Thursday, March 6

6 Simple Solutions To Increase Your Income And Make Some Extra Cash

A lot of times, you’ll find yourself in a situation where you need to boost your income and earn some extra cash. Sometimes it’s for luxuries like maybe you want to do some house renovations or go on a family vacation. But, other times it could be for more serious commitments like paying your rent or medical bills.

Luckily, we live at a time where having a side-gig has become very common that there are many ways you can supplement your income. If you’re currently going through a financial slump, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are 6 simple solutions to increase your income and make some extra cash.

  • Find Another Job

You don’t need to work for longer hours or pick up weekend shifts. Sometimes the solution is as simple as updating your resume and applying for a better-paying job. If you’ve already tried asking your boss for a raise without avail, then this could be your cue to leave. Many people tend to stay at a job that they hate and don’t make enough money from just because it’s convenient.

However, if you reach a point where you’re barely making ends meet, then maybe it’s time to take action and start interviewing elsewhere. But, be specific about your salary expectations early on when you’re job-hunting, otherwise, there’s no point in jeopardizing your stable full-time job. 

  • Join a Focus Group

Not only is this a fun way to make some extra cash, but it can also be very lucrative. In an attempt to utilize marketing money more efficiently, companies choose to conduct focus groups to gather real, on-the-spot impressions and opinions about their products from a carefully selected representative sample.

In exchange for giving your honest opinion and filling out some paperwork, marketing agencies would pay you somewhere between $30-$50 an hour.  However, getting started with focus groups can be a little tricky, which is why you need an essential guide specifically created to walk you through the process and put you on the right path. You’ll find in the guide that applying to as many groups as possible will increase your chances of getting on one. Furthermore, it’s recommended to steer clear from focus groups in the same industry you work in because it’s very unlikely that competitors would end up choosing you. 

  • Start a Blog

Whatever is your passion, you can start your own blog to share your ideas and experiences with your audience and make some extra cash. Monetizing your blog is not going to be easy since the internet is crammed with aspiring bloggers who hope to become the next big thing. You can take inspiration from your favorite bloggers but don’t turn into a copycat.

Creating original content that your audience can benefit from is key to attracting the high-paying advertisers who’ll take your blog from a hobby and turn it into a lucrative business. Don’t go with whatever is famous and seems to be doing well right now, stick to your interests and the topics that you have experience in.

  • Teach Online

If you have a knack for teaching and believe that you’ve got what it takes to help others benefit from your experience, then teaching might be a great idea. Choose a field where you’re a subject-matter expert and can confidently and comfortably explain to others. Be it language, maths, or physics, you’ll always find someone out there who wants to learn something new. You can find many educational entities as well as individuals who’d be willing to pay you for a couple of hours of tutoring every day. The money is usually good, especially that you get to choose your own hours. 

  • Become an Uber Driver

This is one of the simplest ways to make some extra cash because all you need is your car, driving license, smartphone, and some free time. Besides making good money, the fact that you get to meet interesting people from all walks of life along the way is a nice perk to this venture. Make sure you understand all about the rules and regulations in case of accidents and have your insurance intact to be on the safe side and you don’t risk losing more money than what you’d make. 


  • Sell Your Stuff Online


You’re probably guilty of holding on to random junk around your house that you never really use anymore. From old clothes to books and extra home accessories, you’ll find lots of things that you can sell online to increase your income. Make it a point to keep aside some stuff to sell after your monthly cleanup, this way you can make sure it’s a sustainable method for earning money. 

You’ll find yourself in need of some extra cash more often than you’d like to admit to yourself. No matter how much you try to save and cut down on your expenses, sometimes a quick income boost is the only thing that would work. The 6 solutions above are simple, easy, and have been tried and tested, so you can be sure that they will give you the results that you need. 

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