Friday, March 14

Can You Get Compensated for a Work-Related Trauma?

Workers with physically and mentally demanding jobs often suffer similar consequences to those with post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). Cumulative trauma disorder can occur if your job requires strength and stamina, such as construction or factory work, among other occupations. Psychological issues and recurring strain injuries can affect your ability to do your job. This leads to an impasse, resulting in you having to take time off, which in turn, prevents you from making a living.

If you should suffer this fate, you might be wondering what one ought to do when the medical bills and cost of living pile up, and what can be done to salvage your income and your physical and mental health. This begs the question: can you get compensated for work-related trauma? Read on to find out. 

What is Work-Related Trauma?

Work-related trauma is usually the result of physical or mental problems due to a hazardous work environment. Straining yourself at work with repetitive physical activity can result in serious damages to your body in the months and years to come.

This is common in demanding jobs that require physical strength and can have serious repercussions on your health and living conditions. A lot of these physical health problems might require costly surgeries to reverse the damage and some of the damage might remain and the worker will have to learn ways to cope with his or her new condition such as those who suffer from PTSD.

PTSD is caused by mental and psychological burdens a worker is faced with and the stress might have negative impacts on his or her mental health for the foreseeable future. This condition would require medical assistance to overcome and be able to function again at work. 

Work-Related Comp Claims 

If you should suffer from a work-related trauma that is now resulting in a sleep disorder or other health complications, you would need to claim compensation for your suffering. It is easier to get compensation for physical injuries, as your injuries can be proven. However, it can be an uphill battle for those with PTSD when seeking benefits for mental conditions caused by work trauma, as it is much harder to prove.

Laws may vary among different states, meaning work comp coverage might only be brought into effect if the injury was caused by certain events. You’ll want to proceed with research regarding the laws in your state to ensure that there are no restrictions when it comes to you collecting workers’ comp. 

Workers Comp for Benefits

Once you have proven that your physical or mental condition was caused by your stressful and hazardous job, your claim will be approved and the benefits you receive will ensure you are reimbursed for the medical costs, among other expenses that may have affected your living situation. You’re in luck if you work in Kentucky as your cumulative trauma compensation will cover medical treatment as well as a percentage of your lost wages should the stress and strain of your duties leave you unable to work.

To help you maintain the lifestyle that you earned through your occupation, the Kentucky workers’ compensation system continues to provide financial aid as you recover and rebuild your mental health, strength, and stamina. 

Seek Help from an Attorney

A failure to receive compensation for a work-related trauma can lead to severe damage indefinitely. For instance, if your workload is increasingly strenuous and you succumb to problems without any benefits offered from your work, you might not be able to treat your health. You wouldn’t be able to return to such a strenuous job, even if it’s what you are good at and a field that you hoped to continue working in.

Furthermore, you would lose your source of income while you recover from the trauma, making it hard for you to find a new occupation. This can make you financially insolvent in the process. If this is the case, you must seek help from an attorney. A work injury lawyer will ensure that you can prove your claims, even if they are all mental health issues, and ensure you get compensated should your place of work try to deny your claims.

As explained above, to be compensated for your work-related trauma, it’s important to support your claim by proving that your condition was caused by your work environment and strenuous duties. Consider seeking legal advice to ensure that you collect your compensation and guarantee that the benefits cover all medical treatments and offer financial aid until you can get back on your feet and maintain your regular lifestyle.

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