Tuesday, March 11

10 Essential Elements for the Perfect Project Plan

In order to have something to start from and guide the project work according to, it is important that you make a project plan. Here you describe the background to your choice of project work, formulate purpose, goals, and issues, describe how you will carry out the project and how you will report/present the results.

  • Background: a motivation for why you chose to do this project.
  • Purpose: a motivation for why you chose to do this particular project.
  • Goal: what you want to achieve with the project, what you want to have achieved when you are done.
  • Questions: are a number of questions that you want to be able to find answers to by doing the project work.
  • Method description: the project plan means that you briefly describe how you plan to proceed.

A project plan is vital for a successful project, not least for you who is the project manager, and your stakeholders. How else will they find out when the project will be delivered, how much it will cost, and how it will be delivered, if there was no clear project plan?

Below, we go through the 10 essential elements required for the perfect project plan that everyone should follow for a successful project.

Infographic brought to you by Wrike the best free project management software

10 Essential Elements for the Perfect Project Plan - by Wrike project management software

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