Saturday, February 22

Tips & tricks

How to Get Massive Traffic From Instagram

How to Get Massive Traffic From Instagram

Crowdfunding on Kickstarter, Tips & tricks
Wondering how you can drive traffic from Instagram? Instagram is truly the social media platform of this decade. It has taken the world by storm since its birth in 2010, and in the last couple of years, the number of Instagram users has skyrocketed. At the early stages of Instagram’s life, it was considered to be a platform for teenagers and kids, but that is something that has changed in the pace that more and more marketers and brands have understood the immense potential that lies in Instagram, and that they, as marketers, trade on one thing: attention, and that Instagram has no lack of it. In fact, today, 93 percent of prestige brands are on Instagram, 90% of Interbrand companies have Instagram accounts, and 70.7 percent of businesses were expected to use Instagram in 2017....
How To Find Hidden Direct Messages on Instagram

How To Find Hidden Direct Messages on Instagram

Tips & tricks
How To Find Hidden Direct Messages on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); *Updated 2020* Are you struggling to find hidden Direct Messages on Instagram and just can’t find them no matter where you search Or maybe, you didn’t even know that there are hidden Direct Messages on Instagram that you may or may not have. When Instagram released Direct Messages, the built-in chatting tool where you can send messages, videos, and photos to other users (and in a group of a maximum of 15 users), people were ecstatic. Finally, they had a place where they could chat and interact with other users on the platform in peace and undisturbed. The chances are, you have been using Direct Messages because frankly, most Instagram users have. As amazing as the ...
Sökoptimering: Vad är Det och Hur Optimerar du För Google?

Sökoptimering: Vad är Det och Hur Optimerar du För Google?

Tips & tricks
Undrar du vad sökoptimering är? Vill du lära dig hur det fungerar? Då har du kommit rätt. Vi börjar med att besvara den viktiga frågan: Vad är Sökoptimering? När du skriver ett nyckelord i sökmotorn (t.ex. Google, Yahoo och Bing) och sedan på Enter-knappen får du lång lista med sökresultat som innehåller ditt nyckelord. Vanligtvis är det mer sannolikt att människor besöker webbplatser eller webbsidor som ligger högst upp i listan. Du kanske känner igen dig själv i detta att du snabbt väljer de första sökresultaten snarare än att titta länge ner på listan. Med detta i åtanke betyder det att de hemsidor som finns högst upp på listan får mer beskare och därav mer potentiella kunder och affärsmöjligheter. Antagligen så undrar du varför dessa webbplatser kan rankas högre på we...
Top Strategies For Smart Borrowing

Top Strategies For Smart Borrowing

Tips & tricks
Student loans and the debts are almost impossible to avoid. 90 percent of the students, who apply for financial aid, end up graduating with a student loan debt. There are some ways you can save money on your loans. In this age of credit, borrowing has become a sort of expensive proposition because of the recent economic scenario. The options vary depending on the amount you have to borrow. Borrowings from the banks include heavy interest burdens, and perhaps credit cards are the worst. Click here to find out more about it. We have written down some smart strategies for borrowing that we often overlook. 1.Mortgage   Any lender would want to have collateral while lending as a kind of a guarantee. Mortgaging your property for large loans can help lower the loan risk and the inter...
Choosing The Right Social Media Platforms for Marketing: How to do it

Choosing The Right Social Media Platforms for Marketing: How to do it

Tips & tricks
How should you be choosing social media platforms for marketing? Picking social media platforms is hard. There are several hundred out there, maybe even thousand, and as a result, the process of choosing becomes a lot more difficult. You obviously have the biggest ones like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, just to name a few, but is it really the number of social media users that you should base your choices of social media platforms? Or should you look beyond the user count of the different platforms and just choose the platforms that suit your brand? Is it better to select lesser-known social platforms like Pheed, Ning, hi5? There are a lot of questions when it comes to selecting social media platforms, and the answer to the title is that it depends -on seve...
Can Employees Play a Larger Role in Saving Energy?

Can Employees Play a Larger Role in Saving Energy?

