Sunday, February 23

Social Media Marketing

How to use Twitter for Marketing

How to use Twitter for Marketing

How-To, Social Media Marketing, Twitter
How to use Twitter for Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Twitter is a great platform for marketers to promote their business and connect with the target audience. You need to make a nice twitter marketing strategy to build your networks and use this platform effectively for business marketing. Twitter is a great and effective marketing tool- if you use it correctly. This is why we thought it would be suitable to write an article where you can learn How to use Twitter for Marketing. To begin with, make sure that you use Twitter's Advanced Search. This tool will help you refine a search, permitting you to discover your rival's hashtags and clients. By utilizing the geo-location and keywords in Twitter Advanced Search, you can discover potential...
Reasons Your Instagram Followers Aren’t Buying From You

Reasons Your Instagram Followers Aren’t Buying From You

Instagram, Social Media Marketing
Reasons Your Instagram Followers Aren't Buying From You (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Have you created an Instagram page with the plan to be able to promote products and sell them throughout your Instagram page but then realized it was harder than you thought? If so, you are doing some things wrong and by changing your strategy, you can turn followers into customers. These are the Reasons Your Instagram Followers Aren’t Buying From You. 1. You push your products too hard People hate when a sales person is too pushy when trying to sell something, and Instagram, in particular, is made for sharing fun, creative and engaging content. Think about what you post when trying to market your products.Are they fitting in that frame or are they annoying and pushy...
Ways to Use Snapchat for Marketing

Ways to Use Snapchat for Marketing

Snapchat, Social Media Marketing
Ways to Use Snapchat for Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Snapchat is a great marketing tool to mainly the ages 16-30 range, though you will always find outliers. You should think of Snapchat as a one time video on demand platform to showcase short timely media at the user's convenience. The idea with Snapchat marketing is to bring inside information and inside looks to the followers. When you can decide on the purpose for your brand with Snapchat, then you can take help of this article that will list Ways to Use Snapchat for Marketing. There's main marketing tactics on Snapchat that you can use to grow good results from your Snapchat marketing campaign. Ways to Use Snapchat for Marketing 1. Coupons or Giveaways A lot of businesses h...
Tips When Using Instagram And Facebook Ads

Tips When Using Instagram And Facebook Ads

Facebook, Instagram, Social Media Marketing
Tips When Using Instagram And Facebook Ads (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When using Facebook and Instagram ads, there are some things you should have in consideration. This is why we have written an article to give you some Tips When Using Instagram And Facebook Ads. At first try when using  ads on Facebook and Instagram, you should set your targeting relatively broad. This is so you can learn which target audience that works best for your ads. If you already know however, you should concentrate on your target audience directly. Otherwise, the test works like data for your learning. After that, you need to create creative material for your ads (especially for CPA type ads), try to make 4 - 5 ads, (visual and copy), then boost these ads together. What ...
What Should I Tweet as a Brand or Business?

What Should I Tweet as a Brand or Business?

Social Media Marketing, Twitter
What Should i Tweet as a Brand or Business? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Knowing what you are going to Tweet can sometimes be hard and since your content has a huge effect on your page, it is important that you post interesting and high quality content regularly. Take your time to draft your tweets. Look out for interesting stuff such as memes, Gifs and have them as part of your tweets. Read other people’s tweets, BUT DON’T COPY THEM! Randomly check the trending topics. Whatever interests you, do a quick tweet and don’t forget to use the relevant hashtag. Also attached to the tweet can be an image, or some random relevant fact you just collected from the internet. Well, if you can do some tweets under the trending topics and you’re able to get some lik...
Unique Ways To Build Brand Awareness

Unique Ways To Build Brand Awareness

Business, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Unique Ways To Build Brand Awareness (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Awareness should be regarded as the first step on the path to conversion. It, alone, rarely does much, yet without it nothing else is possible. To build awareness, regardless of which tool you use, you have to accomplish two things: 1. Relevance. The human capacity to ignore what doesn't matter is stupendous. The human capacity to notice what does, regardless of distractions, is truly impressive. Decades of advertising research have proven again and again that an ounce of personal relevance is worth a ton of GRPs. 2. Passive exposure. This is something even Google has come around to accepting, and they now advise marketers to model communications plans accordingly. The process of conve...
How Brands Should Use Instagram´s Stories Feature

How Brands Should Use Instagram´s Stories Feature

Instagram, Social Media Marketing
How Brands Should Use Instagram´s Stories Feature (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); We all are aware that Instagram launched its “Stories” feature to compete with Snapchat which already is using the same feature. But how can you as a brand (or individual) take advantage of this new and fun feature? Stories is really a great place where we can utilize it’s great factors and help our brand. This is How Brands Should Use Instagram´s Stories Feature: 1. Generate WOM and release teasers Instagram Stories is a new great way to give your followers personal and unique insights into your brand. Showing previews or sneak peaks on Instagram stories has become very popular among the big brands and there´s no reason why you should do it too to create some buzz. Sneak ...
Should I Pay For Social Media Advertising?

Should I Pay For Social Media Advertising?

Social Media Marketing, Tips & tricks
Should I Pay For Social Media Advertising? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The question "Should I Pay For Social Media Advertising?" is often asked by startups or already existing companies that realize that social media seems to be the new thing. And it is hard to deny that social media has lots of perks for businesses looking to advertise themselves. The answer seems to be yes, no matter who you ask that question to. However, there are some things to consider in order to run a successful payed social media campaign.  In this article, we´ll teach you all about it. Test your idea: Funnel users to a landing page via social media ads. Use interesting content like video, questionnaires etc. to get customer feedback and the all important email; Buil...