but the future of AI in digital marketing is anticipated as it will even dominate the development of inbound marketing strategies for both B2C and B2B platforms. If you want to learn artificial intelligence and machine learning for your business, then you can learn by taking a machine learning certification course and boost your business. How is AI Affecting SEO? AI is mach...
Powerful Ways to Promote Your Coupon Marketing Campaigns

Powerful Ways to Promote Your Coupon Marketing Campaigns

Online Marketing
History of Coupons The word coupon has been named after the French word “COUPER” which means to “CUT”. The coupons are started from 1886 when a pharmacist named John Pemberton created a special recipe for Coca Cola which was initially sold for 5 cents a glass. He started a campaign to distribute free coupons throughout the street so people could try Coca Cola for free and then somehow buy it next time. After two years, a businessman Asa Candler purchased this today's billion-dollar recipe for $2300 and subsequently acquired Coca Cola. Asa Candler continued with the same marketing strategy and kept distributing free coupons enthusiastically. Coupon marketing campaigns have been used first by brands since the launch of the paper coupon by Coca Cola in 1887. Those coupons were distributed...
SEO Strategies for Analysing Yours and Competitors’ Link Profile and Keywords

SEO Strategies for Analysing Yours and Competitors’ Link Profile and Keywords

Clever strategies for analyzing yours and competitors’ link profile and keywords SEO as a marketing strategy is huge. Not only does well-executed SEO generate billions and billions in revenue for businesses each year, but it is also a fundamental part of many companies’ marketing efforts. At the same time, SEO is both challenging and broad. If you’re just starting out, SEO can feel extremely overwhelming. And even if you are an expert, there are so many different things you can work with, and areas to focus on to improve your SEO. Should you focus on link building? Should you go all in on creating content? Should you focus on the internal structure of your website? One strategy of SEO that is extremely effective, and will yield amazing results is analyzing your competitors’ link p...
5 Little-Known SEO Tips That you Should Consider

5 Little-Known SEO Tips That you Should Consider

5 little-known SEO tips that you should consider SEO  - search engine optimization is one of the most effective and cost-effective online marketing strategies to date. Every day, billions of searches are made online, and your customers are looking for a business like yours every single day. This means that if you are not ranking well on search engines, you are missing out on extremely valuable traffic and ways to reach your target audience. So how can you improve your search engine rankings? Well, you probably know the basics already, so this is why, in this article, we will share 5 little-known SEO tips that not a lot of people think about, that could help you rank better, and improve your SEO. 1.Think about images Most people only think about text, articles, and blog posts when ...
5 Ways to Become more Productive when Working from Home

5 Ways to Become more Productive when Working from Home

Many people dream of working from home and having more freedom in how and when they work. If you work from home, you probably have your place where you normally sit down and work. But no matter where you work, you want to optimize and improve your workplace surroundings and the way you work so you can remain focused on your work and become more productive. This goes for both your physical environment and home office, but also your mindset, and the way you set up your work strategy. In this article, we will share five ways to become more productive when working from home, both psychologically/mindset wise and physically. 1.Have a clear time when you are going to work No matter where you are working, it is great to have a clear plan of when you are going to work. By having a clear pl...
Transforming Legacy Organizations by Embracing Digital Media for Audience Engagement

Transforming Legacy Organizations by Embracing Digital Media for Audience Engagement

Online Marketing
All of us are experiencing a technological revolution like never before. It is transforming how we live, work, and connect completely. It is no different for businesses either. Every business leader has felt the impact of the digital uprising, which has blurred the lines between physical, digital, and biological experiences. Be it the financial sector or retail, the introduction of digital media has reshaped the way businesses design their narratives, engage with customers, develop products, and look to generating value for the overall economy. Every legacy business that came in the pre-Internet era are now facing this challenge – How do we embrace digital media to improve audience engagement? Inability to adapt to this new environment which centers around unlearning accepted paradig...
Does an Appealing Web Design Support your Online Store?

Does an Appealing Web Design Support your Online Store?

Online Marketing
Design plays a major role in enhancing your digital footprint and brand image. In fact, 66% of visitors would explore a website that has high aesthetic appeal than navigating a simple website. Without a second thought, we can say that a beautifully designed website has a remarkable impact on your marketing presence.  The significance of a great website design So, how does a visually appealing website captivate your target audience? In light of this, mentioned below are some powerful reasons, why web design is so pertinent to your online marketing. A first impression is the last impression When your target audience comes to your website, the first thing they do is look at how professional you are. It only takes a couple of seconds for users to get an impression of your business. The...
Vad är Sociala Medier? Här är Svaret!

Vad är Sociala Medier? Här är Svaret!

Sociala Medier
Vad är sociala medier? Det är en fråga som många ställer sig. Det är också en fråga som vi kommer att besvara i denna artikel. Sociala medier refererar till hemsidor och applikationer som är designade att hjälpa folk att på ett snabbt och effektivt sätt dela innehåll (bild, video, text) i realtid. Många personer definerar sociala medier som applikationer på deras telefon eller surfplatta, men sanningen är att detta kommunikationsredskap som kallas sociala medier började med datorer. Misuppfattningen härstammar från det faktum att de allra flesta sociala medie användare får tillgång till dessa genom applikationer som de har laddat ner till sin mobil eller surfplatta. Applikationer för dig som inte känner till är som program som laddas ned till mobil eller surfplatta. En definit...