Tuesday, March 4

7 Tips for Writing Engaging Blog Content

Writing a blog post is easy, but writing one with engaging content isn’t. Being able to hook the reader and continue to engage them through the entire post can stress out even the best writers. Fortunately, writers before you have learned what works, and they are willing to share their best tips. 

  1. Choose a fascinating topic

Before you begin writing, choose a topic that is sure to impress. You might have to conduct research first. Consider topics of interest to you, because you’re more likely to write something fascinating. Check for trending topics using keyword research. Link building services often have good ideas, as they work with SEO strategists who want to build content and drive traffic. 

  1. Build a strong headline

Your headline is the first thing readers see. If they don’t like it, they won’t click on it. The best headlines create interest and intrigue. They should also be short enough that your readers will see the whole thing on their search results page. 

  1. Use active verbs

Unfortunately, too many writers rely on passive voice with boring verbs like is or was. When readers digest a blog, they want something easy to read. Using vivid verbs drives content and engages readers. Your readers will go elsewhere for information if you use too much passive voice. Practice writing with an active voice so you develop comfort in the technique. 

  1. Making it timely or timeless

The best blog posts have timeless or timely topics and language. You can engage readers who want to know about trendy topics by using pop-culture references and language. You can also engage readers by focusing on topics that are always interesting, using historical information, research, and reader-friendly language. 

Consider your audience and the purpose of your blog, then write accordingly. Some topics lend themselves to trendy language. If you use slang, you could end up dating a post that could become evergreen content

  1. Keep your sentences and paragraph short

Reading on a screen isn’t as easy as reading a book. Therefore, the best blog content has short sentences. Use variety in your structure, so your readers can follow along. Good grammar matters, but online readers will not read huge blobs of wordy text. Short paragraphs and short sentences rule the blogosphere. 

  1. Let the subheadings do the work

In school, teachers taught their students to write topic sentences at the beginning of every paragraph. When blogging, that rule disappears. Instead, good content includes engaging subheadings. They serve as topic sentences so writers can focus on content rather than the organization. 

When writing subheadings, keep them consistent. For example, the subheadings in this post all start with verbs. Your subheadings should have at least three words so that readers recognize they aren’t titles. 

  1. Edit and revise

Once you’ve completed your blog post, edit and revise. Many writers use online grammar checking tools to look for mistakes they might miss. Read your blog post aloud with a quiet voice. You’ll hear the errors that you might overlook while reading silently with your eyes. 

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