Social media refers to the digitally-mediated and interactive technologies that foster the creation, and sharing of information, ideas, interests, and other expressions virtually over the internet. Several social media platforms exist, the main ones being Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.
With so many marketing strategies in place, it is significant to engage videos in your marketing campaigns. This is what video marketing is all about. Because both are fast-growing, how does social media affect video marketing? This blog sheds light on how social media impacts video marketing. If you are venturing into the video marketing industry, pay keen attention to these points.
Social media provides the platform for video marketing
Human beings are social beings, and getting information is a necessity. We would be so dull if we lived without hearing or seeing anything new. Moreover, we enjoy such information more if we stay connected with people from all over the world. That is what social media platforms do.
They provide you with information in video form and ensure the sources are both international and local. With this kind of vehicling technique, social media platforms promote video marketing.
Social media stirs emotions
Videos shared through YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram quickly go viral. Striking topics such as politics, human rights, environmental concerns, pandemics, and sexual abuse get an emotional response really quick on social media platforms.
The main reason behind this response is the fact that human beings are emotionally connected to these topics. The video presentation of the subject and the stirring of emotions get your video crazily going viral.
Video marketers are challenged to do a better job through social media
While other videos get numerous likes, comments, views, and shares, some hardly get any. Why so? The open secret lies in the content of the videos.
Suppose you do a long (long isn’t bad) and boring video. In that case, you don’t expect to get a positive response like what a short, enlightening, and exciting video will get. Thus, video marketers are challenged to pull up their socks when it comes to creating amusing videos.
Social media platforms provide avenues for feedback
Imagine how things would be if you would create a video, post it on social media, and never get to know how your target audience feels about the video.
That would be so demoralizing, isn’t it? In fact, video marketing wouldn’t have grown as fast as it has. This gap of feedback is what social media fills. When you enable the ‘comment’ feature in your videos, you can see what your viewers have to say about the video you posted. The feedbacks then inform you whether you did a good job or not, what topics you can concentrate on, and areas of improvement.
Additionally, some viewers will even suggest ideas that will provide solutions to the challenges you faced. This is what you need to better your video marketing skills.
Sharing of videos is possible courtesy of social media
You cannot compare the views and comments you get when you activate the ‘share’ feature in your videos to what you would get if that feature was never there.
As already mentioned, we are social beings and sharing information is part of us. In fact, some videos are so exciting that we feel a burning sensation to share them with our friends the moment we view them. That is the power of social media; videos can easily be shared. The more they are shared, the more the responses you get. Financially, you accrue benefits when you get lots of shares and views.
The frequency of visiting social media sites promote video marketing
We wake up, and the first thing we do is grab our phones. We want to find out what’s new. Or, there is that braid style you saw someone with, but you do not know how to do it.
You rush to YouTube, and alas, you are answered. You want this particular dish, but you do not know how to prepare it. Grabbing a recipe from a YouTube video, you manage to prepare the meal! That’s just how powerful and helpful videos on social media platforms have proved.
Consequently, we visit social media platforms frequently. Remember, the higher the frequency of a site visit, the higher the likes, comments, views, and shares.
Linkage of various social media platforms promote video marketing
An added advantage the social media platforms have is that they allow linkages and interconnectedness. This unique feature helps your videos reach a larger audience.
With a bigger audience, views, shares, and comments all grow and helps your branding popularize. For instance, you can connect your YouTube channel to your Google+ account. When you do that, your YouTube channel becomes a YouTube page, and people can find your videos through a Google search.
They need not go to YouTube and source it; Google automatically takes them there. This feature also allows you to share videos publicly and enjoy many privileges. All this promotes the brand you are marketing through the video.
Video marketing through social media platforms makes you part of a community
As said in the preceding paragraph, you can interconnect various social media platforms. When you upload a video on YouTube, you can use features that automate sharing over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google +. As a video marketer, consistency is essential. If you share a video today and go missing for the next two months, your audience forgets about you. Remember, out of sight, out of mind.
On the other hand, uploading videos consistently helps you build a relationship with your audience. You have engaged them through the comments section, and you are meeting their needs. Mutualism is on the air. Such a relationship makes you part of a community, a fact you want to cherish.
In video marketing, social media is a necessity. In fact, social media platforms are milk and sugar, while your videos are water.
This applies if we were to use the analogy of tea to explain how social media is critical in making your video marketing business successful. Social media stirs emotions among viewers, creates the platform for video marketing, makes you part of a virtual community, links various sites together, and provides avenues for feedback.
Additionally, you get challenged to do a better job through social media, and your videos are shared. Because of the frequency of social site visits, your videos go viral.
These are positive influences you need to keep at the back of your mind as you venture into video marketing. In case your adverts do not lead to more conversions, check Animated Explainers to learn more tips.