Sunday, February 23

Network Security 101 for Small Businesses

Ensuring the sustainability and transparency of businesses is a result of concrete protection of valuable data. Between customer contact details, company files, business emails, and more, a lot is at stake if there are no proper security strategies applied. In these modern days, it is not uncommon to hear about the collapse of entire businesses due to malicious cyberattacks.

While high-profile businesses are widely known to be more prone to risks, small businesses get attacked as well, and such attacks are on the increase nowadays. This is why such businesses need vigorous measures taken to ensure their safety. Here is a list of tips for securing small business networks.

Do Regular Data Backups

When thinking about how much a business heavily relies on data of all types, the process of data protection becomes a top priority. Successful businesses ought to do frequent backups of their pertinent data and thoroughly check that these backups are secure and easily retrieved when needed. When doing so, the company is guaranteed to function despite any sudden circumstances or emergencies such as property damage or theft. Besides, if you have backups of your data that you can recover quickly, you can’t be blackmailed by ransomware attacks.

Take Care of Passwords and Data Access

Passwords of every account on all platforms are at constant risk, let alone employee business accounts. This is why using strong and intricate passwords is crucial. Besides, more measures should be taken when workers log in, such as two-factor authentication or additional requirements of passwords to have access. Computer and information system experts from would advise conducting penetration checkups and network testing to ensure the credibility and strength of your network security. Doing this will analytically inform you of numerous aspects, such as authorization checks, authentication attacks, error handling, input and output validation, and more.

Have a Solid Firewall

Installing a strong firewall to your business network is certainly number one on the to-do list. Firewalls aid in locking the ports of which hackers take advantage to infiltrate businesses and steal their data. Certain firewalls have options for virus-scanning. In case your business doesn’t own one, you can install antivirus software that scans the company’s computers to detect and eliminate any malware in the firewall. This procedure can prevent hackers from finding any weak links in your business.

Train the Workers

The more people learn about network security threats, the better the process of handling it. This training aims to teach employees all areas of securing the data and network of the business, how hackers target the organization, and the significance of the responsibility of each person in the business. A good idea would be including this topic in the training period right after hiring so that workers are adequately ready to face it head-on. Besides, this ensures accountability in case a threat is posed from within the organization itself.

Strengthen Email Security

It is always advisable not to go anywhere near spam emails. Unlike businesses, this would not cause a normal person severe casualty. This is why increasing the security of emails sent and received by the organization is a serious matter. Some precautions like document encryptions, security codes, verification codes, or QR codes can help with adding an extra layer of protection.

Go for a VPN

Using a VPN can help put a shield on web navigating. This is beneficial because accessing business-related files from unsecured or public networks is not always practical. Naturally, VPN providers direct the data from their servers first, and then your IP address will be hidden and masked. The process also entails data encryption to retain your business browsing history and passwords, among other things. In case your employees can access the VPN, you can minimize the threat of getting business files or passwords intercepted every time workers are accessing accounts and software.

Update the Software Frequently

Out-of-date software is a very common threat to small businesses. If there is a dated system or software such as operating systems, anti-virus programs website content management system, or any other program, it is better to be safe than sorry and ensure that all your business software is updated. Older versions of the software are easy targets for hackers due to the many loopholes in the system. So, making an update guarantees that such vulnerabilities are addressed. It also improves the performance of the systems, software, and programs.

The need for network protection of small businesses is undeniably vital. In the digital world where countless amounts of data are stored, it is not odd to fear hacking and cyberattacks. Certainly, stringent procedures should be taken accordingly to protect the valuables of the organization. With the previous guide, you can learn more about safeguarding and applying network security.

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