Saturday, March 8

How to Target the Right Audience

How to Target the Right Audience

It can be hard to find your target audience and learn which these persons are. For example, your audience can be targeted on the basis of Age, Earning, Education, Trait & Geography.

I you are just starting out, knowing what target audience you will serve is one of the first things you should think of. A big mistake you can do is trying to please everyone because this is impossible.

Instead, it is important that you can define your target audience. This is essential so you are able to make a product as perfect as it can be to please your audience’s needs.

Here you can learn 4 simple tips on How to Target the Right Audience.

1. Surveys


Surveys can be done in several different ways. The most common surveys are done through email and social media.

Have short and easy-understandable questions that are easy to answer as more people will complete the survey. Surveys are a great way to get real-time insights of what your target audience are demanding and looking for in your product. Most importantly, you will get a good understanding of the age, gender and behaviors that your target audience have.

With the results of the surveys, you can meet your target audience demands in order to possibly be able to please an even bigger audience or solve things that irritated your existing audience.

2. Polls on social media

Vote yes or no

More and more social media platforms have launched this feature to make it fun to learn more about your target audience. Both for the person asking the questions and the people answering them.

Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are examples of social media platforms where you can survey your audience.

Polls have long been one of the most popular ways for businesses to learn more about their customers and their audience in order to improve and learn what the market demands.

Polls on social media are also equipped with analytics where you can learn more about the people answering your polls.

3. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful free insights tool. Google Analytics offer more data than most of the other tools out there. A lot of businesses are intimidated by the amount of data available because it looks like lots of work. This is also the reason why many business owners ignore this because they simply feel stressed or like they have shortage of time to be able to profoundly learn Google Analytics.

Google Analytics

On Google Analytics, you can see behaviors by age group, how many new users vs returning users your website get, if the amount of people that are located in the targeted demographics are increasing.  With Analytics, you are also able to measure the time engagement rate of your website, meaning that you can see the average number of page views and how long someone have been on your website.

The more information you have about your customers the better you can make decisions about how to appeal to them or serve them. With the help of Google Analytics, you can get more information on How to Target the Right Audience than you’ll most likely need.

4. Social media

Social media is a very effective and easy way to target the right audience and learn who they are. Especially with the new Instagram Insights feature. By setting up social media accounts that defines you and lets the people following what your business are offering, you can quickly learn more about your target audience and what kind of people your social media pages are attracting.

When you grow your social media pages, you are able to see which people are starting to follow you, who comments and engages with your brand and where they are located- all made very simple to see with Instagram Insights, so make sure you are using it! There are also other platforms than Instagram that is offering these insights and analytics such as Twitter (to some extent).

If you don’t have access to analytics on some platforms, you can still learn quite a bit by simple engaging with your social media audience.

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