Over the years, mobile apps have played a critical role in transforming the human world. It is possible to do almost everything with the help of a mobile app in today’s world.
There are more than 4 million apps shared between the Google Play Store and Apple Store. So, it goes without saying that the app market is very competitive, and only a few can make it big.
If you are an app developer, you probably know that it takes a lot to build a new application from scratch. It’s a tedious and tiring process to create an app that will attract people’s attention. As a result, many developers fail to build the app that they always wanted to.
But it’s finally time to confront the elephant in the room: what are the specific reasons for so many apps failing? Can they be solved? How can you succeed in building a user-friendly mobile app?
Let’s find out the answers for all of that in today’s blog.
Reasons Why Mobile Apps Fail To Perform
Whether you are talking about the best fintech apps or an app for booking your movie tickets, you must put in a lot of effort to build them. Even then, a huge number of apps fail to be the best version of themselves.
But why is it so? Here are the top reasons that contribute to it.
1. Lacks Originality
With so many apps in the market, finding 100% originality in today’s time is very difficult. The app market has reached the saturation point that does not allow the app developers to create something out-of-the-box.
App developers surely work hard to bring innovations and new ideas to the field. But almost everything that we see these days is offered by other applications. That is why people don’t shift to the newer alternatives since they don’t find anything truly new or exciting about it.
2. Doesn’t Solve A Problem
One of the biggest reasons an app doesn’t reach its true potential is that it cannot solve a problem. People will use your app only when it can help them to solve a problem. That means it can bring more productivity and efficiency to their daily lives.
The app developers must be very clear about the problem they will address with the app’s help. You should offer a reason for the people that will make them want to download it.
3. Lack Of Proper Marketing
Many people will be wondering that the most successful apps in the world never marketed their products. So, why is it necessary to market their apps?
Well, giant app companies like WhatsApp, Instagram, Tencent, Tinder, etc., don’t spend big on their marketing budget because they were pioneers in the industry. They offered a solution when nobody else did. That is why everyone knows about them.
But, assuming that that’s the case with your app is wishful thinking. Therefore, lack of marketing can spell doom for your application.
4. Poor User Experience
To make an app successful, the main focus should be on the user experience. If your app has a better UX and UI than most other apps in the same genre, there’s a good chance that your app will get popular with time.
But a lack of convenient user comfort and experience can totally ruin the app. As such, spend a lot of time and resources to get the right user experience for your app.
5. Poor Market Research
Creating an app just for launching is never going to make it a success. You must put in a great deal of effort in different ways. One of them includes market research.
Yes! Researching the details about the industry you are planning to create the app for will let you create a user-friendly app. Proper market research tells you what kind of app people need in their real life and diminish your chances of failure.
6. Lack of Testing
To let people keep using the app for a long time, it is essential that you remove almost every bug that you can find in it.
If an application has many bugs present in it, it can be a very serious problem. Your audience will stop using it very soon. That is why extensive and proper testing is essential before the final app launch.
How Can You Succeed In The Mobile App World?
Developing an app is not an easy task, and most people will fail to do so. But, there are a few ways, following which you can be successful. Check them out quickly in this segment:
Experience Is Mandatory
Build a team of experienced developers who will help you in every stage of building the app. You will always need the help of able and friendly team members to succeed.
UX For The Win
Focus majorly on developing a better user experience. Work on a more convenient and productive interface. People will only shift to your app if you can offer a better user experience than the other competitors present.
Do Your Homework
Conduct ample market research to know about the problems that exist in the industry and how they can be solved. Implement them in your app. Proper market research also allows you to be aware of your competitors.
Spread The Word
Spend a good amount of money on marketing your app. People should be aware of the app you are building for them. There are different forms of marketing you can follow. Consult with a marketing agency about which one suits your app the best.
Final Words
Building a successful app is not a walk in the park. It is the culmination of great ideas, consistent hard work, efforts, and the ability to deliver innovation to the people.
Even the most successful apps took years to build before they could be launched. And a day will come when your own app makes it to the top of the ranks!
So, if you are planning to convert website to app and launch it, do follow this guide. You’ll get a clear idea about the things to avoid and what to focus on.