Tuesday, March 4

Why Do People Blog or the Main Benefits of Blogging

The world was completely different 20 years ago; online blogs didn’t exist, but today, we have more than 500 million blogs and 1.7 billion websites. Statistics say that more than 2 million new blog posts are published every day. When the first blogs appeared, they were online journals where people only shared their experiences or hobbies with the audience. Earning money wasn’t the main goal. But why do people blog today? Why do they do this? As we can see the blogging scene has rapidly developed over the last 10 years. Let’s check why people blog and try to find the main benefits of this business.

People Just Want to Express Themselves

When surfing the net, you’ll find a wide array of blogs where people only share their ideas, feelings, and thoughts about this or that theme. Cooking, personal relationships, motherhood, photography, marketing, politics, hand-made – all these themes are covered. Such blogs allow you to find like-minded people and share your experience in various areas with them.

To start a blog, you only need to choose the right blogging platform and a theme that you wish to cover in your posts. Make a photo session, plan your posts, download free responsive blogger templates, and finally start writing posts!

Blogging Helps You Get a Better Job

Statistically, nine in ten companies check online profiles of their candidates before hiring them. Sometimes, profiles on social media are even more important than dull resumes. Employers prefer hiring people that have a strong online influence. It’s of utmost importance for marketing positions, where the main goal is building brand loyalty and attracting more customers. When a potential candidate has a blog with thousands of followers, he surely knows everything about marketing and understands how to attract and keep the attention of followers. And that’s a benefit!

A Blog Allows You to Start a New Business

Mostly, a person starts running a blog as a hobby. For instance, you like knitting and can knit superb hats, socks, or sweaters. You make catchy photos and post them on Instagram. Gradually, you’ll surely get new customers from your Instagram blog. Yes, this type of growth isn’t common but if you have an interesting hobby, running your blog can be a good foundation for your future business.

You Can Build a Professional Network

You know that networking is very important today. Sometimes, people even find new jobs thanks to networking. Therefore, building and growing your online network has a wide array of benefits. They are as follows:

  • access to many professional seminars;
  • access to professional tools;
  • product unveilings;
  • the capability to participate in professional events;
  • the capability to meet new people that can influence your future career.

Blogging Helps You Be a Better Writer

It is clear that if you dream of improving your writing skills, you need to write more. Blogging is a superb opportunity to do this. When you write informative or entertaining posts every day, you are working on the improvement of your writing skills. Gradually, you’ll create your own style of writing and become a professional in this niche.

Get More Exposure

Blogging is not only about fun. Businesses usually run their pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or other blogging platforms to expand their online presence, find new potential customers, and promote their products or services online. In doing so, they will surely get more clients, more sales, and increase their online income.

On top of that, businesses also use content marketing to rank the best posts in search engines. In doing so, they generate more leads and increase their revenue. Overall, blogging is a superb and effective tool for modern marketing!

Blogging Is Used for Building an Online Portfolio

Blogging is also an effective tool for aspiring freelance authors to create their online portfolios. Simply put, it’s a good chance to demonstrate your writing skills, talent, and experience. When applying for a new job, you can attach the link to your blog, and employers can immediately see and evaluate your writing skills. In doing so, you’ll surely get more new customers.

Immediate Feedback

You know that book authors need to wait months until their books are published and get reviews. But bloggers get feedback right after they make a post and press the button “Publish”. You can read the comments and see what people say about you, your post, and your blog!

As you can see, blogging has numerous benefits for freelance writers, professional writers, and businesses. You only need to choose a theme that is interesting to you and start writing right away! 

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