Sunday, March 9

Author: VELOCE

Why Authenticity Matters in Influencer Marketing (And How to Be Authentic)

Why Authenticity Matters in Influencer Marketing (And How to Be Authentic)

Influencer Marketing
Why Authenticity Matters in Influencer Marketing (And How to Be Authentic). Influencer marketing has existed since the age of dawn. Back in the days, people looked up to leaders and other influential people. After that, celebrities were all the fuzz, and now, social media is dominating the influencer market. The only difference now is that social media has rewritten the rules what influencer marketing really is, and now, authenticity is something that has gotten more attention than ever. Not necessarily because we are more influenced, but rather because influencer marketing has become a commodity - for everyone. In an Influencer Marketing survey  87% of respondents said that “influencer marketing’s top benefits entail creating authentic content about their brand.”. And this the single mo...
How to Become a Social Media Influencer: The Ultimate Guide

How to Become a Social Media Influencer: The Ultimate Guide

Influencer Marketing
Wondering how to become a social media influencer? Want to learn the secret recipe of how to become a social media influencer? You're in the right place. But before we get into the nitty-gritty steps on how to become a social media influencer, we need to sort out the foundations. What is even a social media influencer? This question is being asked everyone and all the time, and still, people seem to have a hard time giving "social media influencers" a definition and description.¨ Social influence, which is not identical to a social media influencer's characteristics, but very alike, since it has evolved from that definition, is per Wikipedia defined: "Social influence occurs when a person's emotions, opinions, or behaviors are affected by others. Social influence takes man...
25+ Common SEO Mistakes You Need To Avoid In 2019

25+ Common SEO Mistakes You Need To Avoid In 2019

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is one of the most crucial factors for building your online presence. It comprises of a series of steps and best practices that you need to implement in your website, to make sure you show up on the search engine results page - SERP. You see, people mostly turn towards search engines like Google, enter a keyword or key phrase and the search engine finds relevant results associated with that entered keyword. This is done using a search algorithm which looks through all the different websites and arranges them categorically in reference to relevance. The art of SEO is to optimize your website and your content so that it will show up in the user's SERP with respect to a particular keyword or key phrase being searched. Now, just like there...
Top 10 Tips to Get more Open Rates in Email Marketing

Top 10 Tips to Get more Open Rates in Email Marketing

Online Marketing
It's 2019 and there are hundreds of social media sites available but email still is the most trusted and preferred source for digital communication. Email marketing has the highest rate of engagement compared to other networking sources. Email marketing also gives a better return on investments. Each and every company make a great effort to stand out from the crowd and well-performed email marketing campaign can help you in doing that. Tracking your email opening rates can help you determine how effective your email marketing campaign is. If your subscribers aren’t opening your emails then there isn’t any way to proceed. Poor email CTR is not going to help you anyway hence you must work hard on boosting the rates. I have featured a few tips which will help you in building better s...
How to Make Your Influencer Marketing Authentic (And Why it’s Important)

How to Make Your Influencer Marketing Authentic (And Why it’s Important)

Influencer Marketing
Trust is the single most important thing in influencer marketing. If people don't trust you, they will never buy from you. It's that simple. For influencer marketing though, authenticity is far more than just coming off as authentic, as a brand. There's much more to it than that. I've seen things done right when it comes to running an authentic influencer campaign, and I've seen things done wrong when running a campaign. In this article, I'll be sharing that knowledge with you, and help you run influencer campaigns that come off as authentic from the beginning to the start. Why is authenticity important? Let's begin by saying that authenticity and trust are very much integrated when it comes to influencer marketing. If you are not authentic in your influencer marketing campaign...
Which Social Media Platform is Best for Influencer Marketing?

Which Social Media Platform is Best for Influencer Marketing?

