Tuesday, March 4

How Green Is Your Customer Service in Call Centers?

The revolutionized era has already altered the medium for catering the business needs. In order to deliver an efficient result, the organizations have moved to the automated belvedere equipped with numerative facilities and utilities.

Although, the level of reliability to reach customers has increased by completing the obligation of call center services with installed mediums of hosting plans and data centers. But have you ever wondered about the effects of high-graded utility on your surroundings?

As per the report of Abu Dhabi Water and Electric Company (ADWEC), UAE it is found that ‘total energy consumption in the industry of Abu Dhabi, Al Dhafra and Al Ain falls about 59.46%, 22.08%, and 18.46% respectively in the region for the year 2017’.

Therefore, as the authority of call center outsourcing to offer customer service to its client, it lies as your responsibility to monitor the rate of energy consumption and adopt greener customer service methods, claiming the terms for the eco-friendly conglomerate.

How Green is Your Call Center?

call center services

The regular change in environmental condition is acting as an alarm clock, to adapt the new motion of changes in the infrastructure of the call center.

Therefore, it is important to move progressively by adopting greener techniques along with advanced modes of technology. Based on the following checkboxes, the organization can mark the level of green call center services on a scale of 1 to 5.

  • Monitor the rate of energy consumption in the infrastructure of the call center.
  • Monitor the temperature of heat emission from the data center.
  • Check on the regulations for the greener practices by the call center executives.
  • Check the usage of inorganic chemicals in the equipment required for practicing in the organization.
  • Monitor the functionality of IT waste.

Thus, based on the checklist, you can rank and figure out the strategy responsible for offering customer services along with favorable environmental factors.

How to Implement the Green Solutions in Your Call Center?

Call Center is meant to cater to the amazing experience of its visiting customers. The number of a call center in UAE and worldwide has crossed the scale, in order to create more job opportunities, lucrative business patterns, and better resolutions to attract the customer.

Implementing heavy machinery and chores in infrastructure is surely on the way to exploit more of an environment.

‘Environmentalism’ is a gleaning word, getting adopted by the organizations to consider the marketing perspectives for business purposes. The in-house teams are working efficiently, to de-escalate the ratio of energy consumption and IT waste in the structure of the business.

As per the quotes of Johnsons Controls 2018, ‘Energy cost-saving practices and investment bolsters the business in making interesting investments in the favor of the organizations, by yielding the rate of productivity and revenue’.


Following are the methods, that can be implemented in the call center for customer service along with greener attempts:

· Formulate the Team for Green Call Center Solutions

It lies as the responsibility of the in-house or calls center outsourcing team to adopt green practices. Aware of the concerns about your latest moves and the importance of green customer services.

According to DeSalles, ‘Managers of the call center are successfully recognizing the capability of its employees to offer a creative idea for better customer service’.

Thus, taking the team along in the formation of eco-friendly space bolsters in burgeoning team management and effective call center surrounding.

· Reap General Morale Practices

If one is targeting to cut environmental ordeals with greener solutions, the practice begins from oneself. Adopting and implementing general practice bolsters the call center and organization to drive optimized solutions along with handsome revenue generation, as well.

Implementing the following modes in the call center helps you to the least for turning the customer service green.

  • Adopt the Practice of Reuse, Recycle, Reduce for office equipment.
  • Regulate the temperature of the working floor.
  • Check the prospect source of contiguous leaks, if any.
  • Use energy-sufficient office requirements.
  • Switch off the modes of resources, when not in use.
  • Switch to e-friendly modes by minimizing the use of paper and recycle the sheet, if possible.

· Implement Advanced Technological Solutions

The leaping technology has set the strong belvedere turning the operations, much more effective with greener attempts to the solution.

Solutions bound with Cloud and IoT technology helps in recovering the values of the business, with optimized and minimal input.

The technological solutions help you to gather the tag for professionalism along with a comparatively low-cost structure.

How Cloud is Helping the Call Centers for Delivering Green Customer Service?

