Tuesday, March 4

5 Powerful Ways to Start your Business Through Blogging

The most excellent gift technology has given us that we can quickly earn money by sitting in the comforts of our home. These days every other person is blogging about different topics and makes money out of it. Of course, to do such a thing, you also need to invest some of your time and money on it if you want to start your business through it.

There are people who do believe that blogging will not get you anywhere when we talk about making it a source of income. That could be true if you do not have a proper plan and an idea in your mind. Emily Bell, editor-in-chief of Guardian Unlimited, says about blogging that it is a fantastic way to “try things out at the edge.” If you have just started to build your own business through blogging, you might find ebroker helpful.

You cannot make money through blogging unless you sell something. Advertising can only bring so much money. You have to monetize your blog in an efficient manner, so the cash flows in like any business. While advertising can bring serious money, you often need a ton of traffic before you start making big bucks. When selling something, however, you don’t need the same volume of traffic to make good money.

Like well-established and well-known companies, you do not have the luxury to take time to figure out the workable business models. Your system should be a buy-sell transaction, so you need to decide on the ways you are going to do it. If your business becomes successful, this can also become a full-time job for you.

Writer at Blog Post Promotion: The Ultimate Guide, Kristi Hines sells eBooks on her blog now. Brent Weaver of Hotpressweb.com started out blogging on BCGurus and created videos for Adobe Business Catalyst partners. Now he is a regular speaker at many of the Adobe events. Some blogs like TechCrunch and Mashable have evolved into powerful media companies, while some are transformed into e-commerce marketplace. However, most of the blogs stay as personal journals.

These are a few options available to you as a blogger to build a reputation and come off as a viable business. Here are five amazing ways you can make money through blogging

1. Advertising

Companies are always looking for ways to attract potential customers. They can advertise on your blog if your readers can prove to be their ideal customers. Here are different ways you can advertise on your blog.

  • This is a very creative and fun concept. You can do paid reviews/promotions for other brands and enjoy at the same time while you do it.
  • This idea is similar to what we mentioned previously but here the companies send you their products for free, and in return, you review the products on your blog.
  • Companies pay you so you can write posts mentioning them and their product.
  • You can leverage the blog into paid opportunities like advertisements, creating content like vlogs, mini commercials or podcasts, or running events.

Though advertising is an easy way to establish your business and name, however, it requires a lot of time and fan following for it to succeed.

2. Marketing

As an affiliate marketer, you get to promote someone else’s services to your readers. Become affiliated with another brand, that way you can make a commission every time you sell a product. You provide a link to that product or service, and whenever someone clicks through the link and makes a purchase, you will earn a commission. There are thousands of affiliate programs you can join.

  • Amazon Associates: You get paid when readers purchase Amazon products through your links.
  • Bluehost: Recommend the web host to new bloggers.
  • Amazon Influencer Program: you get your own Amazon shop.
  • Affiliate Acceleration: it is an amazing eCourse by a blogger.

Amazon associates

Affiliate marketing is one the most profitable income streams. You can highlight the products you use and love.

3. Digital Products

Bloggers sell their own digital products, which is pretty productive. Selling digital products is also a thing. You can provide photos, or designs that you create once and can sell them again and again. Digital products do not require inventory and can be distributed quickly and easily. Some examples of this are following.

How to grow followers on Instagram

  • E-courses: Teach others what you know and sell it.
  • Online workshops: You get to teach in a live setting
  • Ebooks: You can sell eBooks off your blog.
  • You can sell subscriptions for access to the premium content. Brian Clark, an author at Copyblogger.com, has two-level access to the content that is free and premium.
  • Photos: If you are into photography, you can sell the photos online.
  • Audio or video: Create music jingles, video clips, or voice-overs

4. Physical Products

Some bloggers sell physical products. Try selling physical products like customized t-shirts that align with your audience. Here are some examples for you.

  • Books: a lot of bloggers have become traditionally published authors because of their blogs.
  • Handmade Products: If you have a knack for creating things at home, you can make money out of it easily and quickly.
  • Manufactured Products: you can get a manufacturer to execute your idea into a reality.
  • In-person classes or special events: provide tickets, in exchange for money, to an in-person experience.
  • Planners: Make daily planners that are creative and unique.

There are many bloggers who have started selling their own products. As profitable as it is, it can also get complicated with keeping inventory, manufacturing, shipping, returns, etc.

5. Services

Bloggers have started using the expertise related to their blog topic, and then get paid by other companies if they get hired. These services can be offered locally or virtually. Here are some ideas for you.

  • Speaking: you can get speaking gigs as a result of the platforms you have built on your blogs.
  • Organizing, decorating, and cooking: Some bloggers provide their services to local readers.

The outcome depends on your approach to blogging. No matter how much effort you have put into your endeavor, if you do not have a plan, then none of it will matter. Besides planning, you also need to have patience, as businesses do not establish overnight. Have faith and keep giving your best.

About the Author

David Simmons is a financial analyst and accounting expert. He has in-depth knowledge about setting up small businesses as well as creating profitable investments. He regularly contributes articles related to business and loans at https://www.ebroker.com.au/.

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