Tuesday, March 4

How can 360 Feedback Work for Your Organization?

Competition among businesses is higher than ever. Every company wants to outshine others in every possible manner. But if you really want to fight the competition then you must work on your internal team. You have to work on the employees working therein and the weaknesses they have. If your policies, methods, techniques, staff members, leaders or department heads are fragile or ineffective; the business cannot grow.

The point is that you have to evaluate where you are going and how your organization is performing in order to succeed long term.

For this thing, you can even look at the performance of every individual. Once you know about the drawbacks and loopholes; you can work on them and create a comprehensive Growth. You can take up tools for your help like 360 degree feedback. This is a tool that can help you in knowing what exactly is going on in your organization and who is performing how.

360 performance review

This degree feedback is also known as a 360 performance review. It encompasses feedback not just from the employee’s supervisor, but even from the employer’s customers, sellers, peers, and even direct reports. The advantages are that managers get clear insight into an employee’s performance from manifold perspectives. Actually, when you think of reviews or feedback, you should wonder about the employee getting the 360-degree performance review as they are standing in the middle of a circle.

Those all around the individual in the office setting are reviewing the job and the performance of the employee. It varies from a top-down conventional performance review wherein just the manager evaluates the employee on job performance. But it is also important to know that these feedback performance reviews need some planning because there are more steps than when carrying out a conventional performance review. There are different steps in implementing this feedback program and a few of them are like:

Recognize the reviewers

In this performance review, you first have to find out who the reviewers are grounded on the employee’s work relationships and the structure of the organization. In simple words who has insight into the performance of the insight? You can consider 8-10 reviewers with diverse perspectives on the work of the employee to ensure a broad set of viewpoints.   You can consider reviewers like:

  • Cross-functional peers of the staff member if they work on teams  or  projects
  • The employee’s manager’s manager.
  • The employee’s manager.
  • Vendors that the employee has worked with.
  • Direct reports of the staff member.
  • Peers of the staff member in the same job type or department.
  • Main customers the employee has done work for.

Since you can see this step, identifying reviewers might take a while. 360 reviews really only make complete sense if there are manifold people to review every employee’s performance. A small business may not have enough staff to carry out 360 reviews.  In an ideal sense, you have to be able to discover at least 8-10 reviewers so that feedback can be combined, and to do that you might need at least that many individuals in your company. However, consider waiting till your organization has around 20 employees before carrying out 360 reviews if you wish the reviewers to remain totally anonymous.

Create a review

Then you have to make a review list like:

  • How has the employee established a commitment to the values of the organization?
  • How are the employee’s technical skills when compared to others in similar positions?
  • How responsive is the employee to the requests of customers?
  • How efficient is the employee’s leadership style?
  • How is the employee to work with on a relational level?
  • What do you like utmost about working with an employee?
  • What could the employee do in a different way to improve performance in the impending year?
  • In case you could suggest training topics, what may you recommend the employee learn more about?

It is better to have your questions more drawn.   Anyhow, for now, you can have a look at some of the many advantages of this feedback program.

Bring individuals together

There is no doubt that this 360-degree concept is one of the most valued features of Agile Performance Management. As the name says, it provides feedback from all the aspects and angles like it brings feedbacks from peer groups to managers, to subordinates and even from the external players like clients, customers and vendors.

As such a communication comes from a variety of diverse sources it will possess a multitude of opposing opinions and perspectives and it is of vital importance when searching for feedback. In a way, it can be more valid and impartial as it is from such a diverse audience.

Classifies growth opportunities

As the feedback that a person or Na individual gets is most likely diverse, it caters a unique opportunity to expose areas that might require development or open up gaps in knowledge that might be valuable. This type of feedback can then be incorporated into personal development tactics.

It is absolutely useful information that the individual might not have thought of on their own. Certainly, a person can develop at a personal level too once attaining this feedback.

Essential competencies obeyed

When an organization introduces a 360-degree appraisal feedback as part of its performance management system, they can do it in such a manner that it relates to the core competencies of the organization. Such competencies reflect the standard of the organization for behaviors and interactions.  Once these get reinforced on a regular basis, they can have an influence in shaping the culture of your organization.

To make it a part of the performance management system simply means that individuals can get feedback about how they perform on and exemplify the organization’s core competencies in their day to day performance and it encourages everyone to live and breathe such ideals in everything they do.


So, once you carry out your feedback program in the right manner, you can take your organization to great heights. The concept of 360-degree appraisal is wonderful if performed prudently.

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