Tuesday, March 4

How I Improved My Writing with the Help of Grammarly

When I first started out writing, I was terrible at writing, just like everyone else who starts out – except for you natural talents!
When I look back at my first articles on this website, I cringe at how low quality they are, and I am not exaggerating.
Since the day I wrote my first article for this site, I have written over 700, and I am not stopping anytime soon. That was one and a half years ago.
While I consider myself to be far from a professional, or even great writer today, I am a lot better than I was when I started, and that is what matters – that you put one foot in front of the other and progress.
The biggest reason for my improved writing is the fact that I executed and started to write on a regular basis. I can’t deny that education and theory practice helped me a lot in understanding how I should write  to create an appealing copy, however, I am a firm believer in the fact that execution is the game.
I am fully aware that there are tens and thousands of tools out there that can help make the process of writing easier, and even though I know that you really should be using every tool you can come across, I just haven’t embraced too many tools.
But I have embraced one, and I can genuinely and honestly say that it has had a huge impact on my writing.
That tool is Grammarly.

 The first time I came in contact with Grammarly was ironically enough when I was watching a YouTube video on how you can improve your writing. And no, before you ask, it was not the video of Grammarly or some person recommending Grammarly. Instead, I was presented with their YouTube ad before the video started.
But as most of us do, I clicked ”skip ad” without thinking too much about it.
But then, the ad started appearing more and more, and eventually, I thought the thought ”I am a regular writer, I want to improve my writing! What is this Grammarly?”
So I checked it out, downloaded it and gave it a shot.
I was completely amazed by it.
I hate to admit it, but I did a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes that I didn’t even notice when I proofread my copy. And being a person that wants to share flawless content, Grammarly clearly pointing out all flaws with my text was both humiliating, but mostly, very pleasing. That meant that I would have a chance to make my text perfect!
It has now gone half a year since I downloaded Grammarly, and I couldn’t be more satisfied with it. When I began writing, I thought that the built-in spell checker was enough, but I admit it, oh so wrong I was.
Now, I correct all my articles multiple times with the help of Grammarly, and to be honest, I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t use it. Grammarly helps me identify over 50 mistakes in my writing, and if I wouldn’t be using it, I am sure I’d only be able to identify a fraction of these with traditional proofreading.
In case you’re unfamiliar with Grammarly, it is like a writing assistant that posts out any spelling – or grammatical errors that you make in your writing, thus the name Grammarly.
Skärmavbild 2017-12-31 kl. 17.27.03.png
Forbes said this about Grammarly: “It’s an online service that quickly and easily makes your writing better and makes you sound like a pro, or at least helps you avoid looking like a fool.”
And I completely agree.
When I began writing, I didn’t use Grammarly, yet still, I proofread all my content to make sure my copy didn’t have any misspellings or grammatical errors. And when I published them, I felt safe and comfortable that I was posting a piece of content that was at least high quality in terms of spelling and grammar.
But oh boy was I wrong.
With Grammarly, I’ve gone back to some of my oldest pieces of content to update and improve them, and for me, the results were embarrassing. The content that I was so proud of about being high-quality and counting no errors, Grammarly identified tons of errors in my texts, making me look like a fool.
I was so confident in my eyes and their ability to spot errors, but it seems like robots beat us, humans, this time.
Correct all grammar errors with Grammarly!

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