Saturday, March 29

Influencer Marketing

Important Influencer Marketing Statistics to Know (Infographic)

Important Influencer Marketing Statistics to Know (Infographic)

Influencer Marketing
The Most Important Influencer Marketing Statistics to Know (Infographic) Influencer marketing is one of the (if not The) fastest growing marketing sources out there. Its popularity has increased dramatically over the years and more brands have incorporated this marketing tactic into their marketing strategy. There is no question that it has grown in popularity as studies have shown that it is now one of the most effective and powerful ways for brands to reach their target audience. An important reason to this is because ad-blocking is getting more common among website visitors. There is also now the definition “ad-blind” which means people can’t recall any of the ads they’ve just seen, just seconds before, just because we humans have learned how to sort away the things that are ...
7 Powerful Influencer Marketing Tips That will Boost your Results

7 Powerful Influencer Marketing Tips That will Boost your Results

Influencer Marketing
You might have started your influencer marketing campaign but want to optimize it to generate better results. Or maybe, you're looking to start using influencer marketing but you're not quite sure how you can execute an effective campaign that generates results worthwhile. No matter which of these is true for you, these essential tips of a successful influencer marketing campaign will help you improve your results. As there are many factors that play a part in how successful your influencer marketing campaign become and what the turnout becomes, there are quite a few ways you can optimize and improve your influencer marketing campaigns to generate better and more immediate results. It's no secret that influencer marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods today, and w...
Why Your Brand Needs to Consider Instagram Influencer Marketing [Infographic]

Why Your Brand Needs to Consider Instagram Influencer Marketing [Infographic]

Influencer Marketing, Instagram
Why Your Brand Needs to Consider Instagram Influencer Marketing [Infographic] Instagram is one of the fastest growing social platforms available today. Marketers everywhere are working hard to harness the power of all its features, including Instagram Stories. With 800 million monthly active users, your audience is likely there. Instagram has high engagement rates. 17% of U.S. users check the network multiple times a day. While it's important to get your brand's Instagram profile off the ground, include influencers in your marketing strategy. Gone are the Days Where You Need a Celebrity Endorsement Before the internet, many companies used celebrity endorsements to win consumer trust. Some major brands, such as Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem, still rely on these endorsements to ma...
5 Questions to Ask Before Working With Influencer Marketing

5 Questions to Ask Before Working With Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing
5 Questions to Ask Before Working With Influencer Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Influencer marketing is not easy. There is an incredible amount of puzzle pieces that have to be put into place in order for a successful influencer marketing campaign - yet many brands seem to succeed. You probably know about the benefits of influencer marketing, so there's no point in me writing a full page on it. All that's necessary is lining up some statistics because these speak louder than anything else. Influencer marketing content delivers 11 times higher ROI than traditional forms of advertising, such as banner ads 49% of people report that they listen to influencer recommendations when making purchase decisions. 40% of people say they’ve pu...
How to use Influencer Marketing to Market Your Website

How to use Influencer Marketing to Market Your Website

How-To, Influencer Marketing
How to use Influencer Marketing to Market Your Website (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It's not just Search Engine Optimization that can drive your traffic to your website, make it well-known and ultimately help you get conversions. Influencer marketing is another way of doing so. People are starting to turn to turn to individual people who are trusted individuals in their industry for advice, instead of going directly to the brands. That's because people tend to trust influencers more because they are independent third parties giving recommendations based on their own opinions, and not with an agenda of always selling - as brands have. In this article, we'll, therefore, talk about How to use Influencer Marketing to Market Your Website, how to in...
5 Common Myths About Influencer Marketing

5 Common Myths About Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing
r5 Common Myths About Influencer Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Influencer marketing is a marketing tool that has grown immensely over the years. In 2015, a report showed that 73% of marketers had an allocated budget for influencer marketing. Since then, it has only grown and there are no signs of a slowed growth of influencer marketing in the near future. As the influencer marketing industry has grown, some misconceptions and myths have appeared. These myths are not only circulating around the marketers themselves but also CEO:s and employees have gotten some things wrong. In this article, I'll be tracking down 5 of the most common myths about influencer marketing and put them asleep forever. 1. Higher follower amount equals more influence ...
How To Measure ROI of Influencer Marketing

How To Measure ROI of Influencer Marketing

Business, How-To, Influencer Marketing
How To Measure ROI of Influencer Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A  Forrester report, named "The Right Way to Measure Social Marketing,” found that more than half (53%) of the marketers surveyed said measurement was their main challenge with social marketing. This is of course a big issue because measuring results of your marketing is crucial. Not only to see if it actually pays off but also to learn how you can improve and get a better understanding of how the audience responds to your influencer marketing campaigns. Influencer marketing is growing rapidly but think about the time when there are better ways to measure the ROI of influencer marketing, that's when it will start to gain real ground. Once there are better standards, influencer ...
Why Micro-Influencers Are the Best for Your Brand

Why Micro-Influencers Are the Best for Your Brand

Influencer Marketing
Why Micro-Influencers Are the Best for Your Brand (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Micro-influencers are a hot topic and has become just that over the last one or two years. And with all right. When talking about influencer marketing, a lot of people are picturing celebrities like the Kardashians holding up a protein shake with a smile on their face, charging up to $100,000 for a single post. But there is so much more behind influencer marketing than celebrities. Because in reality, those kind of marketing ways as mentioned above are way out of reach for most brands. That's where micro-influencers come in... What is a micro-influencer? A micro-influencer is an individual with a following of 10,000 and 100,000 followers on any given platform. Mic...