Tuesday, March 4

Blogging for Business – Why you Need a Blog Page (“who are ya?”)

Online marketing

There’s a sports chant sung by the up to the minute winning team’s fans that is directed at the losing team’s fans, and it goes a little something exactly like this “who are ya, who are ya, who are ya!”. Not the brightest use of the English language, although it does kind of work (this is because of the repetition of stressed syllables sandwiched between two unstressed syllables, called an amphibrach, as in “There once was / a girl from / Nantucket”, see, catchy). 

The ‘Who are ya’ chant is a dagger to the soul of any sporting fan who believed their team was going to win and actually ended up losing to what would usually be seen as a lesser side. It’s a taunt. A rub-it-in-your-face jeer. And when it comes to today’s theme of business reputation, it’s very relevant. 

The last thing your business needs is for any mention of your brand to be followed by the question “who?”. If people don’t know who you are, you’re an outsider. Untried. Untested. Unknown. That’s why building a reputation is vital. You need a social media presence (click here for help establishing it).

And you also need content to pump out across your social media. That means one thing… You need a blog (well, actually, the content could mean many things, but the humble blog is the bedrock upon which your content empire stands – because don’t forget, your competition is dominating search results pages for written content, so video/images alone may not be enough of a fightback).

Blogs tell it how it is, as often as it needs telling

If you (or your business) are not widely regarded as being a thought leader, you need to up your game or get out while you still can. Business is a bustle for the top spot. That’s where the paying clients are. There’s a reason the majority of businesses fail while only a few succeed, and it comes to being a thought leader. 

Thought leaders are exactly what they sound like. They lead thoughts. Both their own and other people’s. If the thought leader isn’t talking about it, it probably isn’t news. When a thought leader says a topic is about to trend, we all better pay attention.  

Your blog should be a place to share breaking opinions on tomorrow’s news, not a place to report standard old-established opinions on yesterday’s industry chatter. 

SEO – organic ranking 

Your blog is free internet real estate. Optimized keyword content that is high-value and well-structured can gain ranking on Google, which means links back to your money pages. 

Anybody not taking advantage of creating evergreen content on industry topics is missing out on potential traffic. 

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