Tips & tricks
Why Every Business Should Invest in an Energy Broker A commercial energy broker can advise on many types of energy-related issues, from choosing the most cost-effective contracts and helping to ensure you’re in compliance with important regulatory and administrative requirements. They work on a contractual basis, helping companies minimize day-to-day operational expenditures and to become more sustainable too. Organizations that are more sustainable tend to have a stronger reputation as well as greater profits, securing an 18% higher return on investment (ROI) as compared to businesses that aren’t sustainable. An Energy Broker Saves You Time and Money In any given market, there are usually several energy suppliers that dominate along with smaller suppliers that can often get more crea...
Why Keyword Research is Your Way to Paying Customers (and how to do it for free)

Why Keyword Research is Your Way to Paying Customers (and how to do it for free)

SEO, Tips & tricks
If you're a business in 2018, you've likely dabbled in keyword research. Maybe you know four or five terms that best represent your business, but nothing really more than that. This definitely is better than no keyword research at all, but consider this: in a 2018 survey conducted by Content Marketing Institute asking 195 for-profit, B2C businesses about what contributed to their success with content marketing, 75% of companies reported having an organized strategy as the main contribution. 146 out of 195 businesses ranging in size and industry cite having a strategy as the main reason for having success with content marketing... That's way too common of a trait to ignore. "Organized strategy" might sound scary to some people, firing off visions of bi-hourly projections and cas...
How to See if Your Partner is Cheating on You

How to See if Your Partner is Cheating on You

Tips & tricks
Cheating on a partner is considered among the worst things you can do. Yet despite this, research has found that 21 percent of 18 to 29-year-olds and 17 percent of 30 to 44-year-olds have cheated at least once. This is quite significant numbers. In other words, getting cheated on can happen to virtually anyone. If you haven’t been cheated on yourself, you most likely know someone who has, or who have cheated themselves. The issue with cheating is that it is a problem that is very difficult to deal with. Many times, the person has no idea they’re being cheated on, and other times, the person being cheated on suspects it, but is not quite sure, whether how to tackle it or how to prove it. Now, it’s safe to say that cheating is a big problem. Of course, most people will say th...
Top 10 Accounts With The Most Followers on Instagram

Top 10 Accounts With The Most Followers on Instagram

Tips & tricks
Top 10 Accounts With The Most Followers on Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The top accounts on Instagram have quite the follower count. While some are struggling to reach 100K followers, others are growing that number each day. 1. Instagram - @Instagram Not quite the surprise, right? Instagram strategically places suggestions of recommended accounts that you should follow, and of course, Instagram always places themselves there. Their massive follower count isn't necessarily because they are sharing the most content, but because they are getting the most exposure. They built the platform and they have full power over it. If they wanted, they could make everyone follow them by default and give them no option to unfollow them. However,...
Why You Shouldn’t use Social Media Automation and Bots

Why You Shouldn’t use Social Media Automation and Bots

Tips & tricks
Why You Shouldn't use Social Media Automation and Bots Social media automation and the use of bots is a subject that is discussed a lot- but also very little. What the hell do I mean? Well, there are many different types of social media automation, but in this article, we're going to focus on bot automation on social media, used to grow your presence and followers. Now the reason why the term automation and bot are used to describe the same thing is that when you automate something on social media, you're putting bots to do the job your automating. It's important that social media bots, in this context is not confused with automation like messaging bots, because these are actually quite good and helpful, and they're being used by tons of brands every day. Don't get me wrong....
9 Instagram Features You Didn’t know Exist That You Should be Using

9 Instagram Features You Didn’t know Exist That You Should be Using

Tips & tricks
9 Instagram Features You Didn't know Exist That You Should be Using Almost everything you use has "hidden" features. Most of the time, it's not that it's hidden by purpose, but the features have to be placed somewhere, and as a result, people might never get aware of their existence because they're not actively searching for them. When you know the ins and outs of a social media platform, you can do so much more, and reach your full potential on that platform. Most importantly, you can surprise your audience and show them that you're an industry-leading expert. If you aren't fully educated on the social platforms you are doing, you are undoubtedly missing out on great opportunities. What if you're going to run a race but have no idea that you can tie your shoes? When you know the ...
7 Tips to Provide World-class Customer Service on Twitter (That Work)

