Sunday, March 16


Covesting Strategy Manager Hot Streak Continues With Nearly 25,000% Profits

Covesting Strategy Manager Hot Streak Continues With Nearly 25,000% Profits

Bitcoin price is bouncing, rising from local lows around $30,000 to as high as $40,000 in a flash. After a massive crash and weeks of sideways, the surprise move was expected to shake up the Covesting leaderboards. But instead, like time and time again, Covesting strategy managers have proven they are ready for anything markets throw their way and can turn any type of trend into even higher total profits. The proof is inside the fully transparent global Covesting leaderboards, which track metrics such as total profits, the time the strategy was set up, how much follower’s equity it commands, and much more. The data also shows that one particular strategy manager was able to profit during a crash, sideways, and now increase total profits while the market moved up. Here’s more on t...
Everything You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency Today

Everything You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency Today

In the past few years, cryptocurrency has been gaining a lot of popularity in the market. The rise in demand has led both different countries and people to invest in crypto money. At some point, you must have heard about someone who invested in cryptocurrency and is now filthy rich. While it does sound exciting and tempting, investing blindly can be risky, as it can do you more harm than any good.  There are several advantages and disadvantages to cryptocurrency investments as they offer some exciting rewards. Since crypto investors are getting more and more involved in digital money, it is important to study the cryptocurrency market and understand how it works. Read on to understand the basics of cryptocurrency and what to watch out for. What is Cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is a dig...
Same Day Loans – Here’s What You Need to Know

Same Day Loans – Here’s What You Need to Know

  A same day loan is the best loan that can solve your financial needs during any urgency. As the name indicates, a same-day loan is where the applicant gets the loan on the very day of application. The process of getting a loan is very easy and fast. Most people do not know much about same day loans. If you too want to know about this loan, keep reading.  What are the advantages of a same-day loan? Before opting for anything, we should try to know its advantages. The same goes for same-day loans. You get many benefits with these loans, which have made it a popular option to meet emergency needs. So, here are the advantages of same-day loans. Fastest loan Getting a loan can be a lengthy process. You need to apply for it, and then your application will be accepted....
Sneak Peek Into the Mysterious New Dawn Of  Social ‘Forex’ Trading

Sneak Peek Into the Mysterious New Dawn Of Social ‘Forex’ Trading

Can you ever imagine having a coherent subculture on social media that includes forex traders among all other things? It is one of the most unlikely and riskiest things to emerge recently on platforms like Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. However improbable it may sound, the presence of a hive of forex day traders on social spaces is real and fast catching attention.  The Yester Years From the time forex trading started, it was always considered a coveted operation. Hence contributing to the job required the aid of the specialty desk of Wall Street.  These financial nerds would chart the numbers and come out with predictions. They would make trade calls that can catapult action in the foreign exchange markets. A mailer with these nail-biting bets would reach the inboxes of a ...
7 Clever Ways to Manage Your Finances

7 Clever Ways to Manage Your Finances

Being smart with money is an absolute necessity in today’s increasingly money-driven world. It’s more than just earning money to sustain your livelihood. For managing money, you don’t need to be some sort of an expert in mathematics. You just need to be fast with basic addition and subtraction. Being financially skilled helps you invest money in the right places without incurring any losses. How well you manage your finances directly influences your credit score and how much debt you find yourself in. Being skilled with money might not guarantee you an easy life, but it certainly helps you to also devote your energy to more significant matters in life. This becomes all the more important owing to the fast life we are all living. In this everyday hustle-bustle, we sometimes miss o...
How to Handle Abusive Collection Agencies

How to Handle Abusive Collection Agencies

With the passing of each year, more and more people complain against collection agencies. Indicatively, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has handled approximately 542,300 consumer complaints in 2020, 58% of which concern credit and consumer reporting, including 15% of complaints accounted for debt collection. Additionally, you may find a decent number of debt collection complaints across other channels and review websites like or Consumers reported being contacted for debts that did not belong to them, having their accounts forwarded to third-party collectors without being informed first or giving consent, or receiving repeated calls many times within a day, even when at work. If you find yourself portrayed in these lines, read on to learn how ...
6 Money-Saving Tips While Building Your Home

6 Money-Saving Tips While Building Your Home

A home is a safe place you can go back to at the end and let loose. But that does not come without a price of its own. Building your dream home can be expensive but is a good investment. Make intelligent choices, be smart enough to know where you need to save money and where you need to spend a few extra bucks.   All you need to do is do some research and planning. Want to know how? Read this article to learn 6 money-saving tips that will help you while building your dream house. Make your budget  The First and foremost step is to evaluate how much you can afford to spend on the construction of your homes. For better advice, you can consult your financial advisor and the lender. Also, do a little research and planning.   Now that you have decided on your budget, share the sa...
Bitcoin Security Issues & Theft Threat You Need to Know

