Tuesday, March 4

6 Secrets to a Healthy E-commerce Website

Our body needs healthy foods that are not only nutrient-rich but also economical and versatile, as a foundation to support good health. Similarly, healthy lighting is important when it comes to preventing eyestrains, enhancing your mood, and to keep a healthy circadian rhythm lighting.

Likewise, when your company offers high-demand product and you have a website, but it does not follow the 5 secrets to a healthy e-commerce website, then it’s likely you have dismissed to unravel your e-commerce business potential in the world of lucrative businesses.

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Concise BUT Informative Product Details

No concise & clear content description: No transactions.

People visiting your e-commerce website are your consumers. Provide point blank fact details of your products; i.e. be concise with the information. Going vague with your product description can make them close your website off in a jiffy. The good practice is to walk through your website and examine the product pages thoroughly.

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First things first, list down all the product features. Channel the persona of a visitor, and go through the site pretending someone who has no idea about the website, at all! You have to answer in affirmative to be sure: Is there sufficient information for visitors to buy? Let’s see how to go about it:

Focus On Your Ideal Buyer

Is your writing a product description with a huge crowd of buyers in mind? Make sure your descriptions do not become feeble and ineffectual.

Find your ideal buyer first because the best product descriptions address the target audience with point-blank stares – sorry, that is a metaphor. Initiate your product description as if you are having a conversation with them.

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Entice with benefits

Being a seller, it is fair to assume that we get excited about each of our product features and specifications. Our company, our website, and our products become the source of our happiness.

However, keep in mind that for the potential buyers these features and specs sound mundane. Describe the product in a way that defines the benefits for buyers. Highlight the benefits of each feature and you are good to go.

Cajole with Social Proof

Reviews are the social proof of the 21st century. Do not be selfish in flaunting them. Suggestions to buy a product featured on the website is a two-pronged deal; it can either sway a website visitor from canceling your webpage or being a potential consumer.

The highest number of positive reviews is a trick that can incline buyers more towards your shopping cart. Make it more personal and approachable by highlighting the customer’s favorite products.

Honesty is the Best Policy in Pricing

When it comes to being a good company, do not sugarcoat things. Be upfront and blatantly honest about the prices of your products or services. The irreparable mistake you can make with your product consumers is to try to hide the product pricing information. Pricing details have to put somewhere where it is easy to find and simple to understand.

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1.  Ecommerce Sites Mistakes:

According to statistics, once the website visitors have the feeling of being deceived, tricked or scammed, they start hating your product. Oh and word of mouth is powerful, chances are your product has high chances of not working out in the market, at all.

  1. Provide the wrong information.
  2. Burying pricing information on the nook and cranny of the website.

2. Shipping Pricing Clear-cut Details:

Provide clear-cut shipping pricing details; that is ALWAYS – stressing the word “always” – be upfront about shipping costs on your products as well as shipping policies to customers.

Did you know, according to studies, when you provide shipping information way too late in the purchase process, it becomes detrimental? Yes, it leads to increased cart abandonment rates. Display the total cost of a product, including shipping, prior to making a purchase to the customers.

Importance of a Search Bar

E-commerce websites get messy with the search feature. Sounds naïve? The intermediate search bar used in the site is not AI-based which spams the website with dozens of results that too not match what you were looking for in the first place.

Embed a competent, reliable search engine software, i.e. artificially intelligence search engines that allows filtering for more refined search options. It becomes necessary if you have a large inventory of products.

Easy Checkout

Online shopping junkies, let’s conjure up back to the experiences of your brick and mortar store. How was it? Select a product, get in the queue to the cashier, pay the bill and that’s it. How difficult can it be to make it similar? You just need to consider a few things: such as selecting a shipping method, other than that, the process is quick and hassle-free.

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Keep It Simple! The rule is to keep the checkout process on one page. With the non-functional e-commerce sites, the chances are, the customer gets frustrated and exit your site or make their purchase without a second visit, ever again. Yikes, you lost a customer that could have been on the pile of loyal customers.

User-Friendly Navigation

One simple rule, just one to follow without any compromise; make the navigation easy to follow. Navigation ensures good user experience and retains site traffic. If you are lucky, keep them entranced.

The rules:

  1. Put menus or links to product categories in a bird-eye viewable place.
  2. Use proper names for the categories and the products.
  3. Opt for easy interactive navigation where each webpage leads the user to the home page, access to contact data, product category, and directly to the shopping cart.

Shopping Cart Design & Features

Paying no attention to the shopping cart design and building an otherwise perfect website will be a big mistake. Do not compromise on a shopping cart layout in any case. Your e-commerce website ought to effectively display company branding (colors, company logo), and as well as noticeable checkout buttons.

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Your shopping cart page should contain all the elements your customer needs:

  1. An easy feature to change quantities.
  2. Select shipping options such as shipping prices, promo codes, payment options, and continue shopping and/or adding more products to the cart.

The good e-commerce website practice is, to never limit customers to 1-2 payment options. Make sure you provide options for PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard as well.

Note: The availability of more payment options to shoppers will effectively lead to a greater ROI.

A Sum Up!

We calculate the success of an e-commerce company with its potential to garner loyal customers. To get loyal customers, provide them easy access to reach you from anywhere, at any time.

How to provide easy access to your e-commerce site? The site has to be set up properly to attract visitors. Once there is traffic, make strategies to engage those visitors enough to increase brand recognition and keep them coming back.

Do you want to let us on in your secrets to a good healthy e-commerce website? What are you waiting for? Contact us, ASAP!

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