Influencer Marketing
Wondering which social media platform is best for influencer marketing? You are probably no stranger to influencer marketing if you're here. You have probably seen some of the statistics that prove the power of influencer marketing, and maybe, you've even run your very own influencer marketing campaign. Influencer marketing has skyrocketed in popularity because today, virtually everyone has a voice and can build their influence with the help of social media. This is something that just wasn't possible before the internet and social media. Okay, so social media is the secret ingredient that has enabled the influencer marketing market and that it has increased in popularity, but the statistics only prove that leveraging influential individuals on social media to mediate and promote...
What is Influencer marketing? Here’s the Ultimate Answer!

What is Influencer marketing? Here’s the Ultimate Answer!

Influencer Marketing
What is influencer marketing? That's a question that an ungodly amount of people are asking, so let's sort things out. Let's sort out the most common question that is being asked about influencer marketing. That is the most fundamental question "what is influencer marketing?". Influencer marketing has exploded in popularity in just the last couple of years, and if you've been on the internet and social media, or even read a newspaper in recent times, chances are, you've come across the term "influencer" and "influencer marketing". The terms themselves are quite revealing, but as someone who has never heard the term before, you're obviously left there with plenty of question marks. I see the question "what is influencer marketing?" being asked more and more across the web, bu...
Benefits of Influencer Marketing: 17 Killer Benefits you Need to Know

Benefits of Influencer Marketing: 17 Killer Benefits you Need to Know

Influencer Marketing
Curious about the benefits of influencer marketing? If you want to hear one of the worst-kept secrets, it is that influencer marketing is tremendously powerful and effective in marketing. Let me rephrase that. Influencer marketing was a really well-kept secret when it was in its early stages, but today, there’s not a lot of people who know what influencer marketing is, and that it works extremely well. In fact, that’s what happens with all marketing tactics. Some marketers start doing something new and see great results and high ROI from it, they start pouring more money into it, and shortly thereafter, it becomes a marketing commodity which all brands, which can execute and adapt quickly, embrace. Now, fortunately, there’s no need to argue whether or not influencer marketin...
Essential Elements of a Successful Website: Ning Review

Essential Elements of a Successful Website: Ning Review

Online Marketing
Content is the oxygen to all great marketing and communication with your customers. If you want to get a message out, you need to have content. And you need to communicate with your target audience with the right types of messages that appeal to and resonate with your target audience. Over the years, the way we communicate, whether two-way communication or one-way communication has been revolutionized many times over. In this article, we'll share how to make a free website for a small business. Starting with the written word in books, to the telegraph, to the radio, to the television, and now to the digital era which has opened up an incredible amount of new communications channels and ways for you to reach your audience and convey a message. Blogging, video content, writte...
How to Choose the Right Influencers: A Complete Guide

How to Choose the Right Influencers: A Complete Guide

Influencer Marketing
Identifying influencers is a work of art all by itself, and whether you are searching for influencers manually or with the help of a directory or tool, there are some things you need to know in order to get it right. We've all seen the tremendous results influencer marketing is able to generate, but the truth is, you won't even generate a fraction of those results if you work with the wrong influencers. That's why finding the right ones for your brand is critical, and you'll be surprised just how much goes into it. So how can you identify the influencers who fit your brand like a hand in a glove, and helps you reach success? That's what you'll find out in this article. 1. Data is key To identify the right influencer, you need rich data. The social media data generated by t...
How to Improve your Search Rankings with Keyword Research

How to Improve your Search Rankings with Keyword Research

SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies you can use as a business. Every day, we perform tens, if not hundreds of searches on search engines for various reasons. Customers are actively looking for and comparing products, and for many, it is the main way they come in contact with a product and business. In fact, the main way many customers come in contact with a company is by searching for something on Google and then finding a company that meets their need. But at the same time, few searchers on Google scroll past the first page, and therefore, it is crucial to rank well on Google if you want your business to be found. There’s a joke among Search Engine marketers that if you want to hide a dead body, you do it on the third page of Google, and there’s a lot of tr...
5 Tips to Dominate with Dropshipping