Bitcoin Security Issues & Theft Threat You Need to Know

Overall, the security concerns associated with Bitcoin are the currency market's single biggest disadvantage. They should be given particular attention by anybody contemplating changing U.S. dollars towards Bitcoin shortly. The reality that Bitcoin subunits are extremely difficult to replicate does not imply that Bitcoin enthusiasts are exempt from scams based on their digital currency. Skilled hackers can access flaws and weak spots in the Bitcoin platform to acquire Bitcoin for their benefit. As shown by the Mt. Gox event, virtual currencies stolen $460 million in Bitcoin from a broader basis, and a slew of lesser, less known instances demonstrate that they are especially vulnerable to an error by cybercriminals. Those that use Bitcoin for illegal reasons run the danger of bein...
What Is Bitcoin, And How Does It Function: A Perfect Guide for Everyone

What Is Bitcoin, And How Does It Function: A Perfect Guide for Everyone

Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin (BTC), is a digital currency managed by a distributed group of interactions and is not beholden to the influence of federal banking institutions or member states in the same way that fiat currencies are. Even though there are thousands of altcoins in active use nowadays, Bitcoin might be the most prominent and extensively utilized – this was the most similar bitcoin to conventional, govt money in terms of popularity and usage. When measured against other money and tangible commodities, Bitcoin, like conventional central banks, including the United States dollar, has a monetary worth. Bitcoin, like other currencies, is very volatile — much more unstable than most central banks — yet the global pattern in its value has already been upwards since its inc...
The Top 5 Advantages of Bitcoin Trading That Everyone Should Be Aware Of

The Top 5 Advantages of Bitcoin Trading That Everyone Should Be Aware Of

A growing number of individuals are becoming involved in the bitcoin exchanges industry as bitcoin's appeal continues to grow by the day. If you are considering making a move into the financial sector, you must be aware of both the good and bad aspects of the process. Cryptocurrencies like Litecoin and Ethereum are among the many that consumers are exchanging on the exchanges today. However, Bitcoin is the most widely used cryptocurrency and is favored by most Americans, and this is because the bitcoin price fluctuates greatly and that, as a result of its unpredictable character, there are many opportunities to earn huge dollars via trading. Anyone must understand the fundamentals of bitcoin trading before moving on to the most important element, which is the benefits of bitcoin ...
How to Get Out of Debt Using the Debt Avalanche Method

How to Get Out of Debt Using the Debt Avalanche Method

Sick and tired of staring at a mailbox full of unpaid bills? Looking to finally achieve debt-free living? You may want to consider using the debt avalanche method. In this article, we’ll explain what the debt avalanche is, the pros and cons of using it, how it differs from the snowball method, and other debt payoff methods you can consider. What is the debt avalanche method? The debt avalanche method is a debt repayment strategy that prioritizes paying off your highest-interest debts first. You’ll still make the minimum payments on the rest of your debts to avoid dinging your credit score or incurring late fees, but you’ll put any money left over toward the debt with the highest interest rate. Once that’s paid off, you’ll focus on paying off the second-highest interest rate. You’ll c...
Factors that Determine your Life Insurance Policy Premium

Factors that Determine your Life Insurance Policy Premium

Picking the right life insurance policy is one of the most important decisions we make in our lives. But it could be confusing for some. Even some think that it is too expensive to afford. But buying one can be more affordable and easier than you think if you are aware of all the aspects and factors that affect your life insurance quote. Since there are so many insurance policies out there, one may be overwhelmed with the available options to choose from. If you are one of them, just keep in mind that the basic objective of life insurance is the same. No matter if particulars of each life insurance policy are different. These policies are designed to leave a death benefit for the insured when he/she dies. Here you can read some common factors that determine your life insurance po...
Boom Or Bust: How The Financial Services Sector Is Coping After COVID-19

Boom Or Bust: How The Financial Services Sector Is Coping After COVID-19

The impact of the global pandemic continues to unfold globally. It had an unparalleled effect on how we live and do business, shaking the economy’s structure. Amongst every sector, the finance industry has experienced the most significant setback. The lack of economic activity decreased global demand, limiting the exchange of money. In addition, financial institutions across banking and capital markets experienced an all-time low interest rate.  Now, financial institutes across the world are trying to cope with immediate challenges to society and economies. Financial experts are helping businesses to navigate in today’s highly volatile environment. Similarly, they are assisting people with investment decisions since the stock market is back in action. After all, the goal is to mitig...
What Is a Payment Gateway and How It Works

What Is a Payment Gateway and How It Works

Online transactions have become the most common method of payment in the twenty-first century. Credit cards that used to be the only channels for an electronic money transfer now have to compete with numerous other gateways, like net banks, Unified Payments Interface and all sorts of online wallets. Online payments are quick and easy, and the method suits the modern lifestyle perfectly. Wherever you are located at the moment, you can send and receive money from/to anywhere in the world as long as you have access to the Internet and an account with some payment gateway provider. In fact, you don't even need a computer for it anymore - a simple smartphone will be good enough. But what is a payment gateway? How does it work? What are the advantages of online payment processing? Whic...
What Are the Best Credit Repair Services?

