Tuesday, March 4

How to Use APIs for Address Validation

It is critical for businesses that process physical addresses to check if the addresses they work on are valid. Imagine a scenario where an e-commerce company ships a package to an invalid address? The resultant loss of time and money, not to mention handling irate customers, can add up to company overheads.

APIs for address validation can help. Let us take a look at what address validation APIs are and how different companies can use them.

 What is an address validation API?

An address validation API (application programmatic interface) programmatically checks to see whether an address is present in an official database of addresses. If the address exists in the database, then it is “valid.” If invalid, suggestions are offered to the user to transform the incorrect address to a valid address. APIs for address validation can process a large number of addresses in a short amount of time.

 What types of companies can use APIs for Address Validation?

Any company that deals with large numbers of addresses can benefit from the use of address validation APIs like those found on Rapid API. A few of these are:

1) E-Commerce portals

 According to a report by Gartner, poor quality data can undermine your business objectives. E-commerce portals that ship directly to customers should use APIs for address validation. Examples are e-commerce portals that sell books, clothing, electronics, or other products. The use of address validation APIs during the checkout process helps validate customer addresses and practically eliminates user error.

2) 3rd Party Logistics Companies

 3rd party logistics companies (3PLs) provide various logistics-related services, such as distribution, warehouse services, picking, and packing services. 3PLs often ship products to customers, and having access to valid addresses is essential for such businesses. By integrating address validation APIs in their software, 3PLs can validate shipping addresses before any shipments leave their warehouse.

 3) Vacation Rental Services

 Platforms that offer vacation rentals can use address validation APIs to verify the location of a rental property submitted by a user for approval before it is rented out. After all, it is crucial for customers of such platforms to get access to the correct address for any property they are thinking of reserving.

 4) Background Check Companies

 Businesses that utilize personal information to run background and credit checks are dependent on valid addresses. Credit checks on an individual run a search on current and previous addresses. A check on an invalid address will end up costing money. Integration of address validation APIs with the software used by financial services firms helps ensure credit checks are not run on incorrect addresses.

What are the benefits of Address Validation APIs?

 Using Address Validation APIs provide various benefits. A few of these are:

 1) Saving money and time:

 You will save time and costs by storing only valid addresses in your customer database. You also cut down on to and fro communications with your customers that will inevitably occur if you ship any product to an invalid address.

 2) Satisfied Customers:

 By using APIs for address validation, you will be eliminating errors at the data capture stage. The end result – you get satisfied customers by cutting down instances of non-delivery and delayed delivery of packages.

3) Better Return on Investment

APIs for address validation helps in correcting data entry errors. You get higher mailing efficiency by saving on printing and postage. Hence, the return on investment in your company’s sales and marketing efforts will be higher.

 In summary

Address Validation APIs help your company benefit by verifying the address you store in your databases. You save time, increase efficiency, and reduce cost with the integration of APIs for address validation in your software.

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