Tuesday, March 4

Traditional Marketing in the Modern Age – Best Tips

Digital Marketing Plan

There’s a lot to be said about marketing in the modern age. It’s a one-part business, a one-part art form, and one-part psychology. The way people talk about marketing techniques, you’d think that it was a discipline invented in the past few decades. In reality, marketing goes back as far as there was anything to sell. There were markings for businesses on colosseum walls before people had widespread use of paper. 

Marketing evolves along with its medium and target demographic, which means it will hardly ever stagnate. This is something a lot of marketing experts take to heart. Older methods are thrown out in favor of anything that’s new and innovative. Online strategies are now considered the bread and butter of modern marketing. The thing is, much like in art, there has to be a synergy of new and old in order to bring forth something creative. This is true for marketing as much as it’s true for music or painting.

Traditional marketing techniques are often phased out in modern marketing strategies, to the detriment of the business that does this. Applying traditional techniques properly makes them incredibly effective, no matter how old-fashioned they may seem. Here are a few examples of how proper application can make any marketing method viable in modern strategies.

Radio exposure

While it may seem like radio has taken a step back with the rise of TV and the internet, this is hardly a case. Radio channels still reach enormous swathes of the population in every country, as it’s simply a very convenient way to play music and listen to the commentary. Those long commutes are hardly ever silent, which is why radio is estimated to reach around 90% of any given demographic on a weekly basis. 

Surprisingly, even mobile devices are making use of radio frequencies and channels. This allows radio ads to be heard repeatedly by just about anyone using the radio on their mobile. It’s a reliable medium that has a consistent ROI every single year. Though, this doesn’t mean that radio ads don’t evolve. They have to keep up with trends and optimization strategies. Listening to older ads and shoutouts on the radio will show you just how much this medium has improved in terms of effective marketing. On a local level, radio is very effective at getting people to visit brick and mortar stores, but online markets also utilize it for their advertising needs.

Business cards

Handing out business cards might feel like an outdated concept, but this is a misconception. The old method of printing out cards with professional headshots and relevant contact information has been phased out, but cards are still in use. Instead of trying to build a marketing network, business cards now cut right to the chase.

They have sleek designs with very little information on them, save for what’s important. Current trends include placing the name of the business and an incentive to visit. Often, this is a form of discount for the service or product provided. Various contractors utilize them when working directly with clients small and large.

This helps establish a brand that can immediately prove their worth on the job, while also providing extra incentive to continue doing business. Clients will share the cards with others that require these services. Contact information is unnecessary, as clients can simply Google the info they need. Using the card as a token for discounts incentivizes people to keep it and share it with others.

Billboards and banners

There are few advertising methods that are as popular as billboards and banners and for good reasons. It’s easy to convey your message to a large number of individuals when it’s placed in broad daylight on a busy street. They might seem limited in scope, but it’s hard to argue against the exposure that they give.

While an online ad could potentially reach millions, this is incredibly unlikely in the sea of other ads it’s in. A well-placed and striking banner mesh or billboard will be seen by tens of thousands that pass a given street. In a big city, this is guaranteed exposure on a local level. Not to mention cars passing by and traveling from one area to another will also increase this exposure across city lines.

Introducing a banner ad in a high foot traffic location can allow you to advertise in places where vehicles can’t pass, such as city centers. With no real limits on placement or design, this makes them very effective at catching the attention of passersby. 

Marketing events

Organizing events has always been an attractive investment for marketing strategies. Consumers and potential clients want to get well-acquainted with a business before they decide to invest in one. It’s a lot easier to build trust and brand strength in a live event rather than through online marketing.

A marketing event allows you to advertise your products and services in a practical way. You can demonstrate the problem-solving nature of your products, while also bringing the marketing right to the consumer. The organizational aspect is made a lot easier with the help of online strategies. Advertise your event online and target specific demographics for exposure. Once they’ve decided to visit your event, the live nature will make the pitches more convincing and effective.

Community events have also become a staple of modern marketing. Reaching out to the right groups and doing charitable demonstrations helps build further brand trust and reputation. It’s something that consumers value more than flashy ads and it keeps them on the brand’s side. 


What makes marketing so complex and interesting is that you can’t really stick to one strategy forever. It has to evolve and incorporate new methods every single year, with some industries requiring evolution on a monthly basis. Traditional marketing tactics are just as necessary as ever, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t changing.

Remember not to neglect them when forming your business’s marketing strategy, or else you might find it to be a lot less effective. Keep some of the above examples in mind for inspiration, as you never know when you’ll need to expand the scope of your advertising campaign.

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