No doubt, the Cloud is one of the most recognized technology among all the domains of business and solutions.

The Cloud is well known for its backup and air services, which require no additional infrastructural support to carry out the call center services.

As per the reports of Customer Zone, ‘The call center market is soon going to witness a growth of cloud-based call center from the revenue of $6.80 billion to $93 billion from the year 2017 to the year 2022, respectively. This is one of the mammoth rates of the expedition by 25.2%’.

Let’s have a quick look over the set of ways, that helps to drive customer service with greener attempts:

· Source the Renewable Energy in the Call Center

The call center is one of the assiduous domains in the organization, capable to offer customer service 24*7.

Thus, 24-hour service will require everlasting sources of electricity and resources, which can further be considered as a never-ending affair.

Cloud act as a replica to the situation, easing the working of office space with green solutions, by catering to the services over the virtual platform.

The practice to adopt cloud-based call center services bolster in giving hand to prepare an effective solution, favorable for business and environment, as well.

· Give Rise to Optimized IT Solutions

Backing up the enormous data via the services of the cloud is a managed task, that bars the use of additional IT systems and infrastructure.

Generally, the cloud runs on a virtual platform, offering solutions with the practice to fabricate the customer services of the call center with least cluttered IT waste.

· Server Virtualization

The feature of Cloud enables the organization to aloft the services of private servers, distributed from the single root of the physical server.

The tendency to adopt the practice of server virtualization gave the chance to control the energy wastage. Also, it helps in modulating the room temperature for data center and IT devices.

· Smart Inputs for Smarter Decision

There is a number of technologies that perform its action based on the Cloud. One such is the Internet of Things (IoT).

IoT let the energy medium to detect the human presence in its surrounding. The IoT alarms the customer about prospect alerts and works on saving energy by automatically switching off the utilities when left idle. Also, the technology bolsters in taking the decision beforehand by the transmission of messages to IoT-enabled devices.

Thus, we can quote the statement that the technology of cloud bolsters in creating the green world for working spaces of call center and brush the offerings with green customer service.

Benefits of Green Customer Service in the Infrastructure of Call Center

Clubbing the intrusive effort of green practices with inner shelves of call center helps you in catering to the crafted solution with deflation in the percentage of carbon emission, carbon footprints, and energy loss.

The Report from Intelex, show cast the following list of benefits, that could lure the executives and business owners to adopt eco-friendly practices:

  • CFL charges less 66% than the traditional light bulbs.
  • Configuring the sleep mode in your system helps you to prevent 300lbs of carbon emission, just from a single computer system.
  • Saves tons of paper and money by recycling the resources.
  • Starred rating equipment bolsters in saving electricity up to 75%.
  • Adopting green office strategies helps the call center outsourcing company to seek visible profits.

Steps Taken by UAE to Turn Customer Service Green

Currently, UAE is one of the biggest resources to offer call center services to overseas countries. Visualizing the growth in all the working domains, the Government of UAE, are marking the progressive steps in the favor of eco-friendly country, city, society, homes and office space, as well.

Let’s have a generic review over some initiatives taken by UAE to the green the burgeoning attempts for the customer service:

  • As per the reports of UAE State of Green Economy Report 2017, Emirates NBD inaugurated the criteria for the investment of AED 500 million ($136 million) for the propagation of innovation by adopting digital and paperless services to serve the future customers and generation.
  • The cabinet initiated the draft of UAE Green Growth Strategy, under the UAE Green Agenda 2030 to work on core environmental strategy of Green Investment, Green City, Green Energy, Green Life, Green Climate and Green Technology.
  • As the report of Dubai’s Supreme Council of Energy quotes that around 30,000 of 130,000 emirate’s buildings in the country are deemed under the criteria for the improvement of efficiency, which will cost around Dh3 billion.

In Conclusion

Today, where almost every resource of nature is endangered, it lies as our sole responsibility to emission at each possible node.

Turning the resources and followed facility with greener attempts helps in catering polished customer service in call centers, driving the benefits for the economy and eco-friendly office space.

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