5 Tips to Dominate with Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a business activity that has exploded in popularity over the years. Thanks to the widespread nature of the internet, and the solid platforms that drop shipping stores are mostly built on, it has enabled virtually anyone to open up their dropshipping business within a short period of time. Furthermore, the infrastructure on the internet for marketing and scaling is also advanced and quite affordable, allowing people to start their dropshipping business with not much money. But as with everything, it’s simply not enough to just set up your drop shipping store and then wait for the customers to come. Because the fact is that it’s not quite that simple. Especially now that there are more people than ever doing it, and the competition is thus tougher than ever. Drops...
Different Ways to use Bitcoin in Your Day to Day Life

Different Ways to use Bitcoin in Your Day to Day Life

Entrepreneur & Lifestyle
We all know what Bitcoin is and, if you have been around long enough, you probably also know how to store, trade or send it. But since the technology is still quite new, have you ever wondered of the different ways you can use Bitcoin in your day to day life? After all, each day more businesses announce their support towards Bitcoin. From buying a plane ticket and paying for your train ride, to acquiring Amazon cards or the latest tech gadgets - let’s take a closer look at the practical usability of Bitcoin in your daily life: Flights and hotels Bitcoin is being used to book flights and hotels as early as 2013. Of course, with the progress of technology and popularity, more vendors now accept the digital coin for your dream holidays. Popular vendors include Expedia, Air Bal...
Why Influencer Marketing Should be Part of your Marketing Strategy

Why Influencer Marketing Should be Part of your Marketing Strategy

Influencer Marketing
The way businesses are doing their marketing is rapidly changing. Generally speaking, it is often the large corporates which are using the more traditional ways of marketing today, also known as display advertising, which mainly includes Television, billboards, magazines and even radio. There are many reasons for this. One reason is that that is "how they've always done it", and despite the fact that the costs are increasing and the results are decreasing, they continue to pour money into it. The other is that large corporates are bureaucratic and are slow to implement new things. While the large corporates are spending large amounts of money on marketing that clearly isn't very effective, and with which it is very hard to measure results with, there’s a trend among smaller busine...
How to Increase Instagram Engagement: a Complete Guide

How to Increase Instagram Engagement: a Complete Guide

If you’ve been using Instagram for a while, you’ve probably seen your engagement on Instagram drop. For some, quite substantially, for others, a little less. Instagram engagement is the fuel for success on the platform, because after all, Instagram is a social media platform, and if people aren’t engaging with you or your posts, really, what’s the point? If you’ve been experiencing your Instagram engagement dropping, you’re not alone. Over the years, an obvious trend on Instagram is that the engagement rate tends to decrease on accounts. Not only does the engagement rate tend to decrease as the accounts grow, but in more recent times, with the introduction of the Instagram algorithm, the engagement rate has significantly decreased for virtually every user on the platform. In fact,...
11 Powerful Benefits of Influencer Marketing

11 Powerful Benefits of Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has almost appeared like a star on the sky at the speed of light. In just a few years, it went from something that most people didn't even know about, to playing an important role in their marketing strategy. Marketing with the help of social media influencers is getting more and more popular and according to a study by Emarketer, 86 percent of marketers that used influencer marketing in the last year are looking to double their investment the next year. Brands wouldn’t use influencer marketing if it didn't prove to be effective, but it clearly does. And if you're not convinced, you can look at the statistics of influencer marketing. The marketing landscape is changing. Going through a digital revolution, some might call it. More and more businesses are ab...
How to Find Social Media Influencers: a Complete Guide

How to Find Social Media Influencers: a Complete Guide

Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has exploded in popularity over the years. Of course, this is because it truly works – if executed correctly. There’s a reason why companies are spending less money on traditional marketing channels such as television, radio, and newspapers, and this is because the way we consume content, and the places we spend time doing so on is changing. Fewer and fewer people, especially in the younger generations, are spending less time than ever consuming traditional media, while more people than ever are consuming content on social media. In fact, the average person in the UK spends more than a day a week online. That’s quite dramatic numbers. On the flip side, this goes to show where people are actualy spending time, and where you can reach them. Naturally, it makes sens...