Tuesday, March 4

Reasons Why a Good Web Hosting Is Important for Your Business

A good web hosting can make all the difference between a successful and failed business. No matter how engaging or quality content you put out there, it will not matter if it does not reach your users. Website owners should focus on a good web host as well as the content they are publishing. Hostiserver.com helps your website grow and provides you with managed hosting services.

Web hosting allows you to post your web pages to the Internet. Websites are hosted, or stored, on a special computer called a server. This server allows the Internet users, that are connected anywhere, to access your site whenever they put in your domain address.

Many people do not know the importance of a web host and neglect it because it might seem unnecessary to them. It is essential to understand how a web host can benefit you and your business. Not only should you know about a web host, but it is crucial that your web hosting company is the best; otherwise, it will not make much difference.

For those of you who are contemplating why a good web host is important, here are some main reasons that should give you the information you are looking for.


Running a website, if you are not a professional, is a tough job. Your website is never safe from all the potential hacks and malware attacks. Even the most famous websites are attacked, and this puts your site at potential risk. If you have a web host, your company should be able to provide you with the security that you need.

Moreover, a web hosting company will back up your data. This way, if there is an attack, you will be able to restore your site and data, thus avoiding all the hassle and permanent data loss.

Without a web host, you will be unable to provide the right kind of security. In case of any problems or complications that arise, a web hosting company will give you the support through its customer service 24/7. It is a good idea to take a back seat and let a professional handle it all in the right way. That is why, it is important that the web host you choose should be able to provide all the security and support, so make sure you select the best one.

No downtime

When you own a website, it is bound to crash in case of high traffic.  A good web host has you covered in that area and makes sure that your website’s speed is fast and your site stays online. People who have an online store can actually face a great loss because if your website is always down, people will not be able to visit it.

The same is the case will a slow website. People will not bother to visit your site if it is slow and will move on to a better and fast website. A good web host prevents a potential loss of revenue. Choose a web host that has more than 99% uptime because a bad web host, with less uptime, is equally harmful to your website. Some websites promise 99.9 % uptime but are not able to fulfill their commitment, so steer clear of such misleading companies.

High ranking

As mentioned previously, a site that remains offline most of the time, or is slow, will not be successful. The aim of SEO (search engine optimization) is to put your site on the top of the search results. If your customers cannot find you, what is the point? Websites often experience technical issues or downtime due to which their ranking suffers. Google takes into account a website’s speed and availability and then ranks it accordingly. A web host can help you with these issues by seeing to it that your site’s loading speed is fast and it is not crashing most of the time.

The more your site is online, the more chances you will have of reaching out to potential customers and that will result in your benefit. Bad web hosting companies will usually have poor-quality hardware, or they may have too many clients situated on a single dedicated server without enough resources to share around. Thus, your site will ultimately slow down, and your potential clients will visit some other site that is fast.  A good web hosting company will help your website rank higher in the search results.

Ability to scale

As your business thrives, your website needs to grow as well to accommodate the increased traffic. Increasing traffic can cause the website to crash. Without a web hosting company to guide you, you might not be able to do the job. A good web hosting company will be flexible and will also provide you with the necessary updates.

Customized Email Address

A customized email address seems professional. A good hosting package will provide you with an email address that is related to the domain name of the website. Just make sure to check out the site that has its domain names registered because this will guide you in choosing yours. This will also increase your marketability as compared to having a common email address like Yahoo or Hotmail.

Paying a lot more for a web hosting service is going to be worth it at the end. These reasons are some of the many that should convince you into choosing a reliable web host that can boost your website and business. When it comes to your business, do not compromise on the quality of the services that are being provided by a web host, because it can help your business thrive.

About the Author:

Barbara Morgan is a technology writer. She enjoys programming and algorithms. She regularly posts at hostiserver.com – Managed Hosting in the USA and Europe.

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