Insta has altered its like exposure to control the competition and lessen the pressure on users and brands. However, hearts are still an essential tool in the range of instruments for business promotion on this platform. Well, users can still press a heart button on their feed, and you can still see the metric in your analytics.
So, likes remain a vital component of growth on IG. And you can purchase this pack of features or buy 30 Instagram likes or other important stats. This article provides an explanation for their importance and useful tips on adjusting your strategy on Insta, even with the public count removed from the site.
Why Likes Matter
Although the count is not public anymore, hearts remain an instrument for internal measuring. Users can press the button and support your content this way. And the inner rating algorithms count Instagram likes as well to improve your position.
Remember that the little hearts are only a part of a big range of actions that users can perform on this network. So, even though you cannot boast this metric before other users anymore, you should pay enough attention to the flow of likes on IG and make an effort to keep it stable or growing.
Change The Focus

Since Insta likes now have less value by themselves, you have to calculate how they work in your favor with other important metrics that Instagram has.
This is a relatively new kind of metric on IG, proving to be a highly effective instrument for brands. Today, this stat is considered to be the most accurate indicator of users’ interest and appreciation of your content and goods. Posts that have more saves are a priority for Insta rating algorithms, so this is your chance to push your content onto the Explore page and get more exposure, along with likes on Instagram.
Stories are pure engagement on IG. Being on the top of the app interface, stories are the first thing to check out for users. Also, Insta has a wide variety of options that users can interact with in stories, like swipes and stickers. With stories, you can easily drive attention to a specific post, customer reviews, or your new product. With a verified account (the one that has more than 10k followers), stories can even redirect traffic to your website and bring likes on Insta.
User activity on Instagram is also measured by their replies, so try to produce content that motivates users to speak and give you likes. Straightforward questions and asking for feedback work much better than tricks like hiding product price and specifications with the further redirection to private messaging. Engage in lively conversations with your followers and motivate them to address you freely in comments.
Users can share any of your posts in their Stories line. This is great since this action can increase your exposure, reach, and number of Instagram likes. You can encourage your followers to share your posts and receive better reach and more activity for your ratings.
Choose Quality Over Quantity
Like count, removal was provoked by an unhealthy fixation on the numbers among personal blogs and brands. This desperate wish to get a bigger number of likes on IG led to increased frauds and bot farms that harmed the app’s environment.
So, today the platform reacts better to the user activity on certain content than to bald digits, however big they could be. For Instagram algorithms, interaction is important, so you should focus on increasing these measures. Your goal is to gather a strong community that doesn’t watch silently how you upload the content, but saves, likes, comments, and shares your posts on Insta.
Be Careful With The Influencer Marketing
The strategy that involves the authority of popular Instagram role models is now considered one of the most effective. But today, due to the decrease in trust in online celebrities, you must look carefully and choose your brand ambassadors wisely.
You need to find personalities who can engage and interact with their audience and who have high activity on their profiles (including the number of IG likes) because only user activity can also be effective for you. The audience size is not that important because you must concentrate on genuine and high-quality content that an Insta blogger provides.
Work On Your Visuals
Since Instagram dwellers now have more to do with the posts, you must put much effort into creating worthy content to collect many likes. Visually pleasing photos and videos do half of the work. Humans rely on their vision a lot, so attractive content automatically becomes the priority – this is the law of human nature. Invest in high-quality campaigns that can show the aesthetic side of your brand and introduce your followers to your world of inspiration and ideas. Ensure that your visuals send the right signals and expose the true information about your product.
Talk More
Communication is vital to people, as they come to social media to meet other people and fulfill their need to be social. The presence of brands on social media signals to users that you are open to less formal communication. By talking to your followers, you strengthen your bond with them, increasing their loyalty to the brand and your Insta page’s stats.
Also, people like feeling appreciated and listened to, so they will eagerly share their positive experiences with others, improving their reputation. You can give your followers IG likes to show them how valuable they are to you. But don’t forget to be consistent and organized in your actions and content.
Don’t Neglect Ads
Instagram has a built-in advertising system that helps to gain visibility on the platform and increase sales. To use it properly, you must know your target audience well because it will be vital for the best result. Using ads will improve brand awareness and help you to reach the maximum audience. The cost depends on many factors, and you should calculate it individually, but using consulting services for that is a huge bonus.
Face The Facts
We all must admit that Insta is not about chasing likes anymore. And it is not bad. Hiding hearts has lowered the pressure that many people felt because of it and also cleansed the market of third-party services, which are now focused on providing organic growth, not farming bots for numbers.
Also, diminishing the role of likes, Instagram opened a variety of new metrics to pay attention to, as described in the first paragraph. The algorithms that control ratings on this platform are now intelligent enough to analyze user behavior and offer the best content, thanks to this range of functions that users perform to expose their impression about the content.
In the like-less IG, brands have to change focus on other metrics for their successful growth. But Insta likes are still there, and despite being hidden, they still affect your ratings. Watch their progress in your analytics, see what kind of content continues to produce more hearts for your profile, and use it in your strategy.
Stability, beautiful visuals, and forward planning are your best friends for quick and effective growth on Instagram. However, sometimes it is worth to take experiments and making a sudden decision.