Friday, January 31

WordPress 5.3 Kirk is Launched: Explore The Updated Features


WordPress 5.3 Kirk is Launched: Explore The Updated Features never fails to impress its audience.

Find out below some of the interesting facts about the recent updates:

  • It has a new default theme, known as Twenty-twenty.
  • User interface enhancements
  • Latest block editors

Believe it or not… there were 645 volunteers who have contributed to the latest releases. It was managed by David Baumwald, Francesca Marano, and Matt Mullenweg

Recently, it has launched WordPress 5.3 “Kirk”. The interesting part is that it has released in honor of great American jazz musician Rashaan Roland Kirk. 

The news is that it is one of the most impressive versions launched by WordPress to date. The user-experience it provides is matchless with a remarkable block editor.  Now, it is easily available to download, or you can update it to the latest edition of WordPress from the dashboard. 

WordPress 5.3 holds the updated Gutenberg, several security improvements, advanced features.  It integrates the new default theme termed as twenty-twenty, latest block editors, and user interface enhancements.  

It is essential to practice the consider PHP native JSON  extension if you want to use the WordPress 5.3. If there is a non-availability of the extension, then can notify with an error or abort the updating process.  And, if this issue persists, then you can take assistance from the to enable the extension.

WordPress 5.3 new features in the editor block have enhanced the design freedom and have given more layout options with the style variations for the designers to have more control over the website. With the release of the twenty twenty default theme, there is more versatility with block editor integration. Seriously, making advanced layouts and beautiful web pages has never been more comfortable.

We are here to guide you on how WordPress 5.3 could be beneficial for the dedicated WordPress developers.

Features That WordPress 5.3 Acquire

1. Gutenberg Vs Kerk

Gutenberg (known as the universal block) was introduced with 5.0 as the new editor.  Since its launch, it has received consistent improvements. There are 13 releases from its discrete plugin. Gutenberg’s 13 releases are now moved to the WordPress 5.3. 

The merger has improved its effectiveness in many ways. Find out  below:

# Accessibility Improvements

  • The admin interface has block editor-style integration.
  • Improves accessibility by addressing several issues such as consistency among the admin interface and the editor’s
  • Color contrast on form fields, motion, and buttons that make block interaction quick and natural.

# Support for Huge Image Uploads

  • The merger has given us 150 new features and improvements
  • Support for huge images and high-resolution pictures that only provides a better outlook to your WordPress website.

2. Navigation Mode

Now, you can navigate easily from one block to another. There is no requirement of using the arrow keys or Tab to do so. You can instantly move to the Edit Mode from Navigation Mode by tapping the Enter or Esc key.

3. Enhanced Performance

The performance of the block editor is enhanced with the merger. You can notice quite some changes in the small posts but, for the more substantial posts, you can see a big difference.

4. Extended Design Flexibility

It has some powerful tools that are useful for shining designs.

  • Using the new Group block, you can quickly diverge the web page into bright segments.
  • With the heading blocks, you can have extra control over the background color and text.
  • The column blocks can resolve the issues of fixed column widths.
  • Now, you can choose more style options that permit you to select the block support of your choice.

5. Block Editor Improvements

It has 150+ new features and the regular improvements that combine the abundant image support for uploading the substantial image support for high-resolution and non-optimized pictures from the smartphone or from other HD cameras.

The pictures look more stunning when used with the larger default images.  It has also introduced the accessibility enhancements with the combination of block editor styles in the different accessibility issues.

The issues could be distinct snack bar signs, a color variation on form fields and buttons, the motion to establish communication with your blocks seamless and secure and compatibility among editor & admin interfaces.

Using the keyboard for navigation to the dashboard has become more manageable. There is an addition of the navigation mode to the block editor. Using this, you can seamlessly jump from one block to another without even clicking on every single piece of the block control.

6. New Addition: Twenty-twenty Default Theme

WordPress 5.3 has introduced a new default theme, twenty-twenty. It is being designed, keeping flexibility as the key.  Now, you can display your products and services using the groups, media blocks, and columns.  

Managing the content to full or extensive alignment efficiently for engaging and dynamic layouts.  Twenty-twenty default theme main aim is to be simple, flexible, readable, transparent.  

A new typeface “Inter” is introduced by Rasmus Andersson. This interface has a variable font version.  It helps read the small font very easily. The weights and the style it has made the task very easy and does not even consume more time merely in two files. 

Other Significant Improvements

# Updated Site Health Checks

The enhancement of WordPress 5.3 makes it seamless to discover the problems. The improved recommendations showcase the areas that might require troubleshooting on your website from the Health Check screen.

# Automated Image Rotation

While uploading, the images can be uploaded as per the embedded orientation data. This feature was initially introduced nine years back.

# Admin Email Confirmation

Now, you have to give confirmation about the update of your admin email address. It lessens the chances of locking in your WordPress website when you change your email address.

# PHP 7.4 Compatibility

WordPress has given us full support for PHP 7.4. It has removed the existing functionalities to assure that it is compatible with the latest version of PHP.

# Time/date Component Fixes

WordPress 5.3 has made it more reliable to work with the timezones and the dates. For the PHP compatibility and unified timezone retrieval, the two functions have received different API functions.  

Wrapping Up

We have mentioned the new updates given by A big shout out for those who have made such magnificent features.  Now, it’s your turn to use them as per your requirement and convenience.

Enjoy the experience!!

We hope you liked this article. If any update is missed, then let us know in the comment section. Do share your queries and suggestions. Thanks for reading!!

Article written by the guest writer Marie Thomas.

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