Friday, January 31

Innovative Solutions That Will Greatly Improve How Lawyers Run Their Firms

In this article, we are going to present to you a few innovative solutions that we believe will greatly improve how lawyers run their law firms. Law firms see a lot of business, and because of that, need to streamline administrative duties so that they can focus on their clients and more important areas of their business. We hope that, with this page, you will be able to improve how your law firm runs. There are so many greats ways that you can improve your law firm, from technology to outsourcing, and we will discuss them all here.

If you have any of your own suggestions that you would like to share, then please feel free to leave them down in the comment section below, and you never know, we might use them in our next article on this subject!

Here are some innovative solutions that will greatly improve how lawyers run their firms.


Rather than dealing with cash or debit card readers, why not do everything through eBilling? By using legal eBilling software, you will be able to streamline how you are paid and have invoices generated remotely without having to worry about filling them out yourself. eBilling has, in the last few years, become incredibly popular. It allows your clients to pay from home without having to come into the office, which with the pandemic considered, is a great idea, and a great way to keep everybody safe and prevent needless journeys.

‘No Touch’ Timesheets

Often, an employee, regardless of whether they are a lawyer or not, will have to fill out their timesheet at the end of the day or the end of the money. By going digital, your employees do not need to do this, and can just use their calendar as a way to generate a timesheet, combining two things. Touchless timesheets are a fantastic way for you to improve your business’s efficiency and ensure that your employees have a little more time to spend elsewhere. You can also generate invoices with the same software, though if you set up eBilling you won’t need to.


We are seeing, more and more, local review websites (Trip Advisor, Amazon, etc) merging with legal websites to create reviews and feedback in the legal sector. By allowing for reviews, you will be able to get a constant stream of customer feedback, which will in turn then be the catalyst for other people seeking out your firm for their legal needs. Feedback is definitely needed if you are a law firm, especially in the 21st-century when everybody turns to the internet to tell them whether or not a business, product, or service is worth paying for.

Margins and Profits

A law firm is, at the end of the day, a business. While many people forget this, that is what it is. You need to manage your margins carefully. To do this, educate your staff. You should be transparent about the profits that you take in so that your staff understands how they impact your profits. You will also want to help your staff to structure their work in a way that improves profit margins, as in, making time to take in more clients, etc. A law firm cannot run without profit, can it?

Technology and Roles

Technology is changing the way that law firms run. Now, some tasks can be done online, which means that some people will lose their jobs. The changing face of the legal industry means people will have to be made unemployed, but that is the very nature of business. You should, as much as you can, integrate technology into your company and fire the people that you do not need. Saving money, improving profits, and reducing your staff, while increasing productivity is a fantastic way to get caught up with the 21st-century.

HR Outsourcing

Rather than employing your own dedicated human resources staff, outsource. Outsourcing is when you delegate duties and activities in your business to a third-party provider. There are thousands of HR outsourcing companies around that can be used to great effect and can help you to streamline areas in your business. Human resources is a part of your business that, if you did not outsource, would need its own office, computers, tech, and staff. By delegating these tasks to a third-party provider, you will save yourself a lot of money, while at the same time, make your business incredibly more efficient.

Innovative solutions can help your law firm to be more productive and to run much more smoothly. We hope that the solutions we have presented you today will prove useful to you and your law firm. Thank you for joining us!

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