7 Tips to Provide World-class Customer Service on Twitter (That Work)

Tips & tricks, Twitter
7 Tips to Provide World-class Customer Service on Twitter (That Work) Customer service is an important topic. If you do it well, you'll  get rewarded for it, but if you do it poorly, the news will spread fast. There's not much more annoying than sitting in a long phone line when calling a customer service number or sending an email to a customer service department only to get a response days or even weeks later. If you recognize yourself in providing this type of customer service, let me tell you that it leaves your customers angry, feeling ignored and forgotten. The difference from customer service back in the days is that customers aren't voiceless anymore. Now, they can get their voice heard with social media. That's not all. Now, you can get your voice heard with social med...
The Ultimate Guide to Using Instagram Insights

The Ultimate Guide to Using Instagram Insights

Tips & tricks
The Ultimate Guide to Using Instagram Insights Every social media platform wants to keep its users on the platform, and they certainly don't want their users to connect their accounts to some shady third-party app in order to do different things that cannot be done with the app itself. Instagram is a great example of that, and Facebook too, but today' they're both owned by the same company. For instance, when it comes to keeping its users on the platform, Facebook is like a police that does everything to prevent that from happening. In fact, when you share outbound links in a Facebook post, the reach is decreased simply because they don't want their users to leave the platform. We've also seen this happening with Instagram. Back in the days, a lot of people were using various t...
Most Effective Ways To Get More Views on Instagram Stories

Most Effective Ways To Get More Views on Instagram Stories

Tips & tricks
Most Effective Ways To Get More Views on Instagram Stories (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Not long ago, Instagram added hashtags and locations to Instagram Stories which meant featuring the best Stories at the top of that respective hashtag or location. Of course, getting your Story featured at the top of a hashtag or location gives your account a ton of exposure and will help you grow your account. But just because you add hashtags and location don't mean your Story will be automatically picked to be showcased on that particular hashtag/location. To help you increase the chances of getting your Story featured and get tons of exposure, I've compiled an article with the Most Effective Ways To Get More Views on Instagram Stories, not talking about...
How To Grow Your Instagram Using Stories

How To Grow Your Instagram Using Stories

How-To, Instagram, Tips & tricks
How To Grow Your Instagram Using Stories (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Instagram Stories has been around since August 7, 2016 and has since then become a hot discussion topic and feature for many Instagrammers. The new feature which was instantly accused of being a rip-off from Snapchat's very own stories quickly gained traction because of all the already existing users Instagram had. Even so that Snapchat's growth slowed 82% after the launch of Instagram stories. But that's not all... In came the biggest "shock" that was seen as a punch in the face from Instagram to Snaphchat. In October 2016,  Instagram hit 200 million daily active users, surpassing the last count of 161 million that Snapchat announced alongside its IPO. Instagram l...
13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website

13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website

Online Marketing, Tips & tricks
13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Building a website is an art and driving traffic likewise. There are tons of different ways in which you can increase your website traffic with. Some are a bit tricky to master, some cost money, some demand hard work, some only take a few seconds. In this article, I thought I'd share with you a list of 13 ways to increase your website traffic. It's a mix of paid methods, common methods, less common methods. What they all have in common, however, is that they drive traffic to your website. 13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website 1. Content is king when it comes to increasing traffic to your website. Therefore, you should publish new content often while providing value with the con...
How To Post A Video On Instagram

How To Post A Video On Instagram

Tips & tricks
How To Post A Video On Instagram (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Uploading a video on Instagram is as easy as posting a photo. If you wish to upload an already existing video from your photo library, tap the plus-button in the bottom of your screen just like you do when you post a regular photo. If you wish to record a video through the app, tap the same button and then tap "Video" at the bottom of the screen. Tap and hold the round white button to begin recording your video and then let go with your finger to stop recording. Tap the circular arrows to change camera from the back to the front camera and vice versa. To upload an already existing video from your camera library, tap "Library" at the bottom of the screen and then select the video you wish to...