Saturday, February 22

Social Media Marketing

How To Increase Website Traffic With $0 Budget?

How To Increase Website Traffic With $0 Budget?

Blog, Business, How-To, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How To Increase Website Traffic With $0 Budget? With zero marketing budget you need "extraordinary content strategy" which should operate at different numbers/different platforms of user base as you grow. Okay, so How To Increase Website Traffic With $0 Budget? In this article, we´ll be showing you some of the ways to increase website traffic for free. Either get a person with great content strategy onboard, excite him/her with your vision, your obsession to succeed and give him/her equity. Alternatively identify a person/team who wants to work on exciting ideas, sell you idea, gauge their level of passion for your idea, ask them to work with you on deferred payments terms till you get revenue or funding. If you be...
Tips To Using Instagram For Business

Tips To Using Instagram For Business

Instagram, Social Media Marketing
Tips to Using Instagram For Business (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The way business marketing their brand is slowly changing from billboard and TV ads to engaging reaching their audience through social media. However, there are lots of things that you should have in mind and consider when starting up your Instagram business page and that's why, in this article, we´ll be giving you Tips To Using Instagram For Business. However, there are lots of things that you should have in mind and consider when starting up your Instagram business page and that's why, in this article, we´ll be giving you Tips To Using Instagram For Business. 1. Set up your business account The number one step is creating your Instagram page. Instagram recently launched their new ...
How To Brand Your Business On A Budget

How To Brand Your Business On A Budget

Business, How-To, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing
How To Brand Your Business On A Budget (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Before we begin, think about what you want people to associate your business with.Once you know that, it will be much more easy to know what you are going to work towards. How To Brand Your Business On A Budget? Get started reading and you´ll find out. Once you know that, it will be much more easy to know what you are going to work towards.How To Brand Your Business On A Budget? Get started reading and you´ll find out. How To Brand Your Business On A Budget? Get started reading and you´ll find out. 1. Create a unique logo Having a good logo can make a huge impact. If your logo is unique, then there is a bigger chance of people remembering it and associating it with your brand i...
How To Use Facebook for Business Marketing

How To Use Facebook for Business Marketing

Business, Facebook, How-To, Social Media Marketing
How To use Facebook For Business Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook is ranked the #1 social media platform used by businesses and according to a study made by eMarketer, 41% of US small businesses use Facebook as part of their online marketing strategy. However, there is a small issue, or more a potential for businesses to get better results from Facebook marketing. Why? Because in a survey with over 3,700 marketers, Social Media Examiner found that only 45% felt their efforts on Facebook were working. This is where this article comes in to help you (even just a little bit) get better results from your social media marketing on Facebook. How can you actually achieve it? Making sure your Facebook business profile is looking good and...
Ways To Build A Brand For Your Small Business

Ways To Build A Brand For Your Small Business

Business, How-To, Influencer Marketing, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Ways To Build A Brand For Your Small Business (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Before we begin, think about what you want people to associate your business with. Once you know that, it will be much more easy to know what you are going to work towards. So what are the Ways To Build A Brand For Your Small Business? Get started reading and you´ll find out. 1. Create a unique logo Having a good logo can make a huge impact. If your logo is unique, then there is a bigger chance of people remembering it and associating it with your brand if they see it. There are several ways to create a logo which looks professional. If you don´t have the experience or knowledge how to do it, then there are loads of logo creator that you can hire.Otherwise, there are a lot of programs a...
How To Leverage Instagram for Your Business

How To Leverage Instagram for Your Business

Business, How-To, Instagram, Social Media Marketing
How To Leverage Instagram for Your Business (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Social media is playing a bigger role for businesses all over the world. Instagram is a perfect social media platform that new companies are hopping onto every single day, to be able to connect with their customers better and also attract new ones by building a strong Instagram presence. If you want to have any success on Instagram, marketing wise, it's important that you start NOW. Because the compeititon is getting greater for every da. In fact, Top brands post 4.9 times per week on Instagram, an increase of more than 50% over 2015. Just imagine how that number will increase in the future. 1. SET UP AN INSTAGRAM BUSINESS ACCOUNT The most important part when building your...
How To Get More Likes on a Facebook Company Page

How To Get More Likes on a Facebook Company Page

Facebook, How-To, Social Media Marketing
How to get more likes on a Facebook company page (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you didn't know it already, Facebook is a terrific platform to market your brand and connect with potential customers. Americans spend at least 40 minutes a day on the extremely popular social media platform. With over 1,65 billion monthly active users, there is no doubt that you should take advantage of the platform where a lot of people are spending their time. With that being said, if you’re looking for ways to gradually increase your followers, reach, and build your brand name, then you've come to the right place. In this article, we´ll teach you How to get more likes on a Facebook company page. 1. Be Interesting (and stay that way) According to a recent ...
Is Instagram Really Worth My Time?

Is Instagram Really Worth My Time?

Instagram, Social Media Marketing
Is Instagram Really Worth My Time? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This is a question that is asked widely across the net, so I thought I'd answer that question and give my take on it. The answer to that question varies and depends on what purpose you are planning to use Instagram for. For marketing, it may not be a bad idea but everything should begin with consideration of your target market. If your target audience are people aged 70 and up, then Instagram may not be for you - at least not for marketing purposes. If you however are targeting people in the 20-50 age range, then it may be worth considering. If you are a person just looking for a fun photo and video sharing app without any catches, then Instagram might be for you as well! He...
How Are Big Brands Using Snapchat?

How Are Big Brands Using Snapchat?

Snapchat, Social Media Marketing
How are big brands using Snapchat (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Snapchat has since its launch turned into a $10 billion company with over 100 million active users, who use the platform every single day. By comparison, Twitter has 320 million monthly active users. As you've probably learnt with other social media platforms, brands want to target their audience based on where their attention are. So how are big brands using Snapchat? In this article, we'll break it down to you, and exmplain how brands can use Snapchat for marketing. Discover & Stories Snapchat launched its features Discover and Stories a while back, and this is something that major brands are taking huge advantage of. Large corporates like General Electric, Acura, Coca-Cola...
How To Monetize Your Facebook Page

How To Monetize Your Facebook Page

Facebook, How-To, Social Media Marketing
How To Monetize Your Facebook Page (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are a lot of people out there who grow Facebook pages just because it looks good or is "cool". What if I told you that you could make money on your Facebook page while looking "cool". Well, you can. If you have a Facebook page with some level of following, with or without a website attached, there are a lot of ways to make money. Frankly, it’s easier to start with a Facebook page and build a monetized site than it is to start a site and try to build a Facebook following from it. 1. Sell & promote content On your Facebook page, you can almost promote anything (as long as it is allowed by Facebook). If you sell something of any sort whether it is an e-book or shoes, Facebo...