What Are the Best Credit Repair Services?

Repair professionals help clients correct their credit histories. Unfortunately, data stored by TransUnion, Experian, or Equifax may be blatantly inaccurate. Mistakes range from misspellings to false bankruptcies, and experts may have them all removed. This pushes the score up, improving your status in the eyes of lenders, insurers, landlords, and employers. But which company is the best? Today, when the repair is such a large industry, choosing the right provider is a challenge. Your decision must be based on a set of factors. According to, the best credit repair companies offer reasonable costs and money-back policies. Here are the top 5 aspects.  1.Reputation and Quality Companies with the best services may or may not be accredited with The Better Business Burea...
How to Exchange BTC to ETN

How to Exchange BTC to ETN

The user can choose the most convenient and profitable way to exchange cryptocurrency data.  Among the most popular options are the following: conversion through a cryptocurrency exchange; using the services of online exchangers; exchange within a cryptocurrency wallet. Investors around the world are closely following the ups and downs of the Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies.  Bitcoin is the most famous cryptocurrency in the world, its official launch took place in January 2009. The second most popular is Ethereum, which is both a cryptocurrency and a platform for creating decentralized online services based on smart contracts (an IT algorithm for controlling and providing information about ownership of something). talks about the history and predictions...
Simple and Doable Tips That Will Help New Homeowners Handle All Of Their Loans

Simple and Doable Tips That Will Help New Homeowners Handle All Of Their Loans

Everyone dreams of the day they become a homeowner. This is a massive adulting milestone, just like the first time you moved out of your parents' home to start a life alone. However, along with the decision to buy your own home comes numerous responsibilities, loans, and lifestyle changes. You need to be thorough with every document and process involved in buying a home and make sure you research and read through every word there is. Do not settle on the first lender or the realtor that you find. Ask as many questions as you possibly can and make sure you understand every detail in the fine print. Doing these will help you make an informed decision. The last thing you want is to have bad memories or experiences around buying your dream home. So, make sure you follow these tips to...
6 Simple Solutions To Increase Your Income And Make Some Extra Cash

6 Simple Solutions To Increase Your Income And Make Some Extra Cash

A lot of times, you’ll find yourself in a situation where you need to boost your income and earn some extra cash. Sometimes it’s for luxuries like maybe you want to do some house renovations or go on a family vacation. But, other times it could be for more serious commitments like paying your rent or medical bills. Luckily, we live at a time where having a side-gig has become very common that there are many ways you can supplement your income. If you’re currently going through a financial slump, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are 6 simple solutions to increase your income and make some extra cash. Find Another Job You don’t need to work for longer hours or pick up weekend shifts. Sometimes the solution is as simple as updating your resume and applying for a be...
How to Find Your Citizenship by Investment Solution?

How to Find Your Citizenship by Investment Solution?

Before 1984 if you wanted to get a second passport, you probably had to wait for some honorary citizenship or even more rigorous and less likely options. People looking to secure their future and protect their wealth were left with difficult options. In 1984, St Kitts and Nevis launched the first citizenship by investment program. Since then dozens of other countries have followed suit. This program is geared toward giving people who could afford it a second passport while getting some form of investment or donation. The citizenship by investment program has become so popular among the rich, especially those living in countries with unstable economies and security situations or those looking for favorable taxation for their wealth. Whichever category you fall into, you’ll a...
Tips to Stay Safe While Doing Bitcoin Gambling

Tips to Stay Safe While Doing Bitcoin Gambling

Staying secure online is undoubtedly one of the most important factors to remember whenever it comes to something, including personal or bank information. This involves playing at such an online casino that embraces cryptocurrency. Fortunately, using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to bet online is one of the safest options. One of the critical reasons Bitcoin has been so common is the security it provides when conducting transactions. A person will need your login information, including the two-step authentication, to access the money in your crypto wallet. That is only one of the many explanations why cryptocurrency hacking is so challenging. Do visit Push Money and join their community for a better bitcoin trading experience because some credible platform must only do trading bitco...