Sunday, February 23

10 Tips on How to Enjoy Writing in College

Not every one of us is born to be a writer. However, most of us deal with writing tasks at some stages in our lives. Writing skills are beneficial when you are a college student. And it doesn’t matter if you like to write, you have to get used to this activity.  

It won’t be that easy if you’re just learning how to write a cause and effect essay without enjoying the process. That is why we prepared ten simple tips for you on making your writing assignments more exciting. Hopefully, these pieces of advice will be valuable to you. Read the following tips to enjoy the writing process and become a writing fan in the future.

1. Everything starts with a plan

If an essay topic seems intimidating, try to start with the main points. A good structure usually translates to a good paper. So, write down the main ideas and think in what order it’s better to present them. We advise you to think about the thesis statement you will present in the introduction. Then, write down the main body arguments and a few bullet points for conclusion and connect the dots by making the entire outline.

2. Don’t be a perfectionist!

It’s essential to try your best in what you are doing. But being a perfectionist could stop you from creating new things. Your expectations can demotivate you, and finally, this attitude could make the writing process an extremely tiring one. Just allow yourself to be a human who can make mistakes, and you’ll see how much faster it will go.  

3. Go with the flow

Panicking about the grade before you even start your assignment is unreasonable to say the least. It’s better to accept the situation and enjoy the moment. Just don’t stop your mind from producing new ideas, and you will be surprised at how talented you are and how many thoughts were hiding somewhere in your subconscious.

4. Steal like an artist

This tip is not about plagiarism. Steal Like an Artist is the title of an Austin Kleon‘s book. This book teaches us to learn from others because nothing is new in this world. To write a good essay quickly, read other people’s essays, listen to podcasts or watch videos on relevant topics before writing. You can both use it as a source or just remix the ideas and create your own under their influence.

5. Make your workplace inspiring

Some people need absolute silence to be productive, while others need some music or white noise to write. Choose the option that works best for you. Put on your favourite playlist or go to your favorite coffee shop. Make yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea in order to avoid distractions later. Clean the space around you, turn off social media notifications and just start to write.  

6. Use a mindmap

Mindmapping is an excellent visualisation technique. You can use it for the prewriting stage to generate the ideas on a topic. This visualisation of the subject can help you with brainstorming.  Firstly, choose the key elements or main ideas. Then, write down sub-ideas in the branches. It could help you with the structure of an essay and help your brain find new points of view.

7. Manage your time

Procrastination is the oldest enemy of all writers. As is often the case, students start to write a paper the night before the deadline, even though they were given three weeks for preparation. It makes this assignment even harder. Luckily, there are many convenient time-management tools and time trackers that can help you avoid postponing till the last minute. 

8. Don’t hesitate to ask for help

You can always ask your friends or family members for a piece of advice. Read the draft of your essay to them, ask their opinion and be open to criticism. Truth is born in the argument, so this practice will help you to notice potential mistakes. The feedback is essential to analyse your strengths and weaknesses, and to develop your skills in the future.

9. Use all the available resources

Sometimes students have problems with writing just because they are not aware of all the resource possibilities. Don’t focus only on well-known internet services. Check out your college sources. Usually, students get access to online and offline libraries and writing centres. Ask your professor what sources it’s better to use.

10. Edit your paper before submission

Essay editing becomes more manageable with all the available online tools. With the help of online applications such as Grammarly, you can not only check your spelling. Also, you can make sure your ideas are stated clearly, with the right tone of voice and correct grammar constructions. Editing an essay is not just about getting rid of typos. Read it carefully to be sure the professor will understand your message correctly.

11. Don’t forget about motivation

It’s much easier to motivate yourself when you like the topic of the paper. But what should you do if you just hate it? First of all, remember that it’s not the last assignment in your life. Maybe you are struggling now, but you will be relieved as soon as you submit the paper. Secondly, don’t forget to treat yourself. For example, allow yourself a bar of favourite chocolate after the first page is finished.

Wrapping Up

At times, it may seem like writing tasks are the most challenging part of your entire life. But practice makes perfect. By trying the tips we prepared, you can find the best way to start enjoying writing, which works precisely for you.

Just don’t give up and stay focused on what you are doing. And rest assured, writing skills will be advantageous long after you graduate. The ability to create any type of content can be helpful to achieve more even if you are not going to be